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    1. MysT3CH 11 yrs ago


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• 嵐の一族 •

Kishiro Arashi

Rini (Little Rabbit), The Azure Dragon




Kekkei Genkai:
Hekigan (Blue Eyes): Also referred to as 'the Eyes of the Storm' and 'the Gale Gaze'; the Hekigan is a dojutsu which grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognise genjutsu and different forms of chakra. Though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. An experienced wielder of this dojutsu may also be able to track fast-moving objects and gain some amount of predictive capabilities. Allowing them to see an 'image' of an opponent's next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body and counter-attack or dodge without any wasted movement. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not always have time to react.

The Hekigan also grants its users the ability to use the Storm Release, or 'Gale Style'. Provided they are able to manipulate the necessary elements of both Lightning and Water. Although it's predictive capabilities are said to be on par with that of the Sharingan's, the Hekigan became all but extinct when the Arashi Clan was exterminated during the destruction of Uzushiogakure. Because of this, few shinobi are alive during the current age whom are aware of the Hekigan's existence. It should be noted that the Hekigan was an rarity among the Arashi, with its appearance being seemingly random across them. When activated the Hekigan makes both the user's pupils and irises a bright and luminous sky blue.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of one's Hekigan is directly linked to the user's mental state. When used in conjunction with with negative emotions, such as sorrow and hate, it's capabilities are enhanced. Allowing any jutsu cast through it to undergo an increase in inherent proficiency and strength, at the expense of stability and control.

As an Arashi, Kishiro's most prominent physical traits are his speed and durability. As those of the Arashi bloodline were once rumored to be the swiftest shinobi of all the five lands, and were known for being remarkably hard to kill. A feat which helped to fuel their village's epithet as 'The village of longevity'. However, it is also assumed that they were a peace worshipping people. As is the case with Kishiro, and formerly, his mother. Thus, they are all pacifists at heart.



Fall of the Arashi

Kishiro's story begins with the death of his clan. As an small clan within the Land of Whirlpool, the Arashi were always close with the Uzumaki Clan. Of which most of Uzushiogakure's residents were a part of. As such, members of the Arashi clan often intermarried with those from the Uzumaki clan. Thus, were always on good terms with them. However, when Uzushiogakure was destroyed, the Arashi were nigh completely eradicated. With what few members that survived seeking refuge where ever it could be found across the ninja world.

It was this particular development that saw one Nobunaga Arashi take up residence within Konohagakure. Having been little more than an weapons smith, Nobunaga abandoned his name as an Arashi out of fear, opting to call himself by the name Shinoda instead. Despite this though, he never forgot his clan's history, Nor their Ideals. Thus, it was only after he married, and his wife Hisana had birthed his daughter, that the Arashi clan began to rise once more.

Akane Shinoda

While her parents, in their old age were content with their lives as merchants, Akane, Nobunaga's daughter always had bigger goals. Thus attended the ninja academy in her youth. As she grew, she became a more promising shinobi with each year. Under the tutelage of her father, she also grew more educated in the ways of her clan. However, it was only after her chunin exams that her Hekigan awakened. Much to her own surprise.

Eventually, Akane was promoted to the rank of jonin and enlisted within the Anbu forces. Where she would continue to serve until she was one day captured by an Kirigakure Hunter-nin during an covert mission. Fearing she had been compromised, the Hidden Leaf then declared her dead. It wasn't until years later, after being continuously 'prompted' to betray the leaf, that Akane was freed. Albeit with the help of the same Hunter-nin who had captured her, a shinobi named Benkei Ayabe.

When she finally returned to Konohagakure, both Akane and Benkei were reprimanded into custody. It was there that it was discovered that she had become pregnant, the father being none other than Benkei himself. Seeing this as further proof that she had betrayed them, despite the fact that this was not the case, the Hokage ordered to have them both executed. While Benkei was hauled away, and presumably executed without hesitation, Akane's fate was delayed as to allow her to give birth. As it was decided that the child's life was not an necessary casualty.

Heir of Storm

With both parents apparently dead, it was by his grandparents that Kishiro was raised. While he was raised to be oblivious to his mother's fate, as well as his father's identity, Kishiro, who was given the name Arashi, was always treated differently by the elders of the village. Who scorned him for the apparent sins of his parents. Unlike his mother, who always showed promise from early in her youth, Kishiro seemed near-incapable of becoming a shinobi. As he failed at everything he attempted. It was this lack of proficiency that earned him the nickname 'Rini' among his peers. Who claimed he was just like a rabbit, cute and defenceless.

When he finally graduated, Kishiro had managed to become third in his class, surprising even his sensei at the time with his rapid degree of progress. As an Genin, he along with his classmates Monomi, and Yuuen were paired with a Jonin named Kuro Kamekaze, subsequently forming 'Team Kamekaze'. Over the years, the team took on many missions and Kishiro began to grow in strength. However tragedy would befall him in the days prior to the awakening of his Hekigan.

The Gale Gaze

After the death of his grandfather, Kishiro entered a stage of depression, having been left without any living relatives. As his grandmother had died before his birth. Yet, troubles only arose after he overheard one of the other Jonin calling his mother 'the worm of the leaf'. After confronting his mentor about it, it was at this time that Kuro, having been one of the shinobi who had worked with his mother, entrusted him with the truth of what had happened to his parents. As well as the secret that he had believed she was innocent. Enraged by this, Kishiro lashed out by haphazardly challenging the Hokage. Threatening to kill in via death match. It was during said commotion, after Kuro was forced to combatively restrain him, that he first donned his eyes.

Although his public threat was overlooked, many taking it as an joke due to his age and inexperience, it also caused most of the elder ninja to further looked down upon Kishiro as an lost cause. Especially since a few of the more elite recognized his eyes as the Hekigan, further instilling within then the fear that he would follow in his mother's footsteps. However, it wasn't until the Hokage personally addressed the matter, telling Kishiro that he would one day accept his challenge, so long as he held he, and he alone responsible for the past. After agreeing, Kishiro quickly resumed his duties at full effectiveness, despite knowing that his actions had created village-wide unrest.


As he and Team Kamakaze grew older, Kishiro eventually developed feelings for Monomi, which spurred a type of rivalry between himself and Yuuen. Whom had long possessed feelings for the kunoichi. However, nothing eventful ever resulted from their 'feud'. In fact, it was their unified will to protect Monomi during their chunin exam, as well as her desire to help them both, that lead them to come out on top.

It would also be this unified will to protect that would eventually be the cause of both Yuuen and Kishiro's ascension to the rank of Jonin years later. After Monomi was captured by a missing-nin, as a means of luring Kishiro into a trap, Yuuen volunteered to accompany him on his unsanctioned rescue mission. Claiming that he wanted to be the one to save her. When they finally located Monomi, the kidnapper revealed himself to be Benkei Ayabe, Kishiro's father. Who then regaled Kishiro with the tale of how he met his mother, and asked him to be apart of his plot to destroy the leaf. Disgusted by his father's determination to bring suffering to the leaf, despite understanding his desire to seek revenge, Kishiro refused and engaged into batlle with Benkei.

After an destructive and heavily emotional battle with his father, the young shinobi was eventually able to defeat Benkei with Yuuen's aid. When Kishiro attempted to restrain the severly injured shinobi, Benkei went on to boast. Revealing the particulars of his plan to destroy the leaf prior to stating they were already to late. Benkei then committed suicide by exploding himself via hidden explosive tags, hoping to take the three shinobi with him to the afterlife. Having survived due to the intervention of an recently awakened Monomi, the duo then split up. With Kishiro rushing ahead to warn the village while Yuuen escorted the injured Monomi back to the leaf.



Loyal, Intellectual and articulate, Kishiro frequently displays what is often described as an 'unflinching kindness'. Almost always wearing a smile and being full laughter. He is thought of as a protector by most of his friends, and has become quite popular among his female classmates. Who called him "Rini" during his time at the Academy.

While he claims to detest violence and cruelty, he is also known to possess an affinity for the former. Becoming sadistically violent when directly or indirectly provoked. Interestingly, Kishiro's personality seems to instantly flip when he finds himself in the presence of an Uchiha. As he usually becomes instantly hostile and treats the individual with an excessive amount of disrespect. Referring to them as "scum". A flaw that he alone as an Arashi seems to possess.

Combat Style:
Kishiro's combat style is primarily focuses on counter-assaults. During combat he generally tends to continually taunt his opponents, baiting them into attacking him. At which point he often utilizes nintaijutsu and/or his body's natural high level of durability to withstand the enemy's assault. Kishiro will then use either ninjustu or nintaijutsu to counter, taking advantage of his quickness to deliver deadly yet accurate blows to his opponents and quickly end the fight. While this makes him more of an short range combatant, his proficiency with ninjutsu also allow him to effectively fight and mid and long range if needed.

It should be noted that while he is not overly talented in taijutsu, Kishiro is capable of holding his own against even S-rank ninja. Provided they do not specifically specialize in it. Although he generally uses it for passive means, Kishiro is also highly talented in the use of

Nature Release:
Lightning, Water, Storm

Jutsu List:


Rune_Alchemist said
And here I was hoping people would be posting today....

This :/
The Beacon of Seireitei

Name: Kazuya Enoki

Actual Age: 369

Appearance Age: Late-Twenties

Rank: Former Captain

Division: Ninth (Formerly)

History: Kazuya was born into the Enoki family and grew up in the Enoki mansion in Seireitei. In his youth he would spend countless hours training, in preparation for the day he would become the head of the Enoki Clan. Thus, he was home schooled and never attended the Shino academy. Approximately Two-hundred ago, Kazuya got his first taste of real battle when an small group of traitors attempted to assassinate his family. Although he was able to fend off and even kill a few of the attackers, it was his father, Genjeiru Enoki, who ultimately drove them back. Roughly Thirty-three years after, Genjeiru was killed after responding to a hollow attack in the outer Rukongai district. Thus, Kazuya became head of the Enoki clan.

Approx. A hundred and sixty-five years ago, Kazuya fell in love with a shinigami by the name of Ai Tashimoto, who was a commoner from Rukongai. Five years later, when she had graduated from the Shino Academy, Kazuya was challenged by Ai's former lover to a duel to the death. However, as Kazuya was about to deliver the finishing blow, Ai stepped between the two. Thus, his blade struck her instead, ending her life. In a blind rage, Kazuya slaughtered his opponent as well as his three companions. While he was not persecuted for their deaths, killing them had lost him the favor of the other Noble families. Soon after, on the graves of his parents and lover, he swore that he would never let someone he cared for fall ever again. Roughly one hundred and thirty years ago, Kazuya became Lieutenant of Rokubantai, the sixth Division. Since then he has been loyally serving as a member of the Gotei thirteen.

Interestingly, it wasn't until ten years ago, that Kazuya earned the true respect of the soul society and ascended to the rank of Captain. As it was then that Kazuya along side two fellow captains, fought against an invading force of hollows. Though it was unknown as to why they attacked, it was the use of Kazuya's bankai that led to their defeat. Thus, it wasn't until after said battle that he acquired his namesake and was bestowed the Moniker "The Beacon of Seireitei". Sadly, his captaincy came at a heavy price. As it was because of the death of his friend and fellow Captain Saito Arashi, that Kazuya, via direct trail by combat, was granted Captaincy. Although their battle was a result of Arashi confessing himself to be a traitor and the reason for the hollow attack, Kazuya's public victory made him the youngest of his bloodline to ever claim the rank of Captain.

Since becoming a Captain, Kazuya has spent endless hours training with members of both of the second and eleventh divisions, and has used elements of both division's teachings to reinforce and redesign the training regime of the ninth division. Kazuya also took it upon himself to have his division host an annual Hakuda tournament as a way of both gauging and improving the skills of the Gotei thirteen as a collective whole.

However, his reign as Captain would be short lived. Having discovered that Ai, the woman he had loved was indeed not still alive, but was being detained by the twelfth division. Enoki made it his mission to once again become reunited with her. Only to be blockaded by the the division's captain. At which point it was revealed that Ai was not an actual shinigami, but an artificial entity created by the twelfth division. Who had been experimenting with Gigai and gikon technology in an attempt to create the perfect spy. It was also revealed that her feelings for Kazuya were manufactored by the twelfth division as a means of testing the experiments deceptive capabilities, and that the was the real reason why Kazuya had not been punished for those he killed as a result of it's deception, was because Ai had never truly died. Instantly outraged by this, Kazuya then went on to attack the entirety of the division in an attempt to free the restrained Ai.

While he was eventually able to succeed in his campaign, mortally wounding the division's captain in the process, it was ultimately Ai who brought the shinigami to his knees. As the twelfth division capatin initaited a built in self destruct function that nearly killed the rampant Kazuya. While he still considers himself wholly dedicated to the Soul Society and it's protection. Enoki now operates as a rogue Shinigami. Whose continuous attempts at vengence against both the Captain Commander and the Captain of the twelfth have earned him the title of the Soul Society's most wanted.

Personality: Kazuya is polite, soft-spoken and intellectual. often addressing his subordinates by their given names. He rarely shows any sign of alarm or distress and often has entire situations planned out well in advance. Due to his upbringing, he is also extremely disciplined. Thus, is capable of taking and executing orders without hesitation or second thought on the matter. However, he will not hesitate to question an order should he believe it to be flawed. While he initially appears to be a very kind, well-respected man, Kazuya is known to be protective. Thus is easily angered when someone he admittedly cares for is at risk.

Despite the fact that Kazuya rarely shows it, he can at times be an extremely outgoing and fun loving individual. When exemplifying this, Enoki possesses an actively creative sense of humor and is known to be a flirtatious around women. This however, ties into the fact that he is a self proclaimed gentleman. Thus, goes out of his way to ensure he always behaves in a respectable manor when dealing with, or around females.

It should also be noted that although generally discreet about it, Kazuya possesses a strong degree of hate towards Hollows and Hollow-kind. This hate is especially strong when dealing with Arrancar and Visoreds. Although it is unknown exactly why he developed such a hate for them, said hate is so vivid that he will often attack any being in possession of hollow-esque reiatsu immediately and without hesitation. Still, this is not his greatest flaw. When truly angered, Kazuya seems to lose most of his semblance of self. As a result, he oft becomes living embodiment of violence. Therefore, when in this state, Kazuya will often attack anyone, or thing, the gets between him and the object of his rage.

Appearance: Standing at six foot one and weighing in at a hundred and seventy three pounds, Kazuya possesses a well defined musculature and an athletic built. His eyes which generally appear to be light brown, are tinted with a hue of yellow. The likes of which only shows when his irises are hit by light at an particular angle. He has a vertically diagonal scar upon his left cheek, as well as moderate length dark blue hair. He wears a set of armor over his black Shihakusho and old Captain's Haori.

Due to the level of reiryoku in Kazuya's possession, Kazuya also wears a Gentei Reiin in the form of a black ring at all times when not in combat. Said limiter is normally kept active until he either suffers a moderate wound during combat or feels outmatched, at which point it is broken via Gentei Kaijo by removing the ring.

Fighting Style: Kazuya's preferred method of combat is a Zanjutsu centered style Known as Warutsu. Warutsu, also known as the Extirpating waltz, is a combative form that simultaneously utilizes elements of hakuda, and hoho to improve the effectiveness one's zanjutsu. It forces the practitioner to view their zanpakuto as an extension of their physical being. Both by encouraging movements that wouldn't normally be applied while using zanjutsu, as well as movements that are frequently used, in order to keep the opponent on their toes. Unlike traditional styles, Warutsu also uses Hakuda as a means of reinforcing and empowering the each of the weapon's movements. Much in the same way it uses hoho to increase the speed at which the practitioner is capable of acting and reacting. Both with and without a weapon. Because of this, the practitioner is capable of utilizing an unorthodox and wildly unpredictable style to maximize damage while simultaneously minimizing potential risks. Warutsu also allows Kazuya to switch between traditional and non-traditional styles on the fly. Allowing him to be widely versatile.


Name: Amaterasu / That which illuminates heaven

Sealed appearance: In it's sealed state, Amaterasu appears as a Katana sword with a black and red hilt and silver oval shaped wrist guard. Its blade's color varies from black to silver depending on how the light hits it.

Inner world: Kazuya's Inner world is his mental depiction of the end of the universe, or it's heat death. It consists only of the last star in the Universe, which he refers to as the Cold Star, sitting on the edge of a Time dilating Vortex that prevents the Universe from actually ending. It represents the constant inner struggle within Kazuya. Who is frequently torn between his desire to protect those he loves and destroy those he hates.

Spirit appearance: Amaterasu often appears as an angel-like female figure with long blonde hair. The likes of which possesses an hair clip shaped like a white angel wing within it. She wears a form-fitting armor of silver and blue coloration, with a tattered red scarf tied around her upper right arm. Amaterasu's eyes are a luminous white color with dark blue, almost black sclerae. Lastly, there is the matter of the luminous blue reiatsu that constantly flows from her back, forming a sort of reiryoku based set of wings. As well as an halo above Amaterasu's head.

Shikai apperance: During Shikai Amaterasu's appearance does not change. Instead, its blade glows a bright and vivid blue and begins to continuous emit an audible humming sound. Similar to a buzz. To an on looker it would appear as a beam of light rather than a sword.

Shikai command: Shine on the Heavens, Amaterasu!

Shikai Special Ability: Amaterasu has the ability to manipulate light, and is considered the strongest light-based Zanpakuto in all of Soul Society.

Passive Abilities:
    [*]Kagayaki: (Radiance) - Amaterasu allows Kazuya to use Photokinetic Regeneration. Allowing him to absorb light and use it to heal himself in a process similar to photosynthesis. The rate at which he heals is determined by both the severity of the wound as well as the available amount of external light. As Kazuya is not able to absorb any light produced by Amaterasu. It should be noted that the proficiency of this ability is greatly increased when Kazuya is exposed to direct sunlight. As well as nullified when no external light source is present. I.E. when he is within complete and utter darkness.

    [*]Kyuuin: (Absorption) - Amaterasu's glow during shikai is so bright that a direct glance at it would temporarily cause the on looker to be robbed of their sight. While a brief glance (fractions of an second) would only cause the effected to suffer blindness for a few seconds, an prolonged gaze at Amaterasu's light could cause permanent blindness. To Kazuya's eyes, this light is greatly dulled, thus only appears as a slight glow on the surface of his Zanpakuto's blade. As opposed to an blinding beam of light. This effect can be counter via the use of protective lenses such as sunglasses, but only when ten or more feet away from Amaterasu's blade.

Active Abilities:
    [*]Moyasu: - (Burn) Kazuya aims the tip of his zanpakuto at his target and slashes the space before him. As he does this, photokinetic energy is channeled along the blade, which strongly vibrates during the motion. This lets each slash launch a crescent of laser-like energy towards the desired target. This energy possesses strong penetrating properties, thus is capable of cutting through most inanimate objects. Said crescents also inflict severe burn upon contact with the target.

Bankai appearance: In his bankai State Kazuya's appearance, for the most part, does not change. Because of the effects of Shingai, Amaterasu no longer appears as a katana sword. Instead taking on the form of a broadsword and shield combo. Kazuya also gains wings similar to Amaterasu's as a result of it reflecting its self image upon his flesh. It should be noted that his sword and shield can be discarded and reequipped at will. At which point they will either appear or disappear via an flash of blinding light.

Bankai command: Holy Goddess! Bathe the word in your absolute light! Bankai, Amaterasu Suenagaku!

Passive Abilities:
    [*]Empowerment: - Kazuya still uses all of his shikai abilities but to a vastly more devastating degree in terms of power. He also gains a slight boost in physical strength. Essentially, his bankai's core release acts as an ability buffer.

Active Abilities:
    [*]Shingai: (God armor) - Amaterasu temporarily bonds with Kazuya. As a result, his armor becomes so hard that it can parry adeptly powerful strikes without ill effect. Because his body and zanpakuto body are now one, Kazuya also gains Amaterasu's ability manipulate light. Thus is capable of doing so with simple waves of his hand. While in this state his armor is almost completely impervious to physical attacks, meaning only powerful energy based attacks, attacks with an incalculable amount of force, and attacks upon unarmored areas are effective. Additionally, Kazuya's ability to use Shunpo is substituted for a light based flash stepping technique he calls "Warping". Warping it is faster than a Sonido, as it allows him to move at the the speed of light. However, it is extremely taxing. Thus allows Kazuya to easily out pace most opponents, at the expense of his stamina.

    [*]Kanakirigoe: (Screech) - After collecting a large amount of reiryoku within his mouth, Kazuya releases a laser-like beam of light towards the target. This 'bellow' has enough destructive force to destroy an entire building with one blast. A direct hit from this attack would. Cause the target to be exposed to massive amounts of intense heat. However, due to the rapid pace at which this is done, the target would rapidly burn up and be reduced to ash. Seemingly having been disintegrated. The attack has a radius of ten meters and a range of one kilometer.
*gets emotional* This shizz happens way too often nowadays!

But i think we can revive it... even if we have to stick pointy things into the people who disappeareed. >_>
I'll pledge interest here.
Finally stopped procrasinating and got my lazy ass to post :o

Finally releasing his hands as the Wyvern feld, a smirk of satisfaction lined his face as Chloe brought the hammer against the Wyvern. In awe, Verin mouthed the words that had left Chloe's mouth, trying comprehend what he had just heard. "Utlra...Super..." His eye twitched as he stared at Chloe quizzically. Letting out a sigh before raising his hand to his face, slapping his face against his palm. He shook his head.

When Rurik suggested they return, Verin simply walked over to Esclarin. Gripping it's hilt, he then fought off the fatigue weighing his body down as he heaved the sword out of the dirt. It was only after he sheathed it that he thought to address his companions. Looking to both of them, he then shot them an exaggerated grin and sent both arms out before him. Giving them both an thumbs up.
IT SHALL NOT DIE!!!! *goes Gandolf on the silence*

i'll have a post up sometime tonight. Got caught up playing Spartacus yesterday :$
@Stein: I'm aware you're busy overlooking CSs, but did u see my inquiry?
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