Kekkei Genkai:
Hekigan (Blue Eyes): Also referred to as 'the Eyes of the Storm' and 'the Gale Gaze'; the Hekigan is a dojutsu which grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognise genjutsu and different forms of chakra. Though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. An experienced wielder of this dojutsu may also be able to track fast-moving objects and gain some amount of predictive capabilities. Allowing them to see an 'image' of an opponent's next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body and counter-attack or dodge without any wasted movement. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not always have time to react.
The Hekigan also grants its users the ability to use the Storm Release, or 'Gale Style'. Provided they are able to manipulate the necessary elements of both Lightning and Water. Although it's predictive capabilities are said to be on par with that of the Sharingan's, the Hekigan became all but extinct when the Arashi Clan was exterminated during the destruction of Uzushiogakure. Because of this, few shinobi are alive during the current age whom are aware of the Hekigan's existence. It should be noted that the Hekigan was an rarity among the Arashi, with its appearance being seemingly random across them. When activated the Hekigan makes both the user's pupils and irises a bright and luminous sky blue.
It should be noted that the effectiveness of one's Hekigan is directly linked to the user's mental state. When used in conjunction with with negative emotions, such as sorrow and hate, it's capabilities are enhanced. Allowing any jutsu cast through it to undergo an increase in inherent proficiency and strength, at the expense of stability and control.
The Hekigan also grants its users the ability to use the Storm Release, or 'Gale Style'. Provided they are able to manipulate the necessary elements of both Lightning and Water. Although it's predictive capabilities are said to be on par with that of the Sharingan's, the Hekigan became all but extinct when the Arashi Clan was exterminated during the destruction of Uzushiogakure. Because of this, few shinobi are alive during the current age whom are aware of the Hekigan's existence. It should be noted that the Hekigan was an rarity among the Arashi, with its appearance being seemingly random across them. When activated the Hekigan makes both the user's pupils and irises a bright and luminous sky blue.
It should be noted that the effectiveness of one's Hekigan is directly linked to the user's mental state. When used in conjunction with with negative emotions, such as sorrow and hate, it's capabilities are enhanced. Allowing any jutsu cast through it to undergo an increase in inherent proficiency and strength, at the expense of stability and control.
As an Arashi, Kishiro's most prominent physical traits are his speed and durability. As those of the Arashi bloodline were once rumored to be the swiftest shinobi of all the five lands, and were known for being remarkably hard to kill. A feat which helped to fuel their village's epithet as 'The village of longevity'. However, it is also assumed that they were a peace worshipping people. As is the case with Kishiro, and formerly, his mother. Thus, they are all pacifists at heart.

Kishiro's story begins with the death of his clan. As an small clan within the Land of Whirlpool, the Arashi were always close with the Uzumaki Clan. Of which most of Uzushiogakure's residents were a part of. As such, members of the Arashi clan often intermarried with those from the Uzumaki clan. Thus, were always on good terms with them. However, when Uzushiogakure was destroyed, the Arashi were nigh completely eradicated. With what few members that survived seeking refuge where ever it could be found across the ninja world.
It was this particular development that saw one Nobunaga Arashi take up residence within Konohagakure. Having been little more than an weapons smith, Nobunaga abandoned his name as an Arashi out of fear, opting to call himself by the name Shinoda instead. Despite this though, he never forgot his clan's history, Nor their Ideals. Thus, it was only after he married, and his wife Hisana had birthed his daughter, that the Arashi clan began to rise once more.
It was this particular development that saw one Nobunaga Arashi take up residence within Konohagakure. Having been little more than an weapons smith, Nobunaga abandoned his name as an Arashi out of fear, opting to call himself by the name Shinoda instead. Despite this though, he never forgot his clan's history, Nor their Ideals. Thus, it was only after he married, and his wife Hisana had birthed his daughter, that the Arashi clan began to rise once more.
While her parents, in their old age were content with their lives as merchants, Akane, Nobunaga's daughter always had bigger goals. Thus attended the ninja academy in her youth. As she grew, she became a more promising shinobi with each year. Under the tutelage of her father, she also grew more educated in the ways of her clan. However, it was only after her chunin exams that her Hekigan awakened. Much to her own surprise.
Eventually, Akane was promoted to the rank of jonin and enlisted within the Anbu forces. Where she would continue to serve until she was one day captured by an Kirigakure Hunter-nin during an covert mission. Fearing she had been compromised, the Hidden Leaf then declared her dead. It wasn't until years later, after being continuously 'prompted' to betray the leaf, that Akane was freed. Albeit with the help of the same Hunter-nin who had captured her, a shinobi named Benkei Ayabe.
When she finally returned to Konohagakure, both Akane and Benkei were reprimanded into custody. It was there that it was discovered that she had become pregnant, the father being none other than Benkei himself. Seeing this as further proof that she had betrayed them, despite the fact that this was not the case, the Hokage ordered to have them both executed. While Benkei was hauled away, and presumably executed without hesitation, Akane's fate was delayed as to allow her to give birth. As it was decided that the child's life was not an necessary casualty.
Eventually, Akane was promoted to the rank of jonin and enlisted within the Anbu forces. Where she would continue to serve until she was one day captured by an Kirigakure Hunter-nin during an covert mission. Fearing she had been compromised, the Hidden Leaf then declared her dead. It wasn't until years later, after being continuously 'prompted' to betray the leaf, that Akane was freed. Albeit with the help of the same Hunter-nin who had captured her, a shinobi named Benkei Ayabe.
When she finally returned to Konohagakure, both Akane and Benkei were reprimanded into custody. It was there that it was discovered that she had become pregnant, the father being none other than Benkei himself. Seeing this as further proof that she had betrayed them, despite the fact that this was not the case, the Hokage ordered to have them both executed. While Benkei was hauled away, and presumably executed without hesitation, Akane's fate was delayed as to allow her to give birth. As it was decided that the child's life was not an necessary casualty.
With both parents apparently dead, it was by his grandparents that Kishiro was raised. While he was raised to be oblivious to his mother's fate, as well as his father's identity, Kishiro, who was given the name Arashi, was always treated differently by the elders of the village. Who scorned him for the apparent sins of his parents. Unlike his mother, who always showed promise from early in her youth, Kishiro seemed near-incapable of becoming a shinobi. As he failed at everything he attempted. It was this lack of proficiency that earned him the nickname 'Rini' among his peers. Who claimed he was just like a rabbit, cute and defenceless.
When he finally graduated, Kishiro had managed to become third in his class, surprising even his sensei at the time with his rapid degree of progress. As an Genin, he along with his classmates Monomi, and Yuuen were paired with a Jonin named Kuro Kamekaze, subsequently forming 'Team Kamekaze'. Over the years, the team took on many missions and Kishiro began to grow in strength. However tragedy would befall him in the days prior to the awakening of his Hekigan.
When he finally graduated, Kishiro had managed to become third in his class, surprising even his sensei at the time with his rapid degree of progress. As an Genin, he along with his classmates Monomi, and Yuuen were paired with a Jonin named Kuro Kamekaze, subsequently forming 'Team Kamekaze'. Over the years, the team took on many missions and Kishiro began to grow in strength. However tragedy would befall him in the days prior to the awakening of his Hekigan.
After the death of his grandfather, Kishiro entered a stage of depression, having been left without any living relatives. As his grandmother had died before his birth. Yet, troubles only arose after he overheard one of the other Jonin calling his mother 'the worm of the leaf'. After confronting his mentor about it, it was at this time that Kuro, having been one of the shinobi who had worked with his mother, entrusted him with the truth of what had happened to his parents. As well as the secret that he had believed she was innocent. Enraged by this, Kishiro lashed out by haphazardly challenging the Hokage. Threatening to kill in via death match. It was during said commotion, after Kuro was forced to combatively restrain him, that he first donned his eyes.
Although his public threat was overlooked, many taking it as an joke due to his age and inexperience, it also caused most of the elder ninja to further looked down upon Kishiro as an lost cause. Especially since a few of the more elite recognized his eyes as the Hekigan, further instilling within then the fear that he would follow in his mother's footsteps. However, it wasn't until the Hokage personally addressed the matter, telling Kishiro that he would one day accept his challenge, so long as he held he, and he alone responsible for the past. After agreeing, Kishiro quickly resumed his duties at full effectiveness, despite knowing that his actions had created village-wide unrest.
Although his public threat was overlooked, many taking it as an joke due to his age and inexperience, it also caused most of the elder ninja to further looked down upon Kishiro as an lost cause. Especially since a few of the more elite recognized his eyes as the Hekigan, further instilling within then the fear that he would follow in his mother's footsteps. However, it wasn't until the Hokage personally addressed the matter, telling Kishiro that he would one day accept his challenge, so long as he held he, and he alone responsible for the past. After agreeing, Kishiro quickly resumed his duties at full effectiveness, despite knowing that his actions had created village-wide unrest.
As he and Team Kamakaze grew older, Kishiro eventually developed feelings for Monomi, which spurred a type of rivalry between himself and Yuuen. Whom had long possessed feelings for the kunoichi. However, nothing eventful ever resulted from their 'feud'. In fact, it was their unified will to protect Monomi during their chunin exam, as well as her desire to help them both, that lead them to come out on top.
It would also be this unified will to protect that would eventually be the cause of both Yuuen and Kishiro's ascension to the rank of Jonin years later. After Monomi was captured by a missing-nin, as a means of luring Kishiro into a trap, Yuuen volunteered to accompany him on his unsanctioned rescue mission. Claiming that he wanted to be the one to save her. When they finally located Monomi, the kidnapper revealed himself to be Benkei Ayabe, Kishiro's father. Who then regaled Kishiro with the tale of how he met his mother, and asked him to be apart of his plot to destroy the leaf. Disgusted by his father's determination to bring suffering to the leaf, despite understanding his desire to seek revenge, Kishiro refused and engaged into batlle with Benkei.
After an destructive and heavily emotional battle with his father, the young shinobi was eventually able to defeat Benkei with Yuuen's aid. When Kishiro attempted to restrain the severly injured shinobi, Benkei went on to boast. Revealing the particulars of his plan to destroy the leaf prior to stating they were already to late. Benkei then committed suicide by exploding himself via hidden explosive tags, hoping to take the three shinobi with him to the afterlife. Having survived due to the intervention of an recently awakened Monomi, the duo then split up. With Kishiro rushing ahead to warn the village while Yuuen escorted the injured Monomi back to the leaf.
It would also be this unified will to protect that would eventually be the cause of both Yuuen and Kishiro's ascension to the rank of Jonin years later. After Monomi was captured by a missing-nin, as a means of luring Kishiro into a trap, Yuuen volunteered to accompany him on his unsanctioned rescue mission. Claiming that he wanted to be the one to save her. When they finally located Monomi, the kidnapper revealed himself to be Benkei Ayabe, Kishiro's father. Who then regaled Kishiro with the tale of how he met his mother, and asked him to be apart of his plot to destroy the leaf. Disgusted by his father's determination to bring suffering to the leaf, despite understanding his desire to seek revenge, Kishiro refused and engaged into batlle with Benkei.
After an destructive and heavily emotional battle with his father, the young shinobi was eventually able to defeat Benkei with Yuuen's aid. When Kishiro attempted to restrain the severly injured shinobi, Benkei went on to boast. Revealing the particulars of his plan to destroy the leaf prior to stating they were already to late. Benkei then committed suicide by exploding himself via hidden explosive tags, hoping to take the three shinobi with him to the afterlife. Having survived due to the intervention of an recently awakened Monomi, the duo then split up. With Kishiro rushing ahead to warn the village while Yuuen escorted the injured Monomi back to the leaf.
Loyal, Intellectual and articulate, Kishiro frequently displays what is often described as an 'unflinching kindness'. Almost always wearing a smile and being full laughter. He is thought of as a protector by most of his friends, and has become quite popular among his female classmates. Who called him "Rini" during his time at the Academy.
While he claims to detest violence and cruelty, he is also known to possess an affinity for the former. Becoming sadistically violent when directly or indirectly provoked. Interestingly, Kishiro's personality seems to instantly flip when he finds himself in the presence of an Uchiha. As he usually becomes instantly hostile and treats the individual with an excessive amount of disrespect. Referring to them as "scum". A flaw that he alone as an Arashi seems to possess.
While he claims to detest violence and cruelty, he is also known to possess an affinity for the former. Becoming sadistically violent when directly or indirectly provoked. Interestingly, Kishiro's personality seems to instantly flip when he finds himself in the presence of an Uchiha. As he usually becomes instantly hostile and treats the individual with an excessive amount of disrespect. Referring to them as "scum". A flaw that he alone as an Arashi seems to possess.
Combat Style:
Kishiro's combat style is primarily focuses on counter-assaults. During combat he generally tends to continually taunt his opponents, baiting them into attacking him. At which point he often utilizes nintaijutsu and/or his body's natural high level of durability to withstand the enemy's assault. Kishiro will then use either ninjustu or nintaijutsu to counter, taking advantage of his quickness to deliver deadly yet accurate blows to his opponents and quickly end the fight. While this makes him more of an short range combatant, his proficiency with ninjutsu also allow him to effectively fight and mid and long range if needed.
It should be noted that while he is not overly talented in taijutsu, Kishiro is capable of holding his own against even S-rank ninja. Provided they do not specifically specialize in it. Although he generally uses it for passive means, Kishiro is also highly talented in the use of
It should be noted that while he is not overly talented in taijutsu, Kishiro is capable of holding his own against even S-rank ninja. Provided they do not specifically specialize in it. Although he generally uses it for passive means, Kishiro is also highly talented in the use of
Nature Release:
Jutsu List: