Name: Avis T. Lancaster
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Standing at five feet eleven and a half inches, with a deceptive weight of a hundred and eighty-four pounds. Avis is an green eyed African-American male with an athletically slim build and caramel complexion. He is often considered to be possess an attractive and boyishly handsome face, which is usually kept smooth and clean shaven. With his black hair styled in a low leveled baber cut, complete with brushed in waves.
His body, which possesses well defined musculature due to years of competitive wrestling, features a well cut six pack about his core, average sized yet firmly solid pectorals and excellently defined arms. While his triceps are the most noticeably defined sections of his arms, his biceps, when flexed, are as equally well built. Avis' legs are also well defined, and are best described as "a runner's legs". As they possess well built thigh and calf muscles. Avis' eyes are an emerald green in color and he has petite ears, which he was often teased about in his youth.
Personality: Although generally taciturn and introverted among strangers, Avis is best described as thrill seeking and outgoing. He is full of contradictions, yet rarely a hypocrite, and never willingly so. Priding himself on his creed of honesty and devotion, Avis possesses an supernatural degree of determination. Once he makes up his mind to accomplish something, he literally stops at nothing until he has done so. Those who are close to him often claim he possesses a radiant personality, and that he is often capable unintentionally imprinting his moods onto others.
While the emotionless or grim look that usually lines his face my suggest otherwise, Avis is in actuality a deeply loving and protective individual. Something which causes him to immediately hate any person or thing that causes harm to those he cares for. As well as resent those that cause needless suffering. Interestingly, Avis also possesses a heavy cynical outlook on life. As a self-proclaimed atheist, he often questions the motivations of God with in relation to tragic events.
What should be made note of, however, is his alternate personality when enraged. While he is often understanding, sympathetic and well disciplined as a norm, Avis is known to became a pseudo maniac when angered beyond control. When enraged to this degree, Avis has been seen to be vastly stubborn, unrelenting and unforgiving. As well as a profound sadist in regards to the target of his rage, wishing only to inflict the most suffering upon said individual as quickly as possible. While this darker side of him can helpful within combat situations, his judgement usually also becomes heavily clouded. Thus causing him to make frequent poor choices with little regard for himself or others. Severely harming his target or an extreme show of affection by a loved one are usually the only things that will immediately calm him down when in this state.
Relationship with Parent/Guardian: Poor/Non-Existant. While Avis deeply loved his parents, he came to despise his uncle. Who obtained custody of him after they passed.
Brief Biography: Avis Thierry Lancaster was born and raised in the township of Hope. His mother, Marie, was a Belgium native who moved to Hope after marrying his father, Tristan. Because of this, Avis was raised to be bilingual. Thus, became fluent in both English and French at a very young age. Sadly, Avis' father, who was the former sheriff of the town, died saving his mother after a fire had burnt down their home. As if this wasn't enough, Marie soon after became suicidal due to depression and stepped out in front of a bus.
Hence, Avis was forced to endure a rough life under the care of his now drunken and abusive uncle, Dune. Still, despite the years of bullying, beatings and neglect, Avis went on to become the wrestling champion and valedictorian of his graduating year. Recently, Avis began working with the local electrician, in hopes of learning the trade.
Number: 2
Virtue: Diligence