Avatar of NacNak
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  • Old Guild Username: NacNak
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. NacNak 11 yrs ago
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Stryder said
We were in the shop too, why did you blow it up?

I didn't blow it up! >XD

shade had Jacque do so, here let me get the post X3

MonsieurShade said
Jacque reentered the market place, though he kept his eye on the street outside for any sign of reinforcements, "Well now Mr.Merchant, here we are, your suppliers dead, your products released, your customers scared off, and your store damaged and soon to be destroyed by moi. I gotta ask, was it worth it? The trading of the lives of sentient beings for f*cking MONEY?" Jacque said as he loomed over the shop owner who lay before him. Having not moved after giving Jacque the key for fear of being shot, the merchant stared up at Jacque through one eye -the other having been crusted shut by dry blood and tears- and spoke "You..come...kill me...now?", it asked with choppy english. Jacque crouched and pet Coal over the head like a villain stroking their cat, "No...no not even close. Y'see, what you've done is pretty terrible, but I don't feel that there's a lesson to be learned from vengeful murder. Instead, i'm going to let you live, live with the knowledge that the creature you were going to sell not only destroyed your shop, but refused to end your life after taking that which you worked hard to gain. You'll know what it's like to have everything taken from you, just like the people you've sold." Jacque explained with a soft smile on his face. The shaman snatched the merchant up my his shirt and dragged him out of the shop. "Alright gentlemen, you've got one last job to do." Jacque shouted to the corpses as he got far enough back before willing them into the shop. Once they all entered the premises, Jacque had each of the corpses activate any explosives they had on their persons, be it via pulling a pin or pressing a button. As Jacque clasped his hands over his ears, the alien merchant looked on in shock and horror as its store went up in a series of explosions and flames before letting out a shrill shriek of dismay. "I feel as though I should make some sort of one liner here. Instead I think i'll be getting off this rock. I'm sure that slaver ship has an escape shuttle or two it could spare." Jacque said before walking away

it's not the whole thing, but I left the important part in it X3
Alice grit her teeth as a livid look took over her, not only did this wad of gum kill her scientists, and damage her lab, but she had to add the gun she made to the garbage list, without warning Alice pushed a button on her belt which activated her emergency suit covering her body in combat armor that added the much needed power behind her punch, without a word Alice vanished in a burst of speed appearing right in front of Hale with her fists clenched then fired off a powerful uppercut, she aimed to hit Hale's jaw to send her flying out the hole in the ceiling she made
Spartan, Eve, and Magnus are still in/near the shop that has been exploded XD (I'll make a reaction post to that X3) Kore-Drax is the only character I have that left to the ship XD
as do I =3 I'm thinking of making a post, but I'm still kind of waiting for someone else to post X3
sounds intense, at least it wasn't the bull from Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters, that thing could breath fire *shudders*
so I'm guessing it didn't smell too good... I know they smell bad, I had to help my uncle herd a few of them into the back of a large cow container thingy (almost got kicked by one of them, that would have been fun...)
Maximus nodded at Glacier's comment on how earth had it's own unique charm, he had to agree with her, when Glacier mentioned the fight with Devastator he looked to her to listen, when she finished he walked up to her right, still standing a meter away while looking to the horizon, he knew she was hiding something from him, but he didn't need to know
"as much as intelligence helps to win a fight, power is needed to back it up... every machine has it's weak points..." Maximus said before he slightly looked to Glacier
"including myself..." he then looked back to the horizon
"logic told me to find Devastators weak point... so I took a risk to find it... and it turns out that I made the right decision... I had the intelligence... and I had the power... but I also had my weak point..." Maximus said as he looked down slightly, gently tightening his hands into fists
"it was one of the reasons I didn't continue to fight... one of the reasons why I left..." Maximus clenched his fists tighter as he looked away from Glacier
"my body... it couldn't contain the power I had... it still can't... both versions of my overdrive put immense strain on my body to overclock my systems to give me a power boost, but if I try to maintain it... my body begins to sustain damage, turning my power into a double edged sword... thus my usefulness in the battle against Devastator ran out... so logic drove me to save Wolf... he had the highest possibility to defeating Devastator... so he had to survive" Maximus droned as he loosened his grip as he looked back to the horizon
"I was going to return to the fight... but... Alice convinced me to stay... in the possibility that you all perished... I was to guard Wolf until he was healed enough to fight... but... it never came to that..." Maximus said as he slowly looked to Glacier
"against all odds, all of you managed to defeat Devastator and live, which is nothing short of impressive" he said as he slowly sat down a meter from Glacier's right, his legs were crossed, his elbows rested on his knees as his hands hung loosely crossed over each other just barely touching the grass as he looked to the horizon
"the earth and all it's people owes all of you their thanks... even if they don't know it..." he droned softly to her as he watched a cloud go behind the large rock formation that was hiding the sun
A door opened behind Hale and Alice walked in, with a weapon in hand, the sight of her lab enraged her, hearing that Hale killed her scientists made her livid, she grit her teeth and tightened her grip on the weapon to the point that she was almost denting the handle, electricity jumped around her as she shot a death glare to the back of Hales head
"get the F*ck off of my property..." Alice said though her grit teeth as she aimed the weapon at Hale, as she lifted it she flipped a switch and energy began to charge up in the gun, when it was aimed Alice pulled the trigger and a bolt of white energy fired from the barrel of the weapon towards Hales center of mass, this weapon was designed specifically for Majins, not to kill them, but put them in a state of paralysis temporarily to allow them to be moved to a prison made to hold Majins
Maximus was on his way to the lab but was had his attention grabbed by Glacier, he watched through a window as he seen her leave the lab to sit on the grass outside, he looked towards the lab and scanned the area, almost everyone's power levels were there, including some new ones, but they shouldn't be a major threat, the others should be able to handle them, with that Maximus made his way outside, quietly he approached Glacier, his heavy metal foot steps softened from the grass, he stood two meters away from her and looked off to the horizon as the clouds disappeared beyond them, the sun was hidden behind a large rock formation
"I believe one would say that this sight is... beautiful..." he droned in a soft tone to Glacier as he continued to gaze off to the horizon
I have failed.... (for some reason I feel as if this might turn into a double post, the internet is acting up...)
I have failed.... *lowers head in shame*
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