Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Roxas started to laugh as Jax threatened him. "Is that was she told you? You're sister is the one who attacked me. I was walking home from a hunt and she shot an arrow past my head. I reacted once she tried to kill me. Anyway I paid for the damages. Also I think it's cute that you think you can beat me. I may have lost control this time, but that won't happen again. Anyways I don't think you would understand what I have to deal with every day in my head." Roxas starts to walk over to Jax and smirks. "I'm not trying to piss of anyone here, just get your facts straight before you go accusing people." He sits on his bed feeling a little worn out from the battle. Trying to switch the subject now, he looks back up at jax. "That was a ballsy move what you did though. Not that many people can control demons like that. My advice would be to be careful. Use them as little as possible or they will kill you and not even I can stop them." Roxas sits there with a serious look on his face.
Roxas woke up in the medical ward a little dazed. "What the hell happened." He looks over at stand next to his bed and find his mask just laying there. Relieved to see that it's still there, he looks over and sees a woman laying in the bed next to him. She looked familiar to him. Trying to look a little closer he realized that it was Jax from the battle before him. "you must be Jax." He says quietly, straining his voice a little. "Do you know how I got in here at all?" He looks down real quick to see if he's still in his battle garb. "Damn it" he says under his breath, wishing that he could quickly change. His clothes still in the arena's change room.
Once Roxas places his mask on, a surge of energy flows through him. He looks at the ref and nods at his to start the match. The ref notices and blows his whistle. Not but seconds after the whistle blow, Roxas and Neptune draw their weapons and clash with each other. Sparks flying in the air, the speed between the two of them above average. Roxas gets pushed back against the wall though hitting his head hard. The force of the his put him in a daze for a second, but not for long. He draws his glaive again and looks at Neptune. "That kinda hurt ass." He smiles wide.

"Cut the small talk and just fight. I need to win this quick." Neptune scowls. "You keep saying you're going to win." Roxas teases, trying to get a rise out of him. "Shut the fuck up and fight!" Neptune charges Roxas and nearly running him through. Roxas jumps out of the way only to get a massive gash in his right arm. "Shit." He thinks to himself. "At this rate this'll end quicker that I intended it to."

Roxas drops his glaive, knowing it'll be useless without his other arm to help stabilize it, and pulls out a dagger. Neptune growls and slices at Roxas again. Roxas blocks the attack with his dagger, his arm searing in pain as he trys to keep it from getting hit again.

The moment Roxas readys his counterattack, a voice speaks in his head and renders him useless.

"USE ME!" The voice screams at him. Roxas drops to ground and screams in agony. His head splitting, the voice growing louder and louder in his head. "USE ME!" Roxas's screams turn into shrieks. He grabs at his face trying to make it stop. Neptune stops and looks at Roxas, trying to figure out what to do. He runs over to him and trys to talk to him. "What's wrong? what's going on?" Uncontrollably, Roxas punches Neptune in the face, hard. Neptune falls back and passes out.

Roxas makes it to his feet and still grabbing at his face. His eyes changing from his normal bright blue to blood red. "USE ME!" The voice screams again this time to much for Roxas to handle. With a swift strike, Roxas rips his mask off. Blood flying off his face as he does and a bright blue flame emerges from his eyes and engulfs his entire body.

"You have finally embraced me." The Voice calls, using Roxas's voice. Trying to fight it, "No! I've kept you in for this long, so stay away!"

Roxas slams the mask back on his face and the fire goes out. His eys go back to normal and the voice stops. After placing his mask on, he collapses on the ground. That last thing he sees before falling unconscious was that of a faint glimpse of a woman in a dress at the edge of the ring.
Watching as the match before him ended, Roxas left his seat and started towards his change room. "That was interesting. Looks like she's got potential. She better be careful though, that power she holds can get dangerous. Not my problem right now." As he makes his way to the room he pulls out his mask out of his bag. "Time to give them a show." He removes his clothes and places his fighting outfit on the table in front of him. He looks over it making sure there's no blood on it from the night before. Being saticfied with his clothes, he starts to put them on, still hearing the crowd from the last match. Roxas grins as he places his mask in his pocket waiting for his turn. As he waits behind the gates he notices his attacker on one of the staircases of the arena.

"Wow what a fight!" The announcer yells. "Our next fight better be just as exciting as the last! In this corner we have our top player, NEPTUNE!" The announcer points to the opposite side of the ring. "And in this corner we have a new player, a man of mystery, ROXAS!"

The gates open and both Roxas and Neptune walk out into the ring. Neptune looks at Roxas and smirks at him. "You know you're going to lose." Roxas flashes a smile and takes his glasses off, throws them to the side and reaches into his pocket. "This is going to be fun." His smile grows across his face as he pulls his mask out and places it on his face.

Roxas walked through the gates of SPA then sighed loudly. The moment he walked through he saw what looked like the woman he was attacked by the night before. A grin crossed his face as he started to walk towards her. He stopped 30ft away from her and noticed two other people next to her. "Must be her friends. I'll have to get attention somehow." As that thought left his mine another crossed it. He was going to fight in a arena. He never really liked doing that, since he didn't want to be noticed to much, but she was pretty.

Roxas passed her by her hoping she would still be in the same spot in five minutes. He ran to the arena board and saw that there was already a name on it. "I wonder who this Jax is. Better go after her." After quickly writing his name down he picked a random person to fight against. "Neptune should be good. He's always fighting so he wont care." Once he finishes at the arena board he quickly wrights a note for the woman and ran back to the gates. On the note said, "Go to the arena at 1 and you'll have a nice surprise." Seeing that she's still in the same spot, he bumps into her, giving her the note. After he starts to run and get ready for his fight, bumping into Neptune and explaining to him about his challenge.
As morning arrives, Roxas starts to get ready for his day. Throws on his clothes and puts on his glasses, still thinking a lot about what happened the night prior. "Wonder if I'll ever see that woman again." He mutters to himself then shrugs and finishes getting ready. "I better go to the SPA today and see if there're any more hunts. That last one wasn't as much of a challenge as I would have liked. That woman was the most excitement that I've had in weeks." Once he finishes getting ready, Roxas takes his mask out of the drawer and places it in his bag. After, he quickly grabs a glass of water and some money then makes his way to the SPA. "Wonder what kind of trouble I'll get in today?" He says sarcastically to himself.
<Snipped quote by Narukami228>

Ophelia was thrown to the ground, but before her hands let go of his face, her fingers curled around his mask and tugged it off with her. She landed hard, and if she needed to breathe, her breath would have been knocked right out of her.Before doing anything else, she grabs her arrow. "I'm not afraid of you, human," she snarled through her fangs, bearing them at him after picking herself up off the ground only to be met by his weapon at her throat. She smiles, tilting her head back as if to invite him to try and kill her, and reached her arm out quickly, wrapping her fingers around his injured wrist and pulling him forward towards her, kicking her leg out around his to trip him to her side, his weapon slicing her throat slightly and she presses a bare foot down heavily onto his face, trying to get a good look at him, pressing her arrow down onto his back.

As his mask falls off, Roxas starts to laugh hysterically, blood pouring from where is
was. "Now why would you go and do a thing like that" Still laughing Roxas lunges at the woman only to be tripped. Seeing that he sliced her throat a little he grins. Roxas looks over and sees there there's an arrow being pointed at him. He reaches up and snaps it in half, starting to laugh again. "Think you could get your foot off my face now?" Reaches and pulls the woman to the ground again, this time sitting with his full weight on top of her.
Roxas was about to reach is destination when he felt the arrow rush past his head. "God damn it. I just wanted to change." He sighed to himself and quickly turned around. Not expecting what came next. All he could feel was a cold hand against his jaw and then one on his forehead. "Oh it's on!" He thought as he was fighting to get away. Immediately after the hands touched him, he grabbed whoever was attacking him hand flung them to the ground. Readying his glaive and his creepy smile crossing his face as his eyes change again back to the blood red. "listen, I've had a very long day. I'm covered with blood and I just want to change into my normal clothes. You really don't want to mess with me right now." He threatened as he brought his glaive to his attackers throat.
Deep in the Salikawood forest, Roxas sat, resting, by a large tree stump. Only his glave and his mind to keep him company. The last few days had been very taking for him and all he really wanted was to rest. "This hunt it turning out to be more trouble than its worth." He growled to himself silently. As Roxas was about to lay his head down against the stump when he heard a very loud scream. Alert, with his glave at the ready, Roxas started to sprint towards the noise. "Now I wonder what that could be?" He smirked as he bounded through the forest. As he reached what he thought was his destination, the horror of what was in front of him would have made any normal man vomit. Other hunters riddled across the ground, their guts flung in all sorts of directions. Blood stained the ground as the body's were ripped to pieces. In the center of all this was a dark headless creature with a massive black war horse. A Dullahan.

"I've finally found you." Roxas grins as he sees is prey standing in front of him. The Dullahan heard Roxas speak and turned around slowly to face him. "Another fool to an early grave." The Dullahan smirked. "Pity for you." Roxas drew his weapon and readied it for action. "Trust me I'm not the fool hear." As Roxas spoke, his eyes changed from a deep blue to blood red in a second, his grin turning into a creepy smile. "Enough talk." The Dullahan drew his whip, made of human spines, in one hand and a battle ax in the other. "Funny I was thinking the same thing." Roxas lunged at the Dullahan with lightning speed, only slightly missing as the Dullahan swiftly dodged his attack. He retaliated with his whip, catching Roxas's foot and flinging him against a tree. Unfazed from what just happened, Roxas attacked again. Clashing blades and dodging whips until finally Roxas landed a hit, slicing open his back. The Dullahan screamed in pain as he turned around quickly and whipped at Roxas. Roxas dodged the whips attack and before the Dullahan could recover from the attack, Roxas grabbed the end of the whip and pulled the Dullahan closer. Ramming his glave deep into the heart of the beast. Smirking again, "I thought this would have been a much longer fight. You disappoint me." As the Dullahan crumbled into dust, Roxas sheathed his blade and reverted back to his normal self and started to make his way back to the city.
Name: Roxas
Age: 28
Weapons: Glave, knives, anything he can get his hands on
Personality: Keeps to himself and hardly opens up to anyone but in a fight his attitude changes as if he's a completely differen't person.
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