Avatar of Nato Greavesy
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 39 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Nato Greavesy 7 yrs ago


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IC: Juliana Winters - Hallway.

"Eager might be too strong a word." Juliana replied, with a smile of her own, "But it's what I'm good at."
IC: Juliana Winters - Briefing Room.

"Got it, boss," Juliana gave a curt salute, then made for the exit.
IC: Juliana Winters - Briefing Room.

Juliana nodded, and turned to leave, before hesitating, "You said our mission was to take down the stolen mechs. Do our employers have any preferences on how intact those mechs should be? Do they want the pilots taken alive, or taken out?"

She didn't want to come across as whiny, or prying, or over-inquisitive, but she knew the hard way how important it was to have all the information before setting out on a mission.
IC: Juliana Winters - Briefing Room.

"Hang on a sec. Before we just go dropping down, do we have any kind of aerial map of the terrain? I wouldn't mind having a better idea of what the layout of the area is, if there's any high ground we can take advantage of, and where the enemy mechs are positioned."

More specifically, she didn't want to drop out of the sky just to land directly in the middle of a crossfire... which had happened to her before, on more than one occasion.

This won't be like that. We're not that kind of unit. Faust isn't that kind of commander. Unfortunately, logic didn't make the fear any easier to dismiss. Things went wrong so easily on the battlefield.
IC: Juliana Winters - Briefing Room.

"Okay, that sounds doable." Juliana relaxed a little, "Six shouldn't be too much trouble."
IC: Juliana Winters - Briefing Room.

"How many enemy mechs will we be dealing with, though?"
[color=0072bc][/color]IC: Juliana Winters - Briefing Room.

"Mechs is a bit of a broad term," Juliana spoke up, anxiously tapping her fingertips on the tabletop before her, "Do you have some more solid Intel on what kinds of mechs and weapons we'll be up against, and how many?"
@Nato Greavesy Everything looks good, feel free to put Juliana in the Character tab!

Name: Juliana Winters

Age: 24

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: Of average height and wiry build, Juliana has black hair (usually dyed dark red), and soft green eyes. Her face is marred by an angular scar, slanting down from her forehead to her cheek. Off duty, she dresses in casual, but practical clothes, preferring to wear jeans and a denim jacket, along with plain shirts without logos or images. In the field, she wears standard tactical gear, with pouches for stowing items, with liberal padding and light plating for comfort and protection. Some reference images.

Equipment: A wallet containing photo IDs, petty cash, loose change, and various cards. She also carries a small data tablet for communications and such, which is kept in a reinforced case when not in use, to shield it from shrapnel and bullets. Around her neck she wears a spent casing of a sniper bullet, engraved with the initials of her fallen comrades. Her weapons of choice are a kukri combat knife, a high-calibre 7-shot revolver, and a semiautomatic mid-range rifle that uses 10-round clips.

Skills: Aside from her capability as a mech pilot, Juliana also has some talent as a sniper, scout, and tracker, as these skills mesh well with her preference for solo work.

Personality: Optimistic and aloof, Juliana is something of a free spirit, eager for any opportunity to demonstrate her prowess in battle. Though she isn’t always the best as teamwork, she’s nonetheless incredibly loyal to her comrades. Her most defining characteristic is her upbeat attitude; no matter how stark a situation, she will find a way to alleviate it with sarcasm or snark.

Bio: Born on a colony world already floundering due to overpopulation, Juliana’s upbringing was one where decent meals were few and far between, and luxuries were practically non-existent. To combat their population problems, the colony leaders resorted to compulsory military conscription, so when Juliana reached 18, she – along with many others – were sent off-world to join the war machine of the colony’s founding empire.

Suffice to say, it wasn’t a fun experience. Raw recruits were given barebones training, assigned to substandard mechs, and thrown into the gruelling meatgrinder of the front lines, their lives little more than numbers on a spreadsheet in the eyes of the commanders. Juliana was one of those lucky enough to make it through to the other side of her obligatory three years with nothing but a few superficial scars to show for it. Many of her friends weren’t so lucky.

Although she wished to put the horrors of her military service behind her, Juliana had difficulty readjusting to civilian life, and was unable to hold down work, leading her to once again throw herself into the fray, this time as a mercenary, unbeholden to the fallacies of ideology or patriotism.

Weaknesses: Having lost a great many friends and comrades during her three years spent as a soldier, Juliana has difficulty making new friends and opening up to others. She prefers to conduct operations mostly on her own, fearing deep down that her companions will let her down, or get themselves killed because of her mistakes. She also has a healthy disrespect for authority figures.

Mech Name: Banjo
Mech Chassis: Australovenator-Class Strider
Mech Class: Medium
Appearance: i.imgur.com/atdnEsv.png
Centre Torso Hardpoint: Medium LRM pod.
Left Torso Hardpoint: Medium machine gun array.
Right Torso Hardpoint: Light laser (x2).
Left Arm Hardpoint: Targeting assist laser, simple claw hand.
Right Arm Hardpoint: Particle Projector Cannon.
Name: Juliana Winters

Age: 24

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: Of average height and wiry build, Juliana has black hair (usually dyed dark red), and soft green eyes. Her face is marred by an angular scar, slanting down from her forehead to her cheek. Off duty, she dresses in casual, but practical clothes, preferring to wear jeans and a denim jacket, along with plain shirts without logos or images. In the field, she wears standard tactical gear, with pouches for stowing items, with liberal padding and light plating for comfort and protection. Some reference images.

Equipment: A wallet containing photo IDs, petty cash, loose change, and various cards. She also carries a small data tablet for communications and such, which is kept in a reinforced case when not in use, to shield it from shrapnel and bullets. Around her neck she wears a spent casing of a sniper bullet, engraved with the initials of her fallen comrades. Her weapons of choice are a kukri combat knife, a high-calibre 7-shot revolver, and a semiautomatic mid-range rifle that uses 10-round clips.

Skills: Aside from her capability as a mech pilot, Juliana also has some talent as a sniper, scout, and tracker, as these skills mesh well with her preference for solo work.

Personality: Optimistic and aloof, Juliana is something of a free spirit, eager for any opportunity to demonstrate her prowess in battle. Though she isn’t always the best as teamwork, she’s nonetheless incredibly loyal to her comrades. Her most defining characteristic is her upbeat attitude; no matter how stark a situation, she will find a way to alleviate it with sarcasm or snark.

Bio: Born on a colony world already floundering due to overpopulation, Juliana’s upbringing was one where decent meals were few and far between, and luxuries were practically non-existent. To combat their population problems, the colony leaders resorted to compulsory military conscription, so when Juliana reached 18, she – along with many others – were sent off-world to join the war machine of the colony’s founding empire.

Suffice to say, it wasn’t a fun experience. Raw recruits were given barebones training, assigned to substandard mechs, and thrown into the gruelling meatgrinder of the front lines, their lives little more than numbers on a spreadsheet in the eyes of the commanders. Juliana was one of those lucky enough to make it through to the other side of her obligatory three years with nothing but a few superficial scars to show for it. Many of her friends weren’t so lucky.

Although she wished to put the horrors of her military service behind her, Juliana had difficulty readjusting to civilian life, and was unable to hold down work, leading her to once again throw herself into the fray, this time as a mercenary, unbeholden to the fallacies of ideology or patriotism.

Weaknesses: Having lost a great many friends and comrades during her three years spent as a soldier, Juliana has difficulty making new friends and opening up to others. She prefers to conduct operations mostly on her own, fearing deep down that her companions will let her down, or get themselves killed because of her mistakes. She also has a healthy disrespect for authority figures.

Mech Name: Banjo
Mech Chassis: Australovenator-Class Strider
Mech Class: Medium
Appearance: i.imgur.com/atdnEsv.png
Centre Torso Hardpoint: Medium LRM pod.
Left Torso Hardpoint: Medium machine gun array.
Right Torso Hardpoint: Light laser (x2).
Left Arm Hardpoint: Targeting assist laser, simple claw hand.
Right Arm Hardpoint: Particle Projector Cannon.
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