"You told me that it was a spice!" Basil shot back. He shook his head. "I didn't...realize that it was a Chem. But you shouldn't blame me for not reacting to it when you shouldn't have put it in there in the first place." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Both Leith and I trusted you, and you went and did that as if it was nothing more than a practical joke. How much longer do you think you can do stuff like that before people get sick and tired and leave you for all of the bullshit?"
He snapped his mouth shut, cheeks flushing from shame. He averted his gaze. After a moment's hesitation, he said, "I'm...I'm sorry, Kaye. I shouldn't have said those things, but..." He'd allowed his anger for his prior domestic life seep into his present words; he closed his eyes shut tightly, awaiting Kaye's own retorts and perhaps physical attacks. "I'm really sorry."
"Hey, at least my nicknames for you are creative, rather than just plain derogatory and offensive," Leith remarked, but chuckled. He relaxed against the tree more. "Like, I've got a few good ones so far. Lead-head--you know, because it's supposed to be ironic? Lead is supposed to protect against radiation, but we found you dying from it instead? No? I thought it was pretty good. Humored me for a couple minutes. Uh, brain-waste; yeah, I like that one, too. Kinda connects back to the whole radiation ordeal, but you know, it's also relating to the fact that you're an idiot, as reviewed in adequate detail before. I need a new one for this situation, as well; can't let this one slip past me. Huh, let's see here...dope-for-brains? Nah, nah, too much like brain-waste. Smooch 'n Beans...maybe? 'Cause you know, the Chem Smooch was mixed into the beans and you were trying to smooch Basil back there. Too soon? Nah, never too soon to laugh at what hasn't killed us. I'll have to go over that one before I make it official, though."
He took one last drag on the cigarette before flicking it onto the ground, crushing it with the toe of his boot.