"You're a good person, though. I'm sure that you'll find other people will care about you just as much as I do, if not more," Basil said. He placed his other hand around Jace's. "And you have my dad. He practically views you as another son at this point, you know. He's not going to just kick you to the curb because he lost me." He sighed softly. "Look, I'm not saying that you have to be okay with me...passing away. I'm not okay with it, either, of course. Do you think that I like that all of this has happened? No, of course I don't. It sucks. It really does. But...there's nothing that any of us can do about it, either. It happened, and now there are the consequences of what happened, and we just have to deal with that. But it was my mistake in the first place. I wasn't paying attention. I messed up. I'm mostly grateful that others didn't get hurt, too."
Silence lapsed between the two of them, before he finally said, "I just need to know that, eventually, you'll be okay again. That you'll move on. I mean...keep me around in your head somewhere, of course. Like, I'm just that disembodied voice that bounces around the back of your skull and reminds you to, like...I don't know, brush your teeth and change your underwear and to not eat the yellow snow, no matter how curious you are about what pre-war ice cream might have tasted like. You know, that sort of disembodied voice that often makes you contemplate your sanity."