"For a couple of days? He found out shortly after we met you and Leith." He unfolded his hands, instead opting to fold his arms over his chest and tap his fingers against the opposite arm. "I had my...suspicions, I suppose, but I was always too afraid to confirm them. And before you ask why, it's because the worst has already happened and I wanted to avoid that. Even...even if it meant that I had to lie to him. He was happy when he was ignorant, wasn't he?"
Leith said, "Look, it may not be the same situation, but I understand how it feels to suddenly realize that you've changed. One morning, I looked into the mirror and realized that my skin was flaking off and not coming back. A couple years after, I was a full-fledged ghoul. Everyone looks at you differently after that, some people shoot first and ask questions later. But despite my body looking different, I was still the same person. I was still plain, old Leith, just without the smooth, baby-soft skin."
Basil processed that; Leith had changed into a ghoul because of consistent, extended exposure to radiation, while he had died because of radiation. He supposed that it was a similar process, just that he received a new body and Leith was stuck with the old. If he looked at it from that angle, perhaps he was even the lucky one?
"Bottom-line, but you have to talk to him. If he doesn't accept you then, then sure, fuck him. He's no longer your problem, simple as that. But if you don't even so much as have one more conversation with the guy, then you'll spend the rest of your life wondering whether or not the problem could have been solved if you just sat down and worked through your differences. You'll be wondering about what you could have had, had you not been so stubborn."