Avatar of NeutralNexus
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  • Posts: 698 (0.19 / day)
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Oh, holy crap! Someone noticed War-Pulse was inside a Water treatment plant! I'll craft a response for that as soon as I'm done with this Cowl post!
A cowl post should be up by tomorrow, I've got to tie some knots here if the Cowl's going to start dragging people into conflict. An Umbraxis post will follow shortly afterward.

On a side note, anyone seen @Raptorman? I'm still working on a War-Pulse for him, but I don't want to be left in the dark, I'm intending to time skip until after he's placed the serums into the drop points and have him be open for work again. I'm wondering once he's finished if he should wait for Raptor again or just have him wander into trouble. Y'know, the usual for a man like him.

The Cowl could always capture him and keep him locked up in a dark cell until you return and another Hero saves you conveniently. If Nexus felt up to it of course.

Works for me! I'd be happy to keep some people 'captive' until they can play again.

This thread has become very popular. Though currently, I'm trying to figure out what to do next with Racheli and having little luck. Namely as it seems everyone is busy with their own plots and I much rather not tread on toes. Unless someone's got an opening and willing to allow a bitchy lovely woman to work her way in?

Side note, considering putting up an NPC named Jacqueline Freeman, CEO of Gene Co, but not fully sure how to approach this.

Well, everyone's starting to build a case against the Cowl and the Shroud Syndicate, maybe she could join up with Lyger and find some reasons to hunt him? I also have a being of cosmic darkness to interact with if you are interested in doing something with that.
@Loud Angry Dead That's almost exactly it, trying to plan around being unseen is difficult, unless several people have prompted to either look for him or seek him out...which they have...

I got no excuse, but I got the worst writer's block!
I should have a Cowl post up within a day or so. For some reason his are the hardest to make!
A bit short for a debut post, but Umbraxis the Destroyer has appeared! The Cowl's post is coming next, and boy do I have to get the ball rolling there!

It had arrived.

In what would have taken any other spacefarer multiple lifetimes to accomplish, Umbraxis had manifested in the outer reaches of what was referred to as the 'Sol' system, oozing out of faster than light travel a few lightyears off of Pluto. Its antimatter core sparked and sizzled as its gamma emissions began to subside, the dark matter swirling about in space as it attempted to align itself with the orbit of the small star that kept this pile of rubble called planets together, the celestial body flowing and shifting with every pull of nearby gravitational forces. In the distance, beyond gas giants, comets, and asteroids, its target lay before it; a blue, atmospheric. Even from this distance, life could be felt, its presence sensed by the mass of Dark Matter and energy, scanned over for a preliminary assessment.

What a strange world it was, Umbraxis thought as it scrutinized the planet which was now well within it’s awareness. The celestial body was fairly young in its lifetime to be recognized on a galactic scale, and at the same time oddly decayed. In the short lifespan of only a few million years the planet already was destroying its own ozone layer, and subsequently its own life supply. Most planets that supported life were either a bit older before they began to destroy their own ozone or simply found a source of renewable energy to counteract decaying effects, but not this one. Was this really the planet the previous race had labeled such a threat? The entity shifted with the nearby passing of Neptune, its colossal form spreading throughout the black as it slowly expanded its formless dark, its attention fixated on the little blue planet revolving in space, a blue gem in a sea of rocks.

Its curiosity raised with each second, it had to know more about what made this planet so special. As it swirled between orbits, its antimatter core began to silently spark and sizzle as it began to pass bits of Dark Energy through it, each atom causing a soundless burst in the eternal vacuum of space. Inside of it was beginning an extension of its consciousness, one it had used many times before, swirling and massing into a new entity, an ‘avatar’ would be the new form’s appropriate title. The process took a couple hours, the matter and energy mashing together, the entity’s body becoming a galactic mixing pot of matter, creating its extension to last as long as it needed.

Until the inevitable end of the world, the same fate countless worlds have shared before it when it is in the eyes of the Great Destroyer.

In an instant, a black projectile left the mass traveling faster than comprehension. In the blink of an eye the small black mass was singing along the rings of Saturn, hurdling its way through the gas giant Jupiter, smashing its way through the asteroid belt.

It would not take long for the avatar to impact the planet, and then Umbraxis’ true work would begin.

Hey guys! I'm still working on a post, but my new job is kicking my ass right now. I'm trucking along, but it's not very fast, A Cowl post and an Umbraxis post will be in the near future, though!
Got a War-Pulse post in! Moral conflicts galore for that guy right now, but The Cowl and Umbraxis' debut coming soon!
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