Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Well, we already discussed what he'd say to her. :P
@Athinar Would it be better if Umbraxis the Endless Void got you?
Actually, when Pulsey and Angel cross paths again, he may have some surprising dialog about that act.
Then again, Equilibrium has some very good points. Yes, what he did was wrong, but War-Pulse's mysterious motives are a threat, not to mention dropping a helicopter on him did not stop him. Also the Shroud's actions have yet to be deciphered, and they are very clearly a danger that could be solved with Equilibrium's help.

His crimes, while upsetting, were for a cause. I'd say his actions were the actions of a inexperienced vigilante, not a cold-blooded killer. If this was a court case, second-degree murder would be the farthest it would go.
I'll wrap up Cowl's current arc in his next post, unless anyone intends to stop the shipment, then I'm all set to skip a few days. Aside from the fight between Icon, Arachne, Polemos, Ares and Athena, I think that's all that's left.
Ehhh...War-Pulse kinda knows what's up, he already said he's pretty sure he's not dumping the cure for cancer into the water.

EDIT: Wow, I just looked back at the character sheet I made for War-Pulse, his power set is terribly written and confusing. I'm thinking about toning it up a bit.
Hey, so I got posts on the way! Cowl and War-Pulse are both coming soon. However, this has been a long time coming, and I have finally made a niche character we do not have yet!

Character you have created: Umbraxis
Aliases: Count Gloomveil(Occasionally In Avatar Form), Umbraxis the Destroyer, The Great Void, The Endless Darkness, The Dark One

Speech Color: Indigo

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Known

Character Personality: For a being of cosmic darkness, the being itself is actually quite polite. Its charming demeanor and dry wit make it actually quite a pleasure to speak to, were not so terrifying to simply be within its presence. Despite what it does, it possesses a curious streak about lesser beings. It is inquisitive and insightful, and spends most of its time wandering planets in its avatar form, taking different guises and shapes in an attempt to entertain itself in the affairs of civilization. It even goes so far as to integrate itself in a planet’s affairs and systems, taking part in their politics and inner workings as if playing one big game. Perhaps it is trying to weaken defenses of those it is intending to devour, but more than likely these pursuits are merely for its own entertainment.

However, one would always feel uncomfortable around it, as the polite tones it takes and clever banter it delivers belies its true purpose. While it does have an interest in societies, the interest only goes so far as a hobby, where destruction is its profession. To The Void, people are playthings to observe and interact with until it is hungry enough to consume them. Make no mistake, it takes extreme joy in eradication, gleefully stomping out a planet without a second thought. It shows no empathy for the countless societies it has snuffed out since the beginning of time, though it will always remember them fondly.

While its means for sustenance does not seem aimless, and it seems to view its targets as both its meal and its purpose. It seems to believe that with the potential for life, there must come the potential of overindulgence. It believes that in the same vein of Civilizations that would spread, Empires would be born across galaxies, and with those Empires would come destruction, the potential to snuff out other potential races and species in an attempt to sustain their own populations. The potential for one race to rule them all would always loom over the Universe, and forces the Universe to create its own governing equalizer, an Apex Predator with the potential to eradicate all others in the belief of Universal balance. In its mind, Umbraxis is that Predator.

Uniform/costume: True Form

Avatar Form

Origin Info/Details: In the time before time, before the Universe even existed, there was nothing. From that nothing, came the Singularity, and from that Singularity came the Universe. A singular, ever expanding spread of stars, galaxies, and nebulas. All manner of life and sentience was created, evolution took place, civilizations were born and spread.

However, that was not all that was created at the beginning of time.

In the farthest corners of the Universe, in the blackest holes of space, something had formed unlike anything else in the universe. Between the newly formed stars and nebulas, between the spaces between the newly forming galaxies, something was stirring in the black. Dark Matter and Dark Energy, whirling together around a core of Antimatter, swirling and changing in unison, moving as one amidst the emptiness. It thought and processed as a single entity, calculating its formation as it acquired more mass. Every day it grew in size, each year it became something more and more. For millennia upon millennia, eon upon eon, it drifted aimlessly, siphoning countless asteroids, planets, and other forms of matter into it’s body, the resulting gamma emissions fueling its ever growing mind and power.

And then its first encounter came to pass, an early space-faring race came across this entity within the depths of endless darkness. They were curious, inquisitive, their scanners came in close to explore this massive, sentient darkness. They saw unlimited potential for such an entity, the possibility for power to be harnessed at a scale they couldn’t even comprehend.

However, the creature they deemed “Umbraxis” did not see the same in them. It barely even noticed them at first, letting their scanners and drones study it as they pleased. For a while, they even entertained it, letting it observe their way of life, politics, and culture. However, this did not last long, as it saw something else in this space faring race. It saw materials and matter, molecules and particles, it saw the one thing that it slowly came to realize that it would need if it was going to continue to grow in strength and power.

It saw this race as sustenance.

With barely a thought, Umbraxis wiped out the scouting party, devouring their forms into itself without warning or hesitation, accumulating their matter into its nebulous form. With this attack, came knowledge, knowledge of a planet not too many light years away, filled with matter and particles that could strengthen the creature, who now gained a taste for such bloodlust. The Massive Void began to travel, consuming whatever got in its path as it neared the first Civilization, the formless black travelling at an alarming rate to the planet.

The Civlization fought back, ships and resources sacrificed to destroy the coming cosmic force, but it only delayed the inevitable. Before long, Umbraxis had consumed the planet and its people, leaving empty space in place of what was a growing Empire. However, that was only the first, as Umbraxis had found itself relishing in the destruction while it sustained itself. Before long, Umbraxis found itself destroying another Space-faring people, then another, and another, again and again dominating any who opposed its unyielding hunger.

However, there were survivors to its attacks, beings who were able to escape the entity by leaving its path of cosmic destruction. They began to spread the tale of a Void, capable of wiping out entire worlds within days, destroying Galactic Empires as if they were nothing to its might. The people of the Universe began to hear tales of such a being, before long all who heard of it began to acknowledge that this was no myth or rumor, but a true, unparalleled threat, one that could not be stopped, only hindered and avoided. Some tried to harness its power, some tried to hunt it down and kill it, none survived. It bore a name in many languages and given many titles. It was a king to some, a force of nature to others, some even built churches in its name and called it a god. Its mere mention brought shivers to even the most powerful of galactic empires. But above all else, in any nation in the galaxy, it is known by one name.

Umbraxis the Destroyer.

Hero Type:
Supernatural(Cosmic Horror)

Power Level:
Cosmic Level

Cosmic Being- Umbraxis is a creature of pure dark matter, bigger than any planet and comparable to some stars in the galaxy depending on the amount of matter it has consumed. As such, it has no solid body in its true form, nor does it have the needs of breathing or sleeping, as most creatures do. Also, not being of solid form unless it wishes to, it is highly resistant to conventional weaponry. As such a being, mental manipulation from another being is nigh-impossible due to its lack of a solid neural structure, a conglomeration of matter held together by an abstract sentience has very little chance of being altered. Even mind reading is not recommended as such a being would have thoughts hard to comprehend by other beings, which could result in insanity.

Dark Matter Manipulation-As a being of dark matter, Umbraxis has the ability to manifest and control dark matter at will, with no known limit. He can shift it from a murky, choking cloud into durable, adamantine matter. While the dark matter can take any shape, Umbraxis typically manipulates it into such things as barriers, tendrils, spikes, blades, claws, and fields to pick up and toss large objects as a form of telekinesis. Using dark matter, it has even managed to pull a small planet out of orbit by encapsulating it.

Dark Energy Projection- Similar to dark matter, Umbraxis can manipulate and expel dark energy with a thought with no known limit on its use. Typically this explosive energy is used as concussive energy beams, waves, and blasts.

Cosmic Awareness- While not necessarily omnipotent, Umbraxis does have a certain level of spatial awareness considering its size. In the depths of space, Umbraxis can pinpoint life from across galaxies and seek it out on energy traces alone. This awareness transcends reality, as it views time and space at a level we cannot comprehend, making any time manipulation relatively insubstantial against it.

Matter Consumption/Conversion- Upon touch, Umbraxis can de-construct matter on a subatomic level, converting material into its own dark matter. While the time it takes to convert matter depends on mass and density, all can be converted. With mundane inanimate objects, this is instantaneous, if it touches it, it can deconstruct it, assembling small its and peices to its overall mass. Magical or enhanced materials can take a little longer, and if used against it there can be no matter transferal until Umbraxis locks it in place. Living beings take the longest, as they have will over their own bodies, but this time-lapse is still fairly swift, albeit extremely painful. This can also be dependent on a target’s strength and power, resiliency, and superhuman components, as well as how many targets Umbraxis is trying to consume at once. Regardless, prolonged exposure to Umbraxis’ touch or grasp will result in deconstruction by Umbraxis. Notably, this is why Umbraxis tends to kill prey before consumption, as the target can no longer resist.

Acquired Memory- When consuming a living being, it's mind is inherited into the amalgamation that is Umbraxis. While this does not change Umbraxis’ personality or emotional state, it does allow the entity to tap into knowledge instantaneously, learning languages, techniques, history, and cultures by assimilation alone.

Telepathy- With no real mouth to speak of, Umbraxis typically communicates with widespread telepathy.

Regeneration- While Umbraxis to this point is considered invulnerable, there is always the chance such an entity can take damage. However, Umbraxis’ consumption powers simply allow him to convert surrounding matter into Dark Matter, replenishing its own lost materials.

Immortality- Umbraxis does not show any sign of aging, nor does it succumb to toxins or afflictions of organic life. There is no evidence as to whether Umbraxis can actually be killed, as no one who has attempted has ever come close.

Space Travel- Umbraxis is typically an aimless wanderer, with no age to speak of it has no need to rush unless it finds itself starving for matter. However, Umbraxis is a space-farer, so it can tap into its antimatter core to cause a mass reaction capable of FTL travel. This is not a reactionary power, nor is it instantaneous. FTL travel takes considerable warmup time and can be interrupted, but only with a sizeable event.

Dark Matter Constructs: A sub-power of both Dark Matter Manipulation and its Avatar Form. While these creatures are produced by Umbraxis and given purpose by its will, they are single-minded and self-reliant. Other than simple, direct commands given at creation, these creations do not think or rationalize on their own. They are given a single shape, as opposed to free forming, and follow their specific purpose until obstructed or destroyed. These shapes may occasionally resemble creatures or people it has consumed over its ageless existence


Strength Level: Incalculable

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Over 100+MPH, no Limit Known

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Nearly Unlimited

Agility: At least 20X Human level if not more.

Intelligence: Super-Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: None

Weaknesses: Despite its highly evolved intelligence, Umbraxis does not utilize its impressive intellect as often as it should. It is arrogant, fully-believing there is no entity that can match it. While this is true, this does present a plethora of opportunities to outwit and outmaneuver the lifeform. Also, while Umbraxis is incredibly powerful, its power is slightly dependant on how well it has fed recently, FTL travel and energy use can cause it to weaken slightly, possibly enough to exploit some hidden weakness of the mighty entity.

Supporting Characters:
The First Civilization- This long-dead civilization bears no known name, nor do many of its carvings or memories exist anymore. It was deemed the First Civilization not because this was the first civilization to exist, but merely the First to come across Umbraxis. While they were wiped out, they were given the most time to study and observe The Void. They were the closest to finding a weakness in the lifeform, and may have left something behind vital to stopping it...

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:

Somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy, in a system far from our own, spaceships designed for war converged in front of a single, massive planet, forming a blockade in the stratosphere above their beloved terrestrial home. The race of people, tall and slender, their red scaly skin covered in golden, glowing power armor, clearly telling of their status These were no farmers, nor were they merchants or pirates; these were conquerors. This race, whose name could not be pronounced in our tongue, is one of the most feared Galactic Empire in their sector. In an astounding rate of time, this race had conquered their system, and the systems surrounding it. One by one, planet by planet, they had established themselves as one of the most dominating and powerful Empires this side of the galaxy had ever seen.

And yet, this was the first time they truly knew fear.

Their enemy had attacked the other planets of their mighty Empire, assaulted their people. They originally paid it no mind, thinking it was rebellion of a lesser race, or marauders coming to collect on the outskirt colonies. That was before they noticed that the planets themselves were disappearing. One by one, something was carving its way up the Empire, connections being cut off, hunting parties disappearing into the blackness of space. No trace, no record, just gone. Each day passed by, and their connection to the outside systems were dwindling, they were cut off from everything.

And now, whatever was destroying them was here, to finish them once and for all.

In the flagship, the Commander of the Fleet, a male creature of what would be considered handsome for their race, adorned in the most decorated, expensive armor, stood at the helm, looking into the blackness of space. He bore a stern face, what remains of his Army hovering over what remained of their once great empire. Their weapons powered, their shields at the ready, silence among their crew as they waited for their Commander’s commands. However, on close inspection, behind the grim determination plastered on the Commander’s face, a bead of sweat trickled from his brow, his breath shaky and haggard. There was no enemy like this to his knowledge, but there was a myth among his people, a name being passed around of a Cosmic Force which only knew of one thing; destruction. He turned to his ensign, a man half his age, also bearing a stern, orderly manner as his hands waved over the scanners of the stalwart vessel. His eyes scanning the multiple screens for any sign of their invader, his shaking, sweaty hands being the only telltale sign that he shared in his Commander’s fear, a fear that only heightened as the scanners began to whirr and whistle with readings, feeding into his visual scans a being most terrifying.

It was no ship, and it was no fleet, but something much more ancient. From the blackness of space, a cloud of dust began to roll into the Fleet’s visual sensors. At first, they believed it to be a smokescreen, to hide the real enemy. However, the cloud began to shape and swirl, its starlit mantle swayed and billowed as it came into view, two glowing orbs alighting in the endless darkness. The dark cloud began to stretch and expand, widening upon its arrival, until it dwarfed the impressive, golden fleet, covering its vision in darkness. Only then did they know what they were facing, and only then were they aware of their fate.

Umbraxis the Destroyer had come to devour them. The Great Void had come to deliver their final judgement.

Upon his horrid enlightenment, the Commander screamed in his elegant tongue to open fire, pointing at the darkness as a child would terrifyingly point at his closet at night. In an instant, the sky lit up with glowing, neon lasers, beams of every color pouring out from the cannons of the warship, penetrating the darkness with firework flares, continent-sized impacts bursting inside the horrendous cloud.

And yet, Umbraxis simply advanced as if nothing was happening. A dark, murky tendril descended from space, from the stygian core the ripple began, whipping the extension in a massive, powerful wave to impact with a Warship, cracking open its hull as if it was tissue paper. With each passing second, more and more tendrils extended across the fleet, snapping and ripping at the battle cruisers as if they were mere playthings, nothing more than an obstacle in the Destroyer’s way. The Commander ordered sustained fire across all ships, there was nowhere for them to run to, they must take the manifestation down with them if they had to.

The fool, he didn’t realize that Umbraxis could hear him thorugh the emptiness of space. In front of the flagship, a single, white orb began to manifest in front of the ship. At first, the Commander thought it was a blast of energy, or an explosion triggered from one of their photon blasts. It was when the orb fixated on them that it became clear this was some form of eye on the entity. The ship began to creak and shake, the mighty Flagship being ripped from its orbit by a colossal shadowy hand, shifting the craft for Umbraxis to get a better look at them.

This was it? This was what dared to get in its way? This was paltry, for everything it heard and experienced, it figured this race would be more formidable. A wasted opportunity, wasted potential, and overall, a boring experience. With no more interest in toying with its prey, the claw clamped down on the Flagship, imploding the metallic frame in dramatic fashion, the ship’s resulting explosion visible to the terrified folk below. The fleet had failed, in a blast of Dark Energy, the remaining ships were wiped out in all but an instant, the black ichor that was Umbraxis now blocking out the twin suns this planet was prided on.

Slowly, onimously, the darkness descended upon the planet, enveloping the exalted city in a impenetrable darkness, its people seperated by murky death.

And upon its descent, Umbraxis began to feed. Slowly beginning to decay and fall apart, the planet and its people began to suffer their slow, painful death as they were what could only be described as ‘disgested’ by this great destroyer.

The process took days, possibly years of envelopment, the land frozen in time as they silently endured their destruction. Umbraxis, while feeling the rush of adding to its strength, still felt relatively underwhelmed by this experience. Where was the planning? Where was the fun? This prey did not fulfill its endless desire for destruction.

However, as it assimilated the people of this planet, a word began to pop into its mind. This was not a word that was familiar in these people’s tongues, nor was it a word uttered by the public. No, as it acquired the memories of this Galactic Civilization, this word began to poke into its mind, mostly from this Civilization’s intelligence division. It could hear this word being uttered, again and again, each time with more importance, almost as if they felt threatened by this word.

Eaf…no, that was not it...Earh...Eath...Arth….

And then it came, all as one word. Earth. The word it was hearing over and over was Earth. What was this word? Was it another entitiy? With more time, Umbraxis continued to acquire more and more information about this ‘Earth’. A planet it was, in a far off, rather uninhabited sector of the Galaxy.

And yet this Empire considered it important enough to keep tabs on. More than that, they considered the inhabitants of Earth a threat. Why? What did Earth have that this Empire did not?

More came to Umbraxis’ mind as it probed further into the memories of these people. They were bipedal and walked upright, just as this race, but what else did they have? They barely even knew space travel.

The answer came in an unusual phenomenon that Umbraxis had only experienced very rarely in a species. Mutation. There were members of the primary species known as ‘humans’, that had transcended their normal limitations. Strength, durability, manipulation of the elements, these ‘humans’ had an unusual habit of coming across power…

Unusual, Umbraxis thought to itself. Were these mutations really to be feared? Could they even pose a threat?

Perhaps this ‘Earth’ would be the next place for Umbraxis the Destroyer to visit...
I never said the Water Plant got destroyed. Remember when War-Pulse got out of the plant and moved around his opponent? He had Equilibrium turn to face him, not the Water Plant. Neither one of us went back to go break the Plant, I made that motion intentionally to avoid actually hitting the Plant.

Of course, that's just my take on it, but I never saw any text destroying the Water Plant specifically, it totally could have got destroyed during our fight. I would prefer it didn't, just so we can have Raptorman's plot come to fruition because it could be totally amazing later on to have this giant city-changing moment for heroes to stop later.

EDIT: Also, yeah, Warpsy is going to have a lot to answer for after whatever happens.
@Dedonus Among other things, he wrote that Polemos was actually quite the poet.
@Athinar GOOD. Now I'm going to do nothing but play the extended families of these victims. HOW WILL WHINY CAMERAMAN #022's WIFE SUPPORT THE FAMILY? THEY'VE GOT THREE KIDS AND SHE'S A STAY AT HOME MOM.
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