Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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@Facepunch That sucks so friggin hard, I am really sorry to hear this. D:

Have you tried using Google Drive for your posts? That automatically saves what you're writing to continue editing in the future!

Also, this is going to be one hell of a system shock to the two speedsters when they see what happened, but go for it, I'd be excited to see how they react.


Oh, wait. Wrong roleplay. :D

Umbraxis would need a large pink hat to fill that role. :3
Welp, Umbraxis just said hello to the world. Let's see how many notice!

It had been two days since the disappearance of the college students from Orono, but it had been far beyond those six alone who had vanished. Frank Mason, a detective in the Augusta area, was now embroiled in case files of countless people who had vanished at an alarming rate, with more reports coming from the North describing more of these mysterious disappearances.

"Another case coming your way, Frank." Came the voice of his partner, Dan Peters.

"Jesus, who is it this time?"

“Hmmm...looks like another family of four on the I-295.” Dan said, tossing the file onto Frank’s desk as he passed him towards his own office around the corner. “That’s the fifth report today, and there is no guarantee that there aren’t more coming in.”

Frank sighed, bracing his head in his hand as he rotated the folder in front of him, absent-mindedly flipping it open on his desk to see the four faces in this new disappearance. The report came just a few miles off of the exit to Waterville, a roughly 20 minute drive to Augusta, where a family of four tourists were travelling south from their time up in Bangor, where they had been enjoying camping and hiking in the vast northern wilderness.

“Damn shame…” Frank mumbled to himself, looking through the papers as he called out to Dan. “How many is this now? Ten?”

“Fourteen, Frank.” Dan’s voice came back from the other room. “The Fourteenth case in two days...yeah, it’s that crazy.”

“Not just crazy. Impossible.” Frank replied, flipping through a few more pages before standing up from his desk, walking behind his chair to a nearby corkboard, a map of Maine plastered upon it with a series of thumbtacks upon its highway. Frank snatched another loose thumbtack from the desk, firmly jamming it into the newest known incident in this long line of possible kidnappings. “In the span of two days, over thirty five people have gone missing across five different towns.”

“Well maybe it just wasn’t one guy.” Came Dan’s voice amongst the usual background chatter and ringing phones in the police station. “Maybe this was a group...some kind of gang or something?”

“But there’s no motive, none of these victims are connected in any way.” Frank replied, running his hand along the thumbtacks. “No familial connections, no job similarity, barely any of them even live in the same area, why would a gang just be picking people off of I-295? And how would they do that with nobody noticing?”

“Well, to be fair, they weren’t all on I-295, a few were in the respective towns.” Dan replied. “Orono, Old Town, Bangor, Waterville, the list keeps expanding. The other fact of the matter remains, with this much going on in two days, this cannot be the work of one guy.”
“Maybe not one normal man…” Frank responded, taking his mug of lukewarm coffee from the desk and pressing to his lips in a quick sip. “With all that’s going on in Lost Haven, I don’t doubt it’s some kinda...meta or something.”

“Frank, c’mon.” The sound of Dan’s hands hitting the table echoed through the hallway. “Just because these disappearances seem weird on the surface, doesn’t mean it’s some kinda flyin’ goober that shoots laser beams from his eyes.”

“I’m serious, Dan.” Frank sat back at his desk. “With the world as it is, we can’t simply pass off the idea of metahumans anymore.”

However, as Frank spoke, he noticed a shift in the air, as if it had thickened in response to his words. His eyes drifted to what was originally daylight, but now had begun to descend to darkness. He had originally thought that it was just a storm coming in, possibly a fog, but it typically did not get this dark as fast as it did, not to the point of the lights coming on in the station. On that note, Frank now felt unmistakably aware that all the chatter in the building had become unreasonably silent, almost as if the entire police force had just left the building.

“Dan?” Frank asked, getting up from his chair. “You agree with me...right?”

No answer.

“Guys? Anyone?” Frank said, scooting around his desk, hand now dancing lightly over his pistol as he crept out of his office, moving down the hallway to Dan’s nearby office. “I-Is anyone there?”

As he turned the corner, he noticed the original darkness was much denser than he had originally suspected, now getting a view of a nearby window, it was clear that the outside of the building was shrouded in complete darkness, had everyone just gone home? Did nighttime creep up on him that quickly?

His answer came when he turned into Dan’s office to find his body slumped in his chair with a shadowy humanoid jabbing a long tendril down his throat.

Almost immediately Frank drew his weapon, bullets singing from it almost as soon as it cleared the holster. Judging by its interest in murdering his partner, the figure had no interest in surrender. Nine shots rang out as Frank emptied his clip, all grouped at the head and chest of the creature. Its smoky frame buckled and shook as the bullets entered its body, each shot meeting its pinpoint mark.

However, the creature simply turned in response, the obsidian darkness reforming into its humanoid shape almost as quickly as it was lost. The two white dots on its head, presumably eyes, now staring straight at Frank as it took a few casual steps out from behind Dan’s desk, the tendril sliding out of Dan’s body and withdrawing back into the being as it advanced. As it walked, it extended an appendage, forming what looked like an open palm parallel to the ceiling, the nine bullets appearing in its hand to Frank’s apparent dismay.

“Are these what you use to stop criminals?” The creature asked, holding out the bullets. “Tiny bits of metal? That’s all you need? Humans keep getting more and more pathetic with every passing second.”

Frank could not find the words to answer the entity, and before Umbraxis could give the man another comment, Frank was sprinting as fast as he could from it, ready to warn the others of their new intruder.

However, it was far too late, as soon as Frank entered the main room, he found himself slipping on a pool of the new secretary’s blood, her body cut open and flung against a nearby wall. The cubicles had been turned into a slaughterhouse, bodies strewn all over the tile floor. He recoiled in shock at the parts draping the room, unmentionable pieces flopping to the floor.

“Like my work?” Came Umbraxis’ voice as it strolled around the corner, calmly striding along the floor to the terrified cop. “I made sure to soundproof you and your partner’s room with Dark Matter while I sorted this out, I really wanted to see the look on your face when you witnessed what I had done before I consumed the bodies.”

Frank’s jaw dropped as all color left his face, his eyes in fear as he continued to make space between himself and the shadowy creature.

“Ah! That’s the look right there!” Umbraxis said, pointing at Frank’s face. “I am really enjoying that look on you humans, it suits you.”

“W-w-w-w-why?” Frank said, motioning around. “Why are you doing this!?!”

“What, kill everyone here? Or all the disappearances that your office was looking into?” Umbraxisa asked, cocking its head slightly. “To answer both questions, it is delightfully entertaining, and I learn something more with each kill.”

“But you...you’re human, right?! How could you do something like this to your own kind?”

“Ohohoh, well aren’t you just straight to the point? It’s no wonder they made you a detective.” Umbraxis teased, now close enough to grab the lapel of Frank’s collar with its smoky, formless fingers, lifting him off of his feet as if he weighed nothing at all. “I am many things, but human I am not.”

“T-t-then what...what are you?”

“I am your end.”

With those words, Umbraxis tossed Frank across the room with a simple flick of its wrist, the man crashing through a cubicle and landing in a pile of his former co-workers before sliding along the floor into a nearby wall. The creature again advanced without a care in the world, slowly striding along the ground, each passing step caused more of the room to be covered in a void, an impenetrable mass of darkness now enveloping the room.

Frank, now barely conscious, struggled to raise himself to a sitting position. The entity had thrown him hard enough to shatter ribs, now causing the detective to struggle with his breathing as he propped himself up against the wall. Once he got his bearings, he found himself starting at the void once more, the humanoid figure now surrounded by a swarming mass of flailing black tendrils, swirling and grabbing for him as Umbraxis came ever closer.

“Well, whatever you are, you made a mistake comin’ here!” Frank sputtered out, shortly thereafter coughing up a chunk of blood.

Umbraxis made an audible laugh, leaning down to meet the man eye-to-eye. “Really? I made a mistake?” It scanned the room, its arms crossing as it spoke. “You’re going to have to elaborate on that, as everyone you have ever worked with is now dead.”

“Y...yeah, but it’s not in us that you made the mistake!” The shaky, wavering voice of the detective belied his tough guy speech. “There are cameras all over this place, they’ll see what happened here, others will know who you are!”

“Oh, those, yes. I wanted those to see me.” Umbraxis replied.


“Oh come now, human. As fun as it is tearing you normal folk apart, I do eventually want to see what this planet has to offer. Your kind is beginning to bore me, and I’d hate to see my travels wasted only to discover that people like you are the best of this backwater planet.” Umbraxis glanced up to the camera, giving it a short wave. “I do hope it has audio, I think it helps present what I am capable of...if you can hear the amount of screaming.”

“You sick sunuva--”

“Ah ah ah, no need for vile language.” A mere gesture from Umbraxis’ hand wrapped a long tendril around Frank’s mouth, once more lifting him into the air. “If the world wants to know what I am, they’ll see me on my terms. To formally introduce myself on camera, I am Umbraxis the Destroyer, and I am making an example out of you and your little...police force you had here.” The other tendrils began to wrap around Frank, his screaming muffled by the tendril around his face. “But, I’m also here to have a bit of fun. I haven’t figured out everything about human physiology yet, so bare with me here, how many bones do you think I can rip out of you while you’re still alive?”

Frank, of course, could not respond due to the tendril.

Umbraxis, merely toying with the rhetorical question, merely shrugged. “Oh well, looks like we’re going to answer that question together.”
<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

Ah, well, since Director Anderson and all...

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
Yeah, I really want to see what happens with Icon, Lyger, and everyone else. Likewise with Racheli and Icarus. I also want to be creeped out by Umbraxis, marvel at War-Pulse, and hate the Cowl. I wanna see it all!

Oh, also Eva! I almost forgot about the unionized heroes!

Funny you should mention Umbraxis, that's my next post coming up!

And to @Fallenreaper: I think I can give some clues towards solving the pieces of the puzzle, contact me anytime!
I haven't had anything like that, sounds like you're well on your way to creating your own rogue's gallery.

On a side note, there is another Umbraxis post coming soon.
<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

Maybe Agent VKTR could infiltrate the meeting, on the pretext of recovering some cybernetics or occult stuff?

I wouldn't say no to it, but wouldn't VKTR be on some other missions? Chasing the Cowl doesn't seem like his MO. >.>
Boom. Cowl post done. Still a little rough around the edges, but it is up.

On a side note, this is a Great time for a city level hero to pop up with a "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!" moment.

The small trio of cars rumbled down the empty streets, the sounds of chaos at their backs as they made their way to an undisclosed industrial harbor in one of the few places untouched by the rioting. In the middle car sat the mastermind of tonight's event, the enigma only described as the Cowl, with the Specter sitting across from him in the stretch limo. Specter had been keeping up with the night's events with a small tablet, tracing both news reports and reports coming in from Shroud members across the city, delivering updates from both street level and within the upper echelons of Lost Haven society.

"--And it looks like there is a woman with the lower body of a spider," said the Specter. "We have no information if she has any affiliation with Icon or Ares' right hand man, whom we believe is either called 'War' or 'Polemos', but she is somehow involved in their affairs. From the current situation, she seems to be in alignment with Icon, meaning she is most likely a newer hero."

The Cowl murmured a soft ‘hm’ as he stared out the window, the passing streetlights illuminating his masked face, the eyes scanning the burning horizon.

“There’s also some sort of battle between a giant mechanical suit and the mercenary War-Pulse. We are looking into who would own that kind of technology aside from STRIKE, but the pilot made a tactical retreat before anyone could get a better look at it. War-Pulse was temporarily knocked out during the fight due to a helicopter falling on him, but he seems no worse for wear. Of course, as a mercenary, War-Pulse is a valuable asset, his services may be utilized in future affairs if we waggle enough money under his nose. The boys on the ground will gather what they can on the mech suit after tonight.”

“Interesting…” The Cowl admitted, turning his attention back towards Specter. “The big names are all making an appearance to our little party. Even some small-time capes are making a wonderful showing as well. Somehow all these forces have gathered to one city...a strange coincidence, no?”

“Sounds like a recipe for disaster, more likely.” Specter replied, swiping through other reports as they came in. “I know you always have a plan...but I have my reservations, sir. We’re a criminal organization, not an army, do we really have a place among these beings?”

“Specter, do you doubt me?” Cowl said, leaning forward in his seat, trying to force eye contact with his local second-in-command. “You are metahuman yourself, are you not?”

“Well, yes, but I’m not on a level like Icon…”

“Who says? Because his powers are more impressive on paper?”

“Well yes, he’s much more powerful than I.”

“My dear shadow, you have yet to realize that powers only bring an individual so far.” The Cowl responded, leaning back in his seat. “You can have all the power in the world, but with no direction or drive, powers are meaningless. A person changes the world, powers are just a method to do it.”

“Of course, sir.” Specter said, glancing out the window to the fire The Cowl was previously observing. “However, I can’t help but worry about our scenario. We are not equipped to deal with such beings, we can hide and maneuver around them, but if we catch their ire, it may become a problem.”

“Of course, which is why we continue to throw them off our trail.” The Cowl said, pointing at Specter as he spoke. “Tonight’s riots can be attributed to angry workmen demanding higher wages or the rampant fear of metahumans rising in this town. Some may know our involvement, but they have no proof of our actions, nor can we be held responsible. Our tactics are as they always have been, with The Shroud remaining outside of the limelight until opportunity strikes.” He leaned back in his chair, glancing back out to the fires. “Tonight was a test of the metahuman community, and now that we know their response. They are powerful, but disorganized, a myriad of costumed dogs that become easily distracted at the first shiny chew toy they see. Icon got distracted by Ares’ brood, the mech suit and the mercenary simply spotted each other and attacked like rabid hounds. There may be a few costumed ‘heroes’ out there still trying to follow whatever breadcrumbs we left, but the only ones that have real power are distracted by each other.”

“I...see.” Specter said, reclining back in his seat. “Do you think that’s always going to be the case?”

“Not if we don’t keep it that way.” The Cowl replied. “At the end of the day, people can only follow the information they are given, and most of the newcomers are much flashier than us. Fools like War-Pulse and Nightmare will take the spotlight, continuing to make grandiose appearances and becoming the center of attention. We just need to keep the spotlight on them…”

“As you say, sir.” The Specter confirmed, glancing back down to his tablet. “I will follow your lead.”

The drive took another fifteen minutes after the duo’s brief discussion, the line of cars taking a quick right towards the nearby harbor, their route still conveniently been untouched by the city’s chaos, weaving between destroyed streets as if they already knew which areas of the city had been attacked.

Because they did.

It was not much longer until the trio of cars came to a stop at the nearby industrial harbor, the cars in front and behind the Cowl’s car parking and shutting off first. Out of the cars came the heavily armed Veilguard, quickly moving into formation around the car, providing armed cover for the Cowl’s entrance. When the Veilguard signaled, the car door was swung open with Specter coming out of the car first, the ocean wind catching his robes to project his ethereal nature, tablet securely in his hands as he strode away from the vehicle. Within a short moment, the Cowl stepped out of the car as well, his eyes piercing into every Veilguard within range as he took his first few steps towards the nearby docks, causing even the hardened guards to shift uncomfortably.

They were greeted at the docks by three men, each representing their colors to the Cowl. The first man was wearing a sleek, respectable suit, though it was offset by the distinct tattoos crawling out of the collar, his easter descent apparent by his jet black, shoulder length hair and pale skin. The second man was dressed in what looked like occultist robes, long draping purple cloth with red symbols embroidered along the cuffs and boarders of the attire. The third man bore the attire of a warrior, flak vest and camo pants, decorated with battle scars and assorted grenades, a sidearm distinctly visible on his hip.

The Specter’s eyes widened from underneath his wraps, the shock apparent as his eyes flitted between the three, eventually his surprise came vocally, with admitted fear wavering in his tone.

“S...sir? These are...are they who I think they are?” Specter said, taking a step back from the three as soon as he recognized their colors. “But...they are--they’re your--”

“Yes, they are old rivals and enemies, I forgot how little I keep you informed outside this city.” The Cowl said, grabbing his lieutenant by the shoulder and lightly guiding him back towards the three. “From the East, the Steel Lotus. The most powerful Yakuza in the Eastern world and the top smugglers of illegal cybernetics and technology.”

“You do us much praise, Great Cowl.” The suited man spoke, giving the man a short bow.

Undeterred, the Cowl gestured to the robed gentleman. “From Europe, the Egregore Consortium, the largest gathering of what I used to believe was rubbish. Magicians, sorcerers, wizards, and shamans, undisputed experts in the fields of occultism and sacrifice, also top of Europes most feared terrorist organizations.”

The robed man said nothing, merely bowing at their mention.

“And lastly, a representative from the R&D side of the security corporation VIGIL.” The Cowl gestured to the armed gentleman. “Or...at least a small section I have bribed into smuggling some of their...experimental weaponry.”

The man simply chuckled and pounded his chest. “Pleasure doin’ lucrative business with ya, hoodie.”

The Cowl merely chuckled at the soldier’s sass, distinctly amused by the rough man’s antics. Not convinced, the Specter was quick to point at the three. “These are known enemies, sir. You told me before you left that you were going to try and take Japan from the Steel Lotus.”

“Well, you cannot win every war you start. I'm no fool, but I know a good business deal when I see one.” The Cowl replied, leering at the Yakuza member as he spoke. “While I cannot say we’re truly at peace, I can say we have established a...working relationship, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Of course, Cowl.” The Steel Lotus representative responded. “But we are not here to exchange pleasantries. “

“Of course, I’m just here to finalize my purchase, and then the three of you can leave.” The Cowl laid out in a blunt tone, moving straight through the three towards the large ships in the harbor.

The Specter, still in shock from the gathering of old foes, made a quick jog to gather back up to the Cowl, saying to him. “I can’t believe it, you got three of your old enemies together and stored a bunch of illegal occult tools, weapons, and tech onto one cargo ship?”

The Cowl stopped for a moment, glancing back at his panicked attendant with a smooth, amused chortle. “No, that would be ridiculous.” He said. “They all brought their own cargo ship.”

Sure enough, the Specter’s jaw dropped, visible even from behind his mask, as he viewed the three large cargo liners in the harbor. Before the ships lay a sea of tractor trailers, all marked with different companies from the city’s infrastructure, from supermarket names to restaurants, even delivery companies and contractor trucks were in place, now being loaded with the three ship’s cargo.

“I am glad to see that unloading the ships is already taking place, we have a very small window to disperse all of this before the police and the metahuman community are finished with the riots.”

“Of course, Mister Cowl.” The VIGIL representative chimed in. “The boys you left here to unload began pretty much as soon as we docked. They will be done in an hour, tops.”

“Good,” The Cowl hummed, turning to his lieutenant. “Once these trucks are loaded, they will disperse across town. As soon as they begin moving, I will need the riots to disperse. Can you sound the full retreat back to our safe houses?”

“Well...yes, of course.” Specter replied, fumbling with his tablet as he tried to regain his composure, adjusting his posture to signify his ranking with the Cowl to the three representatives.

“Good. The contents of these trucks over the next few days should resupply and upgrade all of our safe houses, along with deliver some important contents to our contracting business.”

“Wait, you mean..we aren’t just buying up property just for the value?”

“Of course not, there is a plan in place to take this city…” The Cowl took a few steps away from Specter, looking over the chaotic workings of his men loading the trucks. “It will take careful planning...but with a few steps, the Shroud will control Lost Haven, inside and out.”

“As you wish, sir.” Specter said, already plotting the course of the assorted vehicles over the next few days. “If I may be so bold...what is the next step after this?”

“Aside from continuing to buy up the destroyed pieces of town?” The Cowl made a quick glance to Specter before continuing to oversee the work. His hands drifted behind his back as he observed, his voice dropping in tone as he spoke in heavy growl, “We set up a meeting....it’s time for us to go play nice with a god…”
So, Cowl post is almost done, should be about a day or two.
I feel like Angel needs a win, soon. Anyone up to helping him fight The Cowl?

What did I do to get this kind of punishment!? D:

...Oh right, the riots...
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