Avatar of NeutralNexus
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 698 (0.19 / day)
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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@Kalistar I do have a Cowl post coming up to respond to your actions, but I also have an Umbraxis post in the works. Let's see what it wants to destroy today...I'm thinking orphanage.
@Athinar I could see that working, War-Pulse is the only one that equilibrium has met so far. I know that @Raptorman and myself are working on a collab involving him, but we can just say whatever he and I post is either before or after this secondary quest.
@Athinar Oh right! I forgot Equilibrium is after him as well! Probably because he's contained in STRIKE holding facilities(I feel like someone should spring him...anyone feel like hiring a mercenary for a prison break?) Make that three heroes!
Don't mistake my words, I am super excited about more people contending with the crime Lord. Lyger/Radiance team up, anyone? We can call it...

Wait for it...

Here it comes...

@nitemare shape I understand why you didnt, you had some heavy matters to deal with, that is entirely reasonable.
@Kalistar About friggin time someone started digging into the Cowl's dirty deeds, I feared I was going to have to start blowing up buildings to get someone's attention!

To be fair, the criminal kingpin has a god, a world war 2 legend, and a plague gang leader to contend with, sort of the bottom rung of the list of priorities.

Still, this means we've got interest in two parties, meaning two heroes are now on the Cowl's tail!
Hi guys,

I just got off the phone with 'Shape, and he may or may not be around for the next few days. His cat that he's had for like over 12 years died in his arms tonight and he's pretty broken up. I told him to take a break and mourn and come back when he's ready.

He said that if anyone has anything they need to talk to him about directly, go ahead and PM him and he'll respond when he comes on. Other than that, defer any questions or approvals to Dedonus until he comes back in a day or so.

That is terribly unfortunate, my sympathies go out to him. Take all the time you need, sir. We will be here when you get back.
Looks like @NeutralNexus has come to join the party!

What? I left my computer on with this tab up for a few hours. And I come back to find we posted three pages about nothing but boobs.

I'm not sure whether to be ashamed, left out, or god damn impressed at how much Kalistar is willing to share about her love of playing with breasts on the internet.
Well, if you don't mind sharing that site with the class, I'd be willing to continue somewhere else should everything fall apart.
I mean, we all know what happened the last time this site went down...I'm not looking for a repeat performance.
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