Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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“I talk too much? You’re the one who flew down here saying you wanted to chat.” Umbraxis responded, standing patiently at the edge of the crater, watching the hero chuck the truck like it was a ball of tin foil. “If anything, you’re the one who isn’t holding up their end of the conversation.”

Umbraxis waited and watched, observing as the hero made his way back to the Endless Void, the two white orbs bearing down upon the silver-clad idol as he made his way back. It responded in kind, pacing the . “However, if we’re actually fighting instead of talking, I suppose I can oblige.”

At its words, it brought its hands together, a ball of Dark Energy appearing between them. It was about the size of a soccer ball, a swirling obsidian ball crackling with blackened lightning, the sheer mass that was created caused nearby pebbles on the ground to tremble slightly. It brought its hands above his head, the ball of Dark Energy suspended above its palms before a forward toss brought the ball hurtling down towards Icon. The air around the ball almost imploded as it traveled, sucking in the atmosphere around it as it rocketed towards the hero. As it impacted, it delivered its horrendous payload in a sizable explosion, roughly the size to incinerate a two-story house erupted in the middle of the street, the force rocking the block. Icon would once more be thrown back, bouncing down the street and slamming headlong into another car.

It did not pursue Icon to continue an assault, however. Instead it waited in the streets, pacing slightly as it glanced to Icon’s impact point for any signs of retaliation.

“Of course, with that said I’m still very interested in talking to you.” It called out to the smoke. “Either way, there is much about you I want to know. Whether I learn it from your words or your corpse makes little difference.”
I have got something in the works, I should be posting relativley soon.

War-Pulse was quick to raise a barrier around Angel as soon as the robot up, making sure the debris falling from the exploding ceiling were met with a wave of force instead of a fleshy twenty-something. Of course, what met the barrier was a wave of fire from when the robot was commanded by the young technopath to explode, causing the merc to grunt from the small wave of the explosion before the two men traveled up through the hole made for them.

“Well...I can judge by the gesture that you didn’t get caught here without a fight.” War-Pulse said, a cheeky grin made out behind his facemask as he caught sight of the ATD, middle fingers extended. “I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same...hell I’d probably want a bit of payback in your shoes…”

Pulse’s words were only met by the sound of feet pounding along the ceramic floors, the metallic clacking of firearms being loaded becoming clear from the other side of the armory doors. “Unfortunatly we don’t have a lot of time before they start bringing out the big guns, so I'd put that idea on hold until you turn on the Iron Giant” He turned his attention to Angel, who was more than likely already heading towards his prized mechanoid. “You get that thing operational, I’m going to buy you some time. The second you are ready, you follow me out of here, understand?”

With those words, the mercenary burst off towards the armory door, he could hear the voices on the other side barking to get the thick metal door of the armory open so they could get at the two men inside.

Big mistake.

Bringing a shoulder forward, War-Pulse bashed against the security door, slamming it off of its mechanical structure and jolting outward into the awaiting squad behind it, slamming them into the wall behind it. There were more, however, a sea of men and bodies armed with heavy machine guns, along with more robots. They were coming more prepared now, these men were even equipped with heavier suits of body armor.

Just the kind of scenario a man like Trent thrived in.

The kinetic monster was quick to act, blasting the nearest man down the hallway with a right cross as he barreled down the wide hallway to the bulk of the reinforcements. By this point they were returning fire, high caliber bullets ricocheting off of the merc’s form as his fists and feet collided with the nearest bodies available, shattering kevlar and ceramics like it was stuffing and goosefeathers. He barely made it into the majority before began to be pushed back, the combined force of hundreds of bullets coming into contact with him began to force his body back towards the ripped through door. The mercenary laughed, his arms wrapping across his body as he crackled and hummed with power, blue light emanating from him as his feet slid across the ground.

“Come on you bastards! I thought STRIKE was supposed to be tough!” He yelled out, punctuating his remark with a kinetic wave, the energy bolt crackling through the air before colliding with the entire front line, sending a wave of troops head over heels through the air. The mercenary followed up quickly, locking down the now-open hallway with a kinetic barrier, bullets bouncing off of a transparent wall of force between him and the oncoming reinforcements.

This was still small fry. In Pulse’s head he knew this as he forced the kinetic barrier forward, as much as he talked trash, he knew STRIKE was still reeling from the initial result, but there was not much more time before Anderson would call in someone who could actually fight back.

“Hey kid! The sooner you can reboot your Jaeger wannabe the better!” War-Pulse shouted, twisting his body to deliver an explosive energy ball into a robot who was getting too close to eh barrier, its head exploding on contact. “I swear, if you put that thing on Windows Vista I am gunna be pissed!”
@Dedonus I am going to say it is unlikely that War-Pulse is going to get caught in this instance. Without World-Level opposition, there is not much that can stand up to both Pulse and Equilibrium.

@Athinar that post is coming tonight, by the way. And as for Angel...probably a smart choice.
Umbraxis: "Technically, you're all dead, just blissfully unaware of it."
@Athinar Shhhhhshshsh...

Don't give everything away. :p
Sorry for the lateness of my replies! I've been away for the past few days. I should have War-Pulse's post up pretty soon!

“What are you?” Icon asked as Umbraxis prepared to strike back.

"Tsk, this question again," Umbraxis sighed, its body reforming from the solid hits from Icon. "It seems that everyone on this planet is more worried about what I am rather than what I can do.” Its white orbs locked with Icon’s as it responded to his strikes in kind, reaching out with a shadowy hand to grab hold of Icon’s neck, it’s strength far more terrifying than its wispy form led on to believe, crushing at the hero’s windpipe before a twist of its form sent the hero hurtling through the air through a nearby car, bouncing out of the other side and coming to a standing halt.

“However, to answer your question, I can only tell you that I am Umbraxis.” It replied, stepping through the truck nonchalantly as Icon got back to his feet. “If you want something more specific, then I’m afraid you are going to be left wanting. I can’t tell you what I am because you would have no frame of reference for it, nor would you have comprehension to imagine it. There is no comparison to anything you’ve come across, because there is nothing in this universe or any other that is anything like me.”

With a quick gesture from Umbraxis, a portal of dark matter opened up below Icon’s standing position, a shadowy pillar rising up to slam Icon in the chin, hurtling him into the air. The entity followed up, another tendril snapping out of a nearby building to meet Icon’s trajectory, a shockwave erupting off of his back and slamming him back into the ground, cratering into the center of the street.

“Though I can see that you are no ordinary human either…” Umbraxis continued, advancing on the crater, an outstretched hand commanding a large mass of shadow to wrap around and lift a nearby eighteen wheeler, the metal screeching as it was warped by the nebulous grasp of Dark Matter. As it lifted the truck high into the air, it commented. “Let’s see where your limits truly lie, Icon.”

With that comment, the mass of Dark Matter hurled the truck down on Icon’s crater, intending to crush him under the steel.
Does anyone know if @Cold Hands is still around? I'm a little nervous since its been a week and a half that he isn't coming back.
Well, as AGM of this game, I think I have another character to make.
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