Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I'll have a post up when I get home tonight.
Indeed, it won't be long until we get a similar challenge.

Which I'm excited for.

I'm not checking this every hour to see if there's a new post.

What are you talking about?

Psh, I have a life, get real.

(Whew! Great save, Nexus.)
Yep, more than one character is allowed. So, if any of you want to make thosw characters go ahead and do it!

Are you sure about this? We already have a lot of players, and more characters tend to complicate things. I just don't want the game to get bogged down with 4-5 more guys running about.
Part of me wishes I had made a red knight for @Sarcelle Renard to have a faithful counterpart.
“He did what?!?”

The words of vitriol from the Emperor rang throughout the royal chambers on Anarris, deeply situated within the heart of Empire controlled territory, having dominated the land during the First Order’s retreat from their loss decades ago with the resistance. The sheer anger and outrage from Emperor Tyroc was outright palpable, causing both Moff Bolair and Admiral Zerat to shrink back as he slammed his fist upon the armrest of his throne room.

“H-h-he did what he thought was best, my lord.” Admiral Zerat began. “Rodia was going to side with the Republic, we couldn’t stand idly by while more territory was snatched up by--”

“How dare you keep this from me, Zerat! He had been planning to make a move like this, but I never thought he would go behind my back like this!” The Emperor said, rising from his seat and marching down the steps to his subordinates, his eyes fixed on the cowering man. “I am going to had the Grand Admiral’s head for this, and then you will suffer a similar fate for this...this...treachery!”

“And what will that accomplish, my lord?” Moff Bolair chimed in, trying to hide his trembling hands behind his back as he stood firm in the face of the most powerful man on the Planet. “You punish two of our most prominent admirals and then what? The damage will still be done, and we’re going to need them!”

The Emperor whirled on his feet, locking eyes with the Moff as he spoke harshly from behind gritted teeth. “What is that supposed to mean, Moff Bolair? Would you care to elaborate such a careless stance? Or should I punish you with the rest of the apparent traitors?”

“Emperor Tyroc, I know you’ve been trying to make an olive branch to the Republic...but the endeavour is hopeless. They steal lands out from under us, undermine us whenever they get the chance. We lose resources day by day, we lose people to the Republic, we lose everything! It is clear that old hatred clouds their minds, and it’s time for us to act accordingly.”

“I can’t accept that, and I can’t accept this vile attempt to undermine my authority!” The Emperor shouted back, walking back up the stairs to his throne. “Assemble a squad of Stormtroopers to apprehend Grand Admiral Seyall.”

“My lord, listen to reason.” Admiral Zerat said. “The Grand Admiral did what was necessary, and even if you do punish him for his transgressions, is that really going to stop the Republic at this point? What are you going to do? Apologize for his actions and grovel at their feet for forgiveness? We’ll only be forced to give up more of our precious resources as reparations and be in a worse position than we already are.”

“So you expect me to forgive Seyall for dragging us into a new war kicking and screaming?”

“Forgive? No of course not.” Moff Bolair chimed in, following the Emperor back up the stairs. “But with the ensuing backlash the Empire is going to take from this attack, you are going to need his skill in commanding the fleet.”

The Emperor did not respond immediately to the Moff’s words, exhaustedly flopping down to his seat and burying his head in a free hand, elbow propped on the armrest as a deep, disappointed sigh left his chest.

“All that work...the years of repairing the bonds that were broken down in Galactic Civil War…” Tyroc’s words were shaky, a mixture of intense breathing and trembling in an attempt to supress the very real rage and fear the man was thinking. “We were making good progress, every attempt we made was really building true peace between the Empire and the Republic, and that idiot breaks it down in a matter of hours.”

“You know what we have to do, My Lord.” Moff Borial said, glancing with Admiral Zerat and nodding, their secret purpose confirmed in their eyes as they both approached the throne. “The Empire will not survive this war divided in purpose...we must show the Republic that we have not disappeared into the darkness after Palpatine and Snoak. We are still the Empire, and its time we show the Galaxy it’s still under our control.”

The Emperor’s head rose from his hand, glaring at his two subordinates with a vicious scowl on his face.

“Leave me,” The Emperor proclaimed. “I-I need...to process this, prepare the troops and the fleet for retaliation by the Republic.”

The two men bowed to their Emperor, another glance shared between them as they left his throne room, a wry smile crossing their faces as they both were aware their part of the Darth’s plan is one step closer to completion.

One way or another, The Empire and the Republic, bitter and eternal enemies, would once again be at war.
I got a post coming for the Emperor, @Phoenix and I are also working on our collab post for the Darth Seducus/Ael and Javilla encounter.

Also, the Emperor's CS is on the characters tab!
@Redstring Quality over quantity, a few well written sentences trump four paragraphs of nonsense any day.
Tybalt Argyris

The steel of the kunai brushed against Tybalt’s face as he barely ducked the kunai thrown in his direction. He had been at the forefront of the group, trying to unsuccessfully get anyone to talk to him. Of course, that was to be understood, this was a walk to start training, and everyone seemed preoccupied preparing for the task at hand.

Stifling a small yelp, Tybalt whirled about to address the lady who attacked him. His immediate panic of the surprise strike decayed quickly, returning back into a smooth calm as he ran his fingers through his air, recollecting himself to try and keep some sort of dignity in front of his peers.

“You know, you could have just said ‘stop’ and I think that would’ve had the same effe--” He began to quip before the woman cut him off abruptly. As much as he wanted to interject, this woman very clearly meant business despite sitting out in the woods in a maid’s outfit. He knew better than to get on the bad side of the Royal Maid of the Royal House of Varr, especially so early in the training process.

She was quick to get them in a line, barking orders as if it was second nature. She had done this several times, Tybalt was sure of it by the confidence in her voice. He could only guess that they had not been the first squad who had lined up at her feet to be torn apart by her training regimen.

Hopefully they would at least be the last.

When it came to addressing their names, Tybalt was once more thrown into the fray first, having to explain himself rather quickly.

“Tybalt Argyris, at your service.” He replied confidently, knowing full well the stigma his last name carried. If he was going to be training with these fine men and women at his side, the least he could do was be honest about his full name.

Once the names were given, the young lady was quick to explain the situation, making it clear this was going to be nothing more than the most severe training session he had ever participated in.

“Well, if that wasn’t a sincere motivational pep-talk, I’m not sure what is.” He whispered to the person next to him with a wry, enthusiatic grin. Turning his attention back to Hirotsuka, who had now finished her speech, the mage was quite quick to reply. “Sounds like a pretty severe challenge...when do we start?”
*Silently observes, eating popcorn*
@Light Thank you very much for the sprite, light, that is very much appreciated!
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