Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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@Snagglepuss89 Hey, when a pretty lady asks for help, people sometimes don't think with their heads...
@Katakon I have no objections to that.

Also I edited my post for it to make more sense with what is going on.
Whup, I missed the post for joan, going to edit my post accordingly.
Tybalt Argyris

It had been a hard month for Tybalt, training had been a hellstorm of activity for the young mage. Every morning he would be up at the crack of dawn to Lady Hirotsuka’s orders to be suited up to train with the cavaliers. He had tasted dirt many times from falling off of the horse to a training spear leveled into him by a cavalier. This would continue until Tybalt could no longer hold himself upright on the steed and he would be excused from continuing. From there he would either lose consciousness from the endless beatings or struggle back onto a horse. To improve his physical stature to maintain such training he was given intensive physical regiments to condition him. jogging, leaping, crawling, jumping, any physical activity that Lady Hirotsuka had thought up before the afternoon came. He found new bruises lining his body every day, his skin now flecked with cuts and lacerations from the intensive physical exercise his indignant noble form had not been used to.

And yet every morning Tybalt woke with a smarmy, enthusiastic grin on his face. He knew this was for the greater good, and no amount a pain would ruin his optimism. Even after he was excused from the cavalier’s training area, his training did not stop. He would force himself to keep conscious after the physical strains, spending time in his room studying spells and memorizing tomes on battlefield strategies that won wars. Every day Lady Hirotsuka would physically destory him, and every knight he would rack his mind with new insights, and it had left him with impressive results. Not only had his spellcasting improved, but he was physically improved as well. He actually had muscle definition thanks to the training with the cavaliers, his body now displaying a toned muscular frame. His hands were calloused from using the training lances given to him by Lady Hirotsuka, making his physical stature just as ready for combat as his magical prowess. Every day brought new improvements, moments that he savored as a learning experience, from throwing a fireball to taking another plummet off of his training steed to the floor, Tybalt had worked extremely hard to continue improving himself.

One way or another, Tybalt was only strengthened in his resolve that he would be on that Royal Knights roster, for himself and his family’s sake.

And yet, even with all this improvement, the Dragon’s Back was still a grueling hike. The rocky terrain made any face quicker than a crawl exhausting, the terrain not really allowing for any cushioning of their feet. Nevertheless, Tybalt made every attempt to press on, his unwavering confidence pushing him forward even as he sweat through his fine silk tunic.

Upon hearing Hiro’s suggestion, Tybalt nodded in agreement. “I agree, Sir Hiro, that is a sound plan. We have no time budget for this quest, it’s best we take the safer route and come back alive from i--”

His words were cut off when the bodies came into view, the squad known as Septem laying before them in a mangled pile of blood and limbs, their faces marred in fear. Tybalt's features softened, it had not been often that he had lingered around after a fight, to see its remnants was truly a gruesome and saddening sight. What were the last thoughts these men had before they were killed? Was it family? Lovers? Regrets? Truly it did not matter, but the thought alone was ever so haunting, a reminder of the consequences for failure.

“Poor souls…” Tybalt murmured as he grabbed his trusty arcfire, advancing on the pile. “At least a cremation will be a better end than rotting out here…”

However, before he was able to throw the spell, there was a chorus of screaming and shouting, causing the mage to abandon his remorseful action and look to the sounds. There was a figure coming their way, screaming for help. It was a woman from the sounds of it, screaming that she was a survivor running from bandits. Tybalt raised a brow, lowering the rag as he left the corpse pile to face the woman. He had heard that Septem squad consisted of six, and there were only five bodies to speak of. Was this the survivor?

However, Tybalt was not one to blindly trust anyone in this environment. He had been warned by Lady Hirotsuka that this had been an area run by bandits, and there was no guarantee this was even the survivor of Septum, or a bandit. Not to mention that Septem was an all-male squad, and this woman was saying she was a survivor. Even bound, this could still be some sort of ruse to cause them to lower their guard, and Tybalt was not looking to take chances.

“Wait, Sir Hiro, Lady Joan,” Tybalt murmured to the pair. “I agree in investigating the claim, but Septem was an all male squad. We don’t know who this woman is affiliated with. Let's all investigate together, but keep your distance with her and keep your wits about you. I'd rather not find out she's part of some bandit ambush the hard way.”

He took pace after the archer and Valkyrie, calling out to the woman. “We're on our way up! Try and make your way towards us if you can!”
It said 'don't open me'. It LITERALLY SAID NOT TO RIGHT ON IT.

And I did.

And I regretted it.

Send halp pls.
I'm waiting on Phoenix for my next post.
Either way, I'm looking forward to all of this.
@fdeviant oh man, that would be fantastic. I am on board for that.
I'll let you handle it, I still got War-Pulse and Umbraxis to write.
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