Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Hey, we had to establish the scene, but I think it worked out for the best. We probably could have even gone longer.

Guess what I just posted?

The depths of empty space thundered as Mercy, the will of the World, brought the fight to Umbraxis. She had powered through the mighty black orbs of dark matter, the blasts colliding and scattering off of her form as she drove herself straight into the darkness. The celestial bodies collided in the endless vacuum with immense impact, like two planets smashing into one another as the obsidian void was pushed through the heavens by the light, careening back through the storms of Jupiter. It was on the defensive, the light slamming into it again and again like two waves crashing into one another, the clouds on Jupiter’s surface being parted with each thunderous impact.

You will not have the World! I will not let it! Mercy proclaimed as she battered the endless void, slamming another extension of her formless body into the destroyer, batting him back out of the planet’s gravitational pull and tossing it from the surface. Tumbling through space, the black entity only regained its bearing after it slammed off the surface of one of Jupiter’s moons, skidding along its surface and leaving a mighty scar along the rock before tumbling back out into open space. As it glanced back at its pursuer, it was met with streams of light, super-concentrated beams that sliced into its body, forcing it to erect a shield of antimatter strong enough to repel the attack. However, it still found itself being pushed back, and another explosive beam sent it further into space, rocketing towards the next planet with speeds that no human could comprehend.

As creation, I oppose you, and as your opposition, I am your equal! She continued, punctuating her statements with continued blasts of radiance. You cannot beat me, you cannot destroy me, and you cannot devour my World!

Umbraxis seemed to not be able to fight back, taking blow after blow of both light and force from the other, slamming it again and again, battering it with moon-shattering power until the two entities battled their way to saturn. With a mighty twist of her form, The Light known as Mercy sent another Earth-Shattering slam of her body into Umbraxis that slammed it directly through Saturn’s rings. The collision making such an impact through the mass of rocks that made up the rings that it created a massive hole through it visible from jupiter, the size of Earth two times over.

You speak of destruction and death as salvation, that you are the cure to corruption, but what say you now? Mercy demanded, pursuing the blackhearted for through the depths of space to slam into the entity once more, careening it outward towards empty space once more. What say you to someone who can meet you? That can fight you on equal ground?

The black entity didn’t respond, its body drifting aimless through the air.

What’s the matter? Mercy spoke, her voice wavering through their minds. Have you finally come to the realization that I am your equal? That only I have the power to match yours?

Again, Umbraxis did not respond, its body now seemingly lifeless. She knew it was not unconscious, it could still hear her.

Well, Pestilence? How do you respond? Do you yield to me? Admit that the threads of the World are--

Her speech was abruptly cut off by laughter. Horrendous, terrifying laughter that filled the endless silence of space, her conscious alight with the darkness’ invasive emotions echoing through her consciousness. The endless void came to life all at once, its flowing darkness snapped into position, the flowing shadows regenerating from her original assault to the point where it looked like it had not been damaged at all.

What say I, Little Mercy? The Destroyer began, more laughter echoing through their minds. I say that its time to stop pretending. As much as I’ve enjoyed this little exchange, it is no longer cute to entertain the thought that we are anything close to equals.

What?! You will regret those words! Eat this! Mercy proclaimed, barreling through the emptiness of space once more at vicious velocity, an extension of her body cocked back like a fist to slam into Umbraxis with all of her might. I am the World! And you will know my power!

She threw the extension forward, the vicious strike soaring towards its target with a display that would be unfollowable to the human eye. It connected with astonishing impact, the mashing of particles creating explosive shockwaves that rocked the heavens. As stardust and energy sparked off the impact, the confident Mercy waited until the explosion died down to see if she had finally put the Destroyer down.

What she found was the body of Umbraxis starting back at her, unflinching and undamaged from her most powerful strike, her extension now caught within its form. The panic was starting to set in, the Light trying to pull away from the Darkness, only to find it had a grisly and unrelenting hold upon her.

You know what the best part about confrontations like these are? The entity began, much to the panic of the now writhing Mercy. This moment here, when you finally realize just how much our powers divide.

Mercy at this point was struggling hard, but Umbraxis’ grip upon her form was firm, and no matter how much the celestial bodies writhed, the endless void would not yield.

You speak like you are my equal, like you understand. It said, pulling Mercy ever closer to it. But the reality is that you cannot even begin to comprehend. You are a representative of a single pebble, and perhaps on that pebble, you bore some semblance of power, but you live in a glass dome of your own beliefs. Convinced you possess some influence on the ever expanding endlessness that is your Universe. You are wrong.

As it spoke, Umbraxis’ body seemed to light up, the anti-matter particles reacting with the dark matter housing its components, sizzling with the reactive energy from the potent mixture. In an instant, a blast of darkness erupted from the entity, painful and powerful particles washing over Mercy, rending at her body with colossal force as chunks of her celestial form were disintegrated, a large piece of her formless body now missing as she seemed to be moving a little slower, her form not pulling quite as hard as her light dimmed slightly.

Admittedly, you kept my attention longer than some, but not enough to ever be a threat. The entity said, releasing her from its grip only to smash into her with an extension of darkness, launching her through the emptiness of space, the pure force of its strike causing light to explode into the cosmos, wreathing the small solar system in flashes of light that would be visible even to Earth, striking her again and again as Mercy found herself smashing into a planet, cratering heavily into its surface and dragged along its crust as Umbraxis once more had her in its grasp. The lack of any atmosphere indicating the fight had moved its way further out, towards Neptune.

It pinned her to the planet’s surface, using its many tendrils to strike and beat her, slamming her again and again, each attack shaking Neptune to its very core with bits of planetary dust kicking up into the thing atmosphere. Mercy was weak, she attempted to lash back but only found herself floundering against Umbraxis’ relentless attacks, blasts of anti-matter pinning her back down to the planet and continuing to diminish her cosmic form.

You bore me, little Mercy. I was hoping for something more than what you gave me Umbraxis boomed, grabbing her once more and yanking her free of Neptune’s gravity, tugging her back out into the empty space. Like most proclaimed immortals, you bear nothing but a prolonged life. You believe yourself to be eternal, because you as a singular entity have never been led to believe otherwise. However, time is an ever-present consumer. No universe is permanent, no one being everlasting, everything comes from nothing, and nothing is where it will eventually return to. That reality is always silently present, forgotten or unrecognized because most choose to banish it from their minds. In spirit, in mind, in body, you will be eventually forgotten. Your stories will be erased, your memory will decay, and eventually no one will be able to recall your name. In the grand scale, the Universe is simply a place created on borrowed time, and its participants are none the wiser until the Universe comes to reveal the truth.

As it spoke, it began to wrap its tendrils about Mercy, binding her body to its own as the horrid process began. Her light began to sink into its darkness, being ripped away atom by atom, matter being rent apart, torn asunder and created anew as part of its horrid, sickening form. Tearing, slashing, ripping, clawing, grinding, her very matter being manipulated into sustenance for the Endless Void.

Mercy had always wondered if it could truly feel pain, but her screams were more than enough evidence. They rang through the cosmos, any with semblance of cosmic attunement would hear her cries. The shrieks of a cosmic being bellowed through the supernatural, they tore through heightened minds, the pain ringing painfully clear as Umbraxis consumed her.

I am that truth, Mercy, and I will reveal to Earth that same truth, for oblivion comes for all.

I am the void.

I am the end of all.

With its cruel words, Mercy’s light finally flickered out, snuffed by the final destruction of her remaining body, the emptiness of her screaming filled by one final, chilling comment.

I am Umbraxis.
@Fallenreaper Hey, I proposed a question on the collab, I'll actually add some items tomorrow.
@Melonhead@Fallenreaper Your replies are coming tomorrow, and an Umbraxis post coming as well.
We do need a MIB for space, though. Like a space government.
NO!(yes, totally, I'm swamped)
Now I want to make a magic character to ties with a mythology...stupid 3 character limit.
Are there no other famous wizards in Mythology?
@Fallenreaper I added some to the collab and posed a few questions regarding the interaction.
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