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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I think I have everything addressed, everyone had at least a mention in that post, I believe!

“So, is it him?”

These were the words that came to the Cancer, a self-proclaimed rival of The Cowl, a gangster by the name of the Cancer who had sent a message with a dead informant to the Cowl’s homecoming party upon his arrival to Lost Haven. He found himself opening his eyes only to see the inside of a black cloth bag, followed by a pounding sensation rocking his head. The last thing he had remembered was being called by one of his subordinates to discuss the attack on the Shroud Syndicate, only when he arrived, there was nobody at the meeting location. The last thing that flashed through his mind was screaming, followed by a flash of light.

“Yes sir, brought straight here after the ambush.”

“Were there any others?”

“Not after the boys were through with them.”

“Excellent, you’ve done well, now how about the two of you go wait outside? Tell Specter I will be meeting with him shortly.”

The Cancer shifted in the seat he was in, feeling horrid pain shoot up his arms, like pins digging into his flesh causing him to moan audibly. He could hear the man pick up on this, the footsteps coming closer as the Cancer gained more of his bearings with every passing second.

“So...you’re the infamous ‘Cancer’, right?” Came the voice. “By now you should already know who I am, considering your entire gang has now been scattered to the four winds because of me.”

The Cancer tried to speak, but only found himself muffled, he tasted fabric and his lips hurt from being stretched.

“Oh, don’t try to speak, I had the boys gag you while you were out, didn’t need you mouthing off if by chance you awoke before we got you here.”

The Cancer let out a growl, knowing full well who was prattling on to him.

“I have to admit, this was exactly the way I thought we would meet in person ever since you sent me that little gift to me homecoming party. It was a wonderful gift, by the way. Did you ever get my thank-you fruit basket? I worked really hard on it, much harder than you worked on keeping your men loyal to you, from the looks of it.”

The Cancer said nothing, just seething in his chair behind the black bag on his head as his body rocked back and forth, the pinprick sensation in his arm getting ever worse.

“Do you know what it took to shut down and break up your operation? To convince your gang to give you up? It took me three phone calls and a bribe; one to the police, one to your underboss, and one to my associate to set up the ambush. That’s it. I didn't even have to leave my bunker. Hell, I didn't even have to torture anyone, that’s how easy it was.”

The Cancer could hear the Cowl walking around him, though he seemed to be giving the man a wide berth. Why was he so far off? Was he that scared of the Cancer gutting him?

“For all your bravado and chest-beating to call me out, you made a very fatal and easily exploitable flaw. You see, I pay my subordinates in cash rather than in a belief system.” The Cowl said. “I’m not a cultist nut pulling people together with the belief that I can change this city. I’m not someone who is looking to put himself in the public eye. I’m a criminal, a professional crook who doesn’t need to rule from the front lines. I rule from the shadows like any good businessman, and the result of my actions? My people get paid for their work, and they’re happy because of it. They don’t need someone preaching to burn the city, they don’t need a leader to rally them to some silly cause. They need someone who will give them honest pay for their work, who without fail will compensate them for what they do and look out for the interests of profit for the group. That’s how you build loyalty, Cancer, not with threats or fear, but with reliability and a steady paycheck.”

The Cowl’s stride was still very slow, the clack of his shoes hitting what sounded like cement as he continued to pace.

I run the trade here, most of this city is bought or under my heel. The police, city hall, they’re on my payroll. I have eyes and ears all over this city, and you thought with some thematic grand gesture and some dead men you were going to take that away from me?”

The footsteps came closer to The Cancer, though in trying to ready himself he found both his hands and feet were bound.

“You think you’re the first person to come after me? The first person who ever tried to make attempts on my life? You barely even registered on my radar until you dropped a corpse on my doorstep. I’m not even sure what you were trying to accomplish, as this was the absolute worst place to come after me. I run the largest organization of illicit goods and trade in the world, even the Triad knows not to come to blows with me, and you attack me here? This is MY home city, MY territory! I have City Hall and the Lost Haven Police Department on my payroll! I have eyes and ears all over this city, and you thought with some thematic grand gesture and some dead men you were going to take that away from me?””

The Cowl’s voice roared for a moment, seemingly letting his temper get the best of him before he returned to his collected composure after a long, deep breath.

“I would’ve tried to ally with you, just like I do many others.” The Cowl griped, the flick of a metallic switch echoing into the large room. “I always extend an olive branch, try to extend the criminal empire and share in our conjoined profits. But you wouldn’t have it....and now you pay the price for it. Your gang is no more, most of your trade now works for me or is bleeding into what’s left of your stock. And you...I figured I would do something special for you, since you caught my attention. Subsequently, I have a reason for why I have not killed you yet. You see, you caused me a bit of trouble, enough so I’ve been putting off way more important things, things that will keep my business flowing smoothly. For this incursion, I’ve been thinking on how to make you suffer.”

The Cancer could hear the footsteps stop right in front of him, the cold breath of the Cowl becoming audible to The Cancer’s ears. The man was right in front of him.

“I was originally going to just shoot you, but I’d rather send a message with your corpse, so that wouldn’t be fitting. Then I thought about having your own gang beat you lifeless, but they all had reservations about that, so I didn’t want to force the subject. That’s when it hit me, you call yourself ‘the Cancer’, and what better way to kill the Cancer than to cure it?”

That’s when The Cancer felt a hand on his head, ripping the bag from his face to momentarily blind the Cancer with bright lights, the horrid reality of his situation slowly coming into view. His eyes widened as he noticed the large amounts of medical equipment about him, countless vials and tanks full of various colored liquid, all hooked up to his arms through tubing, with long, horrid needles jabbed into his arms, at least seven jabbing deep into the veins on each appendage.

“You remember the raid a few weeks back? My orchestrated endeavor, and a well-planned one at that. The riots were a cover to conduct the biggest importation of guns, drugs, illegal tech, and other assorted contraband that this city has ever seen. Most pertinent, however, is what was smuggled that I’m going to pump you with today. I’ve heard that chemotherapy, while it can cure cancer, is an unbearably painful process that has horrid side effects. Most notably is constant pain, nausea, blood disease, vomiting, nerve damage, organ damage, internal bleeding, and in some cases, death.”

Of course, now the Cancer was busy trying to free himself, fighting against the needles in his skin, causing then to jostle and bleed, pooling onto the chair he was strapped to. The Cowl leaned forward, his intense glare catching the Cancer’s attention as if he were a Cobra with his frills extended.

“Every waking hour of what’s left of your miserable life I’m going to have my sawbones in this warehouse inject you with twice the legal dosage of every chemical used in chemotherapy. I’m going to have him videotape you every day as you slowly feel your body being eaten away. I’m going to make it the most painful, unpleasant experience of your life day in and day out, with constant injections and mutilations until you finally die. And one you finally do die, I’m going to hold onto that video and show it to everyone as a warning.”

With those words, the Cowl glanced over to the doctor, nodding as the Cancer began to audibly whimper and struggle, tears welling in his eyes as the Cowl turned to leave the cold, windowless room to leave the Cancer to his fate.

“Nobody antagonizes The Shroud Syndicate and lives to tell the tale. Keep that in mind with the last few days of your life.”

The Cancer could do nothing but scream behind the gag around his mouth. Struggling helplessly to free himself as the chemicals flowed through the IVs, sealing his fate before the large, iron bulkhead of the Cowl’s safehouse closed behind him, signalling the end of the feud.

As soon as The Cowl stepped outside, he was greeted by his loyal lieutenant, Specter, who had called the Cowl out to this particular safehouse in the first place. It was far away from Lost Haven, underneath a no-name diner out in the middle of nowhere on one of Maine’s many highways. While spring was on it’s way, the nights were still cold in Maine, The Cowl’s breath instantly condensing upon his departure from the underground safehouse and out behind the diner.

“So...as therapeutic as that was, I can imagine that was not the reason you invited me out of Lost Haven.” The Cowl began, buttoning his suit jacket up to warm himself.

“I have updates on current affairs, as well as new concerns that have arisen since you went on this excursion to eliminate the Cancer.”

“Of course, bring me up to speed on our operations.”

“The Triad have become more bold and public with their actions.” Specter said. “I know you’ve told me that the Triad and the Shroud Syndicate have a tentative truce, but they’re bolstering a lot of their territory in Lost Haven.”

“I would not fret too much on that matter.” The Cowl responded. “They’re just as wary of this new metahuman increase as we are, and like anyone worried about their operations, they are increasing their securities for such a force. They aren’t idiots, Specter.”

“But you don’t think they’re going to come after us?”

[coa0410d]“The Triad and I have a very clear and respectful understanding of one another.”[/color] The Cowl said. “I know in my absence I told you to let them do what they need to because they are very aware of what kind of power I hold here. This is my home territory, they are more than aware that they only have a foothold in Lost Haven because I allow them to, just as I have a foothold on their territory. Think of it as an embassy.”

“V...very well, boss, but I think you’d do best to keep a wary eye on them.”

“I keep an eye on everyone, Specter, that’s why I’m not dead, yet.” The Cowl firmly reminded Specter, causing his subordinate to shift his weight uncomfortably. “Though speaking of foreign sources, how did your meeting with the Enigma Gang go?”

“The Red Reaper and the Enigma Gang ally themselves with you, boss.” The Specter began, his eyes scanning the horizon behind his blue tinted glasses, streetlights shimmering off the glass as he turned his head. “Especially with the Cancer now out of the picture, we are the most beneficial partners for them to have in Lost Haven.”

“And they are most beneficial to us.” The Cowl responded. “I know a little bit about the Enigma Gang and the Red Reaper, you forget I spend some time in England. They’re a little...off...but as long as they have a target and green lining their pockets, I’m sure we can keep a good partnership.”

“I wish I shared in your faith, after speaking with Josie they seemed to be a bit on the chaotic side for my tastes.”

“That’s what makes them useful, Specter.” The Cowl said, staring up at the night sky. “You never know when a well-placed implementation of chaos will come in handy.” He gave a soft chuckle, giving his lieutenant a swift side glance before staring at the moon once more. “in interest to our acquired assets, what has our man in the CDC come up with in terms of Gene Co’s quarry?”

“Your suspicions were correct. The woman brought into the CDC was Racheli herself. She indeed possesses a viral agent that matches what was told to you. Word from him is that the CDC plans to move her out of the city as soon as possible.”

“As they should, with the metahuman increase and the Pax Metahumena threat looming, it’s only natural they want to get her to a safe place.” The Cowl turned his attention to Specter, gesturing for the man to write down his words. “This of course puts us at a perfect position to strike. What is the name of the fellow on the inside?”

“Lekh, sir.”

“Lekh, have him be part of the extraction team with the CDC. He has more than proven his infiltration skills, he should be able to get Racheli to the drop off point with the least amount of collateral damage.”

“Very well, should I signal Rosie and the Enigma Gang for rondevu to intercept the CDC?”

“Hm. I’m afraid not. I want them sent after Jack Grey. After I heard about the failed assassination attempt pulled by rank amateurs, having someone who has already proved they are competent should be more than enough to bring me the head of one unruly CEO.”

“Then who do you want swiping the CDC?”

“Well, I think you and I both know who would fill that job the best.”

There was a silence between the two, the Specter shifting uncomfortably as The Cowl’s eye met his glasses.

“You...you want to call in Odette.”

“Yes, her kind is perfect for nabbing Racheli.”

“You know what she is...what they are…”

“I’m aware, this isn’t the first time we’ve talked to the supernatural.”

“They will want compensation, you know they always have high demands.”

“I am aware, but Odette is a reasonable one, she and I have always gotten along fairly well.”

“But the myths...what happens to those who make deals with the Fair Folk.”

“I have my ways, Specter. Or do you no longer trust my methods?”


Specter tried his best to be bold with his objection, but even his ever-calm composure became uneasy when the Cowl brought his loyalty was brought into question, adjusting his hat enough to wipe the sweat from his brow.

“Of course, boss. I will always stand by you in the end.”

“Excellent. Then we have our one remaining outlier to update.”

“And that is?”

“The other person trying to interrupt my operations. I’ve been getting more reports that we’re being intercepted in the Western Coast of North America. Most of our best amphetamine producers are out there, and I keep hearing our warehouses being attacked.”

“Yes, and to make matters worse they are beginning to move across the coast. They bear signals of normal gang violence, someone trying to take territory, but there are key signs as to what is befalling our Western branches.”

“Which are?”

“Lack of bullet fire, the attacking culprits, whoever they are, do not seem to employ rifle fire into their supply. They seem to favor melee tools and stealth tactics, many a warehouse are left in Vegas without a bullet chambered, yet blood spilled on the floor. While it is fairly simple to replace the men and the product, rumors are flying about what is attacking them. Many of our men sport bite and claw marks, shattered bones and ripped limbs...it’s like they’re being attacked by wild animals..."

The Cowl said nothing in response. However his body spoke for him in the form of a weary sigh.

“Is...is something the matter sir?”

The Cowl began to pace, his words became more deliberate and thought out as he tried to explain to his subordinate.

“I’ve spent a lot of time away from Lost Haven, Specter. Years I have spent turning the Shroud Syndicate from a simple street gang to a global criminal empire. There isn’t a person alive who doesn’t know us, but as such, I have come across men and women who are more than hungry to take what I have. They bear firearms, swords, and assassins to my doorstep, looking for my head. I have brought down countless capos, lawmen, and governments with what I do...but I have heard of such attacks, the monsters behind them being something...more than human.”

“I’m...not sure I follow, sir.”

“Well, pay no heed to it for now. We don’t know for sure what is hitting us, so the best thing we can do is plan around it until it shows its face.” The Cowl said, turning to his subordinate. “For now, we keep our relationships strong and our business flowing. I will call our Western Branches and resupply them, keep our operations running smoothly. For now, we have other matters. See to it that a meeting with the Fae is made, we have no time to lose.”

“Very well, boss.”
Well, I'm all for this, might as well join in. Either way is good with me @Fallenreaper
What's this I'm hearing about a skype group?
<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

I think NN has failed in his goal and his post ate him! Such a shame, he was a good villain. XD

I'm working on it! DON'T JUDGE MEEEEE T.T
Alright, 3/4ths of the way done, should be able to get it up tomorrow morning.

@DearTrickster@VATROU@Melonhead@Athinar@Fallenreaper@Hellis should be something in it for each of you! Hellis mainly because I want to establish the Triad and the Shroud Syndicate's relationship.
Waiiiit...Isn't one of those Host of Heaven suits at the meeting of the metahumans right now?
We need a hype song for the teams going to face off against Doctor Diplodoc.
I'm working on the Cowl post, it's about halfway done and I should post it up by tomorrow or Sunday.
Hmmm....@Hellis's triad post reminds me how much I should expand on the Shroud Syndicate's infrastructure.
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