Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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@Hellis If I had someone to send, I'd send them your way!

I vote option a, by the way.

@Hellis If I had someone to send, I'd send them your way!

I vote option a, by the way.

I'm back with a post!

@fdeviant I'm going to catch up on everything tomorrow so I can help with the arc.

It was time, the silver-clad mercenary had drained his opponent of his power supply, forcing him onto his knees. The three heroes were closing in, capitalizing on the opportunity to take the shape shifter out of the fight once and for all.

And yet, when they went in for the takedown, War-Pulse suddenly found his hands empty. The defeated Effigy had a saving grace handed to him in the form of Silver Sorceress, who had tore him from War-Pulse’s grasp and teleported him out of the fight in one fell swoop, presumably to battle with the other team seeing as how he was of no help in the current fight.

“Aw, come on!” Came a shout from the silver-clad merc. “I had already delivered the one-liner! You can’t blink him outta here after we set him up for the knockou--”

The Force of Nature stopped mid-quip, a loud groan came from him as he doubled over in pain, gripping his sides as he fell to his knees. An overwhelming rush overtook him, his nerves lighting up all at once as if he were on fire, his brain overloading with information. It was only now that War-Pulse realized that absorbing Effigy’s energy meant he just absorbed double the amount of kinetic power that he previously had, as Effigy was an exact copy of him, which included his standard power reserves. It was rare for him to get so much power, and when he did, his body would immediately spasm, his muscles clenching in response to the influx. It was intense, the feeling of a bomb being harnessed in one’s body, the mind working overtime to keep focus. The explosive might, the intoxicating influx of potential…

Very rarely did War-Pulse lose himself like this.

It took several minutes of writhing and agonizing pain, enough for a severe chunk of the fight to unfurl as blows were traded from either side. Most probably figured the fight with Effigy had drained Pulse of his power, though it could not be farther from the truth. However, when the mercenary eventually got back to his feet, the new situation became direly apparent. The cement floor beneath him began to quiver and shake, cracking in places with each step the man took. His eyes lighting up with a bright glow, the pupils vanishing in a luminous glow. His body hunched by the new weight, his breath was ragged and monstrous, the air visibly distorting from his facemask at every exhale. Kinetic Energy was sizzling off of him, dazzling the room with his new influx of raw power.

War-Pulse was conscious, but he was not to far away from loosing control.

His head swerved as he was addressed by Skyquake, though he did not know her by name. She was in a launching position, her head motioning to Silver Sorceress behind her, the target of his ever-increasing ire. The menacing glare of War-Pulse fixated on her for a few moments, his brow furrowing as the cogs turned in his head, the amount of effort the mercenary had to put into basic through process visually contorting his face as Skyquake’s proposition circulated in his mind.

“Y...yea, I’m picking up what you’re putting down.” War-Pulse uttered, the amount of energy in his body physically distorting his voice slightly. “But when you throw me, get the others clear...because I’m going to light this place up like it’s god damn Chinese New Year.”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the silver-clad renegade charged Skyquake, trails of crackling energy coming off of him at every motion, arcing and snapping into the air as he hopped up to place his feet in Skyquakes hands, crouching down to make himself more aerodynamic for the young feminine brute. His eyes narrowed, focusing on the Silver Sorceress and the writhing plants in her way, she was cooking something up, something deadly. If they had a shot to prevent it, this would be it.

“On my mark.” War-Pulse uttered. “Three…”

He felt himself being pulled back, Skyquake rotating her form to get the maximum launch. There was a surreal silence as the mercenary counted down, both participants blocking out the ambient sounds of battle as they set up the shot.


At Pulse’s command, Skyquake’s waist pivoted as she threw her leg into the ground, smashing up the concrete as she jammed her shoulder forward, her arm pushing hard on Pulse’s feet as she launched him directly towards the Sorceress. To supplement this, a kinetic burst erupted from War-Pulse’s feet as he pushed away from Skyquake, the momentum of both forces cause much more than War-Pulse singing through the air. A deafening shockwave snapped out from the launch, even from Skyquake’s release point War-Pulse was already breaking the sound barrier. He tore through the air, a kinetic buffer surrounding War-Pulse as he careened towards Silver Sorceress and Sumac, a fist cocked back wreathed with a luminous aura, a beautifully lethal omen for the payload the mercenary intended to release.

Of course, Sumac saw it coming, bringing up a plethora of foliage to wall off his assault. Snapping venus flytraps, gnarling vines wreathed with thorns, and thick, hide-like leaves that covered the two.

But it amounted to nothing more than tissue paper to the ballistic missile that was the War-Pulse. He crashed through the plants like they weren’t even there, his eyes light with kinetic power as the ground below him ripped apart from being within the sheer vicinity of his approach.

What was coming toward Silver Sorceress wasn’t entirely Trent anymore, the influx of power caused the mercenary to become drunk with power. This was not a just a metahuman mercenary, it was hard to even call what was approaching her a man. There was a berserker hurtling towards Silver Sorceress, a monster who lost himself to his own power, barely able to contain himself. There was nothing left the manipulate, no mind to corrupt that was not entirely committed to contain the potential inside him at this moment for the spellcaster, there was only power.

“SUCK ON THIS YOU GLORIFIED HAG!” He screamed, throwing his fist forward as soon as he came into range. The blow combining with the kinetic empowerment and the momentum caused a payload that would rival a full-on bomb, the two being lost in an explosion that shook the very foundation of the warehouse. The ground below them buckled and pulverized, the air around them being torn apart as the explosive shockwave snapped out from the contact. Old equipment was ripped apart from their positions, windows shattered, a wave of earth rippling out as if it was liquid as the room was suddenly filled with light.

The destruction had not been fully realized when the sound finally died down, but the walls of the building had been torn asunder. The area was dense with smoke and dust, leaving everyone with one very important question.

Had War-Pulse gone too far?

I'm posting.


Alright, so after a few weeks of apartment searching and budget planning, I think I actually have time to post the things I've been meaning to post this weekend!
Same, I'm still struggling with the post I was supposed to get up two days ago.
OKay, I really do apologize for my lack of presence within the last week or so on both the forums and the skype chat. I have been having a rough week and will try to get something up by tomorrow or friday.
Sorry I have been relatively silent, this was a hard week. I'll try to get a War-Pulse post up within a few days.
@Hellis I know the feeling, at least we know that we don't have the only cosmic horrors flying around now.

Also, can I just say that @Melonhead and @DearTrickster knocked their post out of the park? Nice post you guys.
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