Avatar of NiceScourge
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  • Posts: 35 (0.01 / day)
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    1. NiceScourge 9 yrs ago


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dear god why am I here

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When the nice person you meet in chat has a nigh-Savo sweat level in her writing. Then again, that's the entirety of this website.

I might join, just know I will be really stressed if I do. So many RPs already in....so little time...MUST...DO THIS...
@Savo is probably either doing College, or flirting.

He flirts with Raptor and all these others, but never me....
Raptor peaked my interest, so I MAY join, but that's a big maybe, considering i'll be killing myself with 13 RPs, haha
kk i'm back, have a post

When i'm at my dad's every other weekend, I post less because it would come from my Xbox instead of a computer, and that would take me like, 2 hours to make a post that would normally take 30 mins.

"You got it!" The girl saluted with a pep that rubbed off on those who heard her. Lilita hurried across the sand as fast as she could without getting sand in her shoes, then looked around the outside of the shipwreck. It was horrible looking at the entirety of the ship, the thing was just a big pile of wood and iron now. Most of what was salvageable would most likely either be at the dry spots inside, or scattered about outside if they happened to be tossed out by thrashing.

The girl sifted through driftwood and broken ship until she came across a small crate. One not so big like the others, but just small enough for the girl's tiny frame to actually carry this one. She wasn't one to know, but when she hefted it up and shook it around, there was no noise within, which meant it was either empty or had something that wasn't very hard...in fact, the girl mentally chastised herself for shaking such a thing. If there were unbroken breakables, she would have just finished the job. "So dumb!" Lilita said out loud, shaking her head and slowly walking along to catch up with those heading inland. She silently hoped that there was something inside, as she increasingly began to worry she found an empty crate, and should have just struggled with one of the scavenged big ones. Lilita looked over at the Fox girl that was some distance away from her, and wondered who she was waving at. Looking further, there was a man walking along toward them, looking rather scruff and gruff. While he wasn't her focus now, Lilita made a mental note to check him later to see if he was in need of any good vibes.
prob won't be active till Tuesday, Monday night earliest
Time for everyone to start pitching in and makin' a camp, even if they're just a fat wanker named Cole.

Wait a...

Wait a second....

Posted, srry. It's short, but to the point.

The man was rather concerned with Lilita's well-being, asking her if she was dehydrated or in need, to which she shook her head. Not yet anyway. She felt particularly well, but that would certainly change soon considering how much water she just spewed. She thought she heard something heavenly, but it faded as the Hunter went over to the Elf. You must be imagining things, she told herself silently. The others seemed dependent on the man, who introduced himself as Masaru, since the Fox Girl walked over and asked him for directions. Maybe he was in charge of this whole shebang? He certainly seemed capable from the way he just picked Lilita up and carried her with no trouble. He asked for her name and stated that further introductions would take place once a base camp was set up, and that was very agreeable. Survival first, then my specialty.

"I'm Lilita," she said while getting to her feet. "and I should be helping too. I don't really know much, but if someone tells me where and how, i'll take an order. Everyone has to pitch in, right? It's my life too, so I shouldn't be letting all of you take care of me. It should be the other way around!" she exclaimed with all the pep she could muster, smiling as the wind agreed with her decision and chose to blow through her hair, adding some well-timed dramatic effect. Just as the Kitsune did, she looked to Masaru for guidance, as it was time to help her soon-to-be friends. "Being a people-person is my job after all. I get along well, so I'll do what's asked of me!"
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