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<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Good for the money payout. Which it seems to be your main concern when searching. So I do that.

Let's just get this over with.
*Yanks the knife, dropping the silencing spell*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

A lot of people deny my jobs, you are one of the few who does accept them.

Because I trust you to recommend good jobs.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

*rolls my eyes*
You took the job like every other job you took. You chose to keep fighting, you chose to let Lily make the right call for you. Take responsibility of your actions and choices. Besides, if this goes as I hope involving Levy you might find that you are gonna be more than safe.

You recommended it to us, and I was asleep.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Cause she will keep triggering my security.
*gets up and stretches, going to a drawer and taking out a small toolpouch*
Besides, she is mostly your responsibility anyways.

This is your responsibility. You gave us the job.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

You were the only one she could have gotten a key from, so as punishment you stick with me here while I fix hers. Besides, your keys are fine.

Why does she need a real key to begin with?
<Snipped quote by Session>

I have to make it legit. Real. Otherwise you will be in this specific version of the Tavern where you have no other access.

*Returns to a calm, low voice*
SideSlash, why don't we just fix our own keys and leave hers as-is?
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Nah, she is just chill.

So she's one of these things without being strong?
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Uhm, yes? She can seem angry.

I've seen her. Never talked to her. She's as much a monster as the others?
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Long blue hair, kinda tomboyish.

Is she the angry one?
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