<Snipped quote by Nimda>
I’m willing to devote resources to your proposition, but given my own time constraints, you’ll understand if I also keep looking for others who could help.
I'm in no rush. You can repay your debts later.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
I’m willing to devote resources to your proposition, but given my own time constraints, you’ll understand if I also keep looking for others who could help.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
It’s worth knowing if nothing else.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
If she makes a conscious effort to stay on the down low, I suppose a front-facing officer like myself will be able to get anywhere with this on my own.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
Anything else to go on then? A usually strawberry blonde quest taker isn’t exactly the knockout descriptor I’d like it to be.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
Description, known aliases, known accomplices? Anything that makes them interesting, like what they did to become wanted, or who it is that wants them?
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
Even in our time of recovery after a major war, our access to resources are second to none. I didn’t spot you among the crowd and expect you to come cheap.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
From all reports we’ve accrued, there’s not a soul elsewhere that’s unharmed.
*Takes a deep breath*
I know that you possess a sort of talent pool of your own. Even if you don’t think you’re the best fit for this problem, do you know anyone who might?
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
It expanded rapidly outward from a ground zero, definitely not sporadic.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
A small amount. Though that’s already factored in.