God Name: Anubis
Mortal Name: Daciana Adila Adomi (nickname Dacia)
Origin/God of: Egyptian god of death, mummification/embalming and tombs, and the afterlife
Appearance: Daciana is a tall, slender woman, standing at about 5'11 on a bad day, or 6 foot on a good day. She appears to be a young adult, likely somewhere in her young to mid-twenties. She doesn't have much in the way of curves, but she is still considered quite attractive by most of her peers, some of whom ogle her openly; that is, until they meet her steely, emerald gaze. Framed by black eyeliner that is winged out to the sides, her deep green eyes are piercing, albeit somewhat alluring. Her skin is so fair that she has often been told she looks 'pale as death itself', and her ruby red lipstick doesn't help her to blend in. Straight, jet-black hair falls down each side of her face to about a few inches past her chin, and she has straight-cut bangs across her forehead as well. Dacia will typically choose to wear black clothing, with her go-tos being thigh-high fishnet leggings, a black skirt or a pair of dark blue jeans, a tank top(colors vary here) with a black leather jacket, and black knee-high boots, or converse. She is a collector of jewelry, so she will usually be wearing a necklace, some band bracelets, and several rings. She also has a belly button piercing, where she currently sports some sort of a silver dangly charm, but she's usually the only one who sees it, anyway.
God history: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AnubisAnubis was once a God of the Underworld (eventually replaced by Osiris), who was in charge of all those who entered the afterlife. For example, he would be the one tending to the "Weighing Scale", an object that was used to weigh the heart of a person who had died, in order to determine whether or not their soul would be allowed to pass on into the 'realm of the dead'. He is often depicted with a jackal or wolf head, because jackals at the time would dig at shallow graves, which he would therefore be able to equally combat.
Personality: Dacia is someone who appears to be different than she really is inside. Many people see her and immediately judge her based on her attire, assuming that she is some kind of 'death-obsessed goth' or 'an emo', and her standoffish and sarcastic/bitter nature does not help with that. She can seem aggressive or full of herself at times because she is intellectual and comes off as a know-it-all. In truth, Dacia is depressed and has had some bad run-ins with people in her rather short life, making her more wary and untrusting of others, who she tends to push away. After all, living your entire life an orphan with absolutely no known family members can really sting. However, she is actually extremely compassionate, especially when it comes to animals, and at the end of the day she hates to see any soul suffer.
Weapon(s): She usually carries a small knife with her for protection when she is working or walking down the streets at night, but she doesn't yet realize how powerful the little dagger truly is. She also sometimes walks with a dark wooden cane, because her right leg can bother her at times (ghost pains of a previous trauma perhaps? She doesn't really know why it acts up occasionally.), and this cane will stand in place for now as the 'crook and frail' seen held by Anubis.
Relationships/friendships: None at the moment (but if someone plays Wepwawet, then they're siblings, as that was his brother)
Other: Her favorite animals are canines (dogs, foxes, wolves, and jackals alike). These animals tend to trust/like her easily and she feels comforted in their presence. Also, Dacia is on an interesting.... Career path, at the moment, since she doesn't really know what to do with her life and feels purposeless. So, she has a few scales that she owns and keeps inside of her small NY apartment. However, there is one scale which is silver and rose-gold, and is her absolute favorite. This could later turn out to be the scale that "weighs hearts".