Character you have created:The Broker
Alias:None. A demon such as need no alias.
Speech Color :#F62217 (Ruby)
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
Identity: The Broker, He Who Deals, Greed Incarnate
Character Personality:
In the circle of greed, you can only survive as consummate professional and utter bastard. The Broker is a healthy dose of both these things. With the added benefit of being a complete monster. He is a demon after all, spawned from the greed of mankind. He is known to be obsessively greedy and finnicky with his actions. He has little to no morals, but doesn't so much enjoy killing then he is indifferent to it. He is without a doubt, evil. He would light a toddler on fire if the thought it would benefit him.
When in his “human” form, broker is a 6’2 tall vaguely middle eastern man with a bright, red mane of hair. He dresses in business casual at all time and his eyes are the color of blood. He is handsome, with just a hint of uncanny valley going on. He is almost to impeccable, and staring at him for to long as a mortal, nonmagic user, can wierd you out.
In his demon form, he is 7’2’’ tall, with large curved horns. His skin is a subdued red color and his eyes are fields of white that glow with power. He generally dresses in robes similair to that of a rich mans bathrobe.
Origin Info/Details:
When the very first man committed a sin, Hell began to make plans for mankind. Hell was constructed to house those who fell, and their souls were added to the furnace that burns eternal. Eventually, mans sin became to big to contain, and like any good housing project, more rings were added. Sometime in the past, one of these rings were visited upon the malice of greed and Broker was formed. The broker was not a fallen angel, he did not hold heaven in contempt. He was a new breed, a carnal sin made flesh. He cared only for those who shared his sin, and could feed his desires. He rose from hell to seek out the first crusaders that reached Jerusalem. There he convinced Templar and Muslim holy warriors alike to give their soul to him in return for information, weapons and power.
It was only the first of many conflicts where he would show up to claim the souls of the corrupt and desperate. He visited magicians across the globe, offered power in return for their smallest, least significant trinkets. Trinkets he infused and turned into objects of power. These artifact then found their way back into mortal hands and started wars and enabled atrocities. He was the one to urge the betrayal of Ceasar. His presence were felt everywhere politcs crossed with blood.
His power grew steadily and soon he was managing a network of wicked men and women who owed him everything. He would soon become bored with hoarding earthly riches and souls. He began hoarding knowledge instead, began lending his power directly to warlords and magis. He observed with morbid curiosity as men to foolish to understand his being, killed humans by the dozen trough spells. But With the dawn of the very first super hero, he saw a new world open before him. With the dawn of the superhuman and alien, there was suddenly new stimuli to pursue. And as a creature who always had his finger on the pulse, the Broker now walks earth, finding and realizing the potential in budding supervillains everywhere.
Hero Type (Select one):
Power Level (Select one below): City, Possibly world if you consider his sphere of influence. This is reliant on people actually doing what he tells them to.
Powers (Be Specific):
World Shifter; At any time, Broker can open a portal to hell or vice versa. This is his main mode of transportation.
Teleportation; Broker can also teleport short distances.
Magic; Broker has lived for longer then most, and studied in detail the workings of witches, warlocks and other magic users who might draw upon the infernal. As a result, he is a accomplished magician. He draws upon infernal magic from his very essence and from hell itself.
Attributes (Select one at each category):Strength Level: 5xhuman
Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
Agility: 5xhuman
Intelligence: Genius levels of IQ
Fighting Skill: Exellent, albeit he is not a proper fighter, He is magican.
Resources: A vast and seemingly endless network of low level supervillains that ove him a favor, to big shots within politics who sold him their soul. He has more magical artifacts at his fingertips then the most collectors see in their entire life. In short, the Greed demon is filthy rich and influential, as Is his ambition.
Weaknesses: He is a demon. Holy magic tend to be effective. Blessed weapons and such is a very useful tool. Technically, a proper exorcist may banish him back to hell in a bind. But he’ll be back and annoyed.
Supporting Characters
Blueberry, his daughter. A gluttony demon who can consume anything.
Karin; A human sorceress who works as his middleman in many deals regarding magic artificats.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I dooo
Sample Post:
”The Office. Secret Lair of The Broker. Possibly Hell. Somewhere between doom and damnation, 5:30
”And they showed such potential..” The Broker stared at the newpaper in his hands. While front page had Captain Ultra beating down Capitol Punishment with the arm of some russian knock-off robot, that particular article didn't interest him much. Capitol was a hardy, old school kind of villain. He'd be back up swinging in no time. The same could not be said for the group of fledgling villains he had assigned the simple task of robbing a shitty little bank office. Of the original crew, only one had made it to out properly. Tim, a local genius type; Vengeful, unsure of himself, chip on his shoulder. Bright kid. The other were either incarcerated or dead. Well. Atleast the crazy irish fellow would be out in no time. HIs little head to head with the super hero Bastille had impressed the Leper. So he would likely break the man out. Bastille who had fought them while still on fire. He had been almost to much for them to handle in the end. In fact, the entire thing had been a disaster. Broker looked at the article that was taking up the middle spread. At least they generated some buzz. There were going to be a few B-Lister in desperate need for muscle.
”Robbery turned Massacre. 10 dead as failed robbery attempt end up in shoot out.” The article said. He scoffed as he scanned for relevant details. ”Four suspects have been apprehended, and two have been accounted for as dead. Three or more may have escaped in the chaos. Exact identities of these are unknown. Police hope hearings will yield more results.” Broker scoffed again and made the paper in his hand dissolve into flames and ash. He rose from his elaborate and no doubt expensive chair as he surveyed the room. Several workbenches and office chairs were strewn about, each surface cluttered with binders, books or stacks of papers. Computers from all kinds of time periods were neatly in a row along one wall. Broker grabbed a few of the papers and binders, seemingly at random, and started to rummage.
”You... And You... And you.” He mumbled. ”You to. And you. Oh. A monster? You for sure” He continued like this for a while longer before returning his desk were a phone had suddenly appeared. He picked it up and spoke. ”Lucida dear, could you send out a envelope to these... Fortunate ones?” There was pause as a giggle could be heard from the other end. ”No. You deliver them. I am afraid that if I showed up in person so soon they would think I favored them or something. Yes. That will be fine.” He killed the call and looked over the papers again. ”So much high tech and alien nonsense. I miss the days where most guys relied on magic and gimmicky spells...” He mumbled as he leafed trough it. ”I swear these names are getting sillier and sillier. I miss the days of Clobber and Disaster Master. Thug? Where is the pizaz in that!? I swear I should hire them a PR agent...”
Putting the folders down, He carefully withdrew a key made out of human finger bones out of his vest pocket. He spun it around his finger as he punched another number into ancient excuse for a phone on his desk. Barely a signal passed before someone picked up the phone on the other side. Brokers smile grew into a wide grin, a myriad of teeth both sharp and narrow like needles glimmered.