Avatar of nitemare shape
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skype: NMShape53

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This informative pamphlet was brought to you by:

NiteMare Shape.........Editor-In-Chief
Fallenreaper...........Co-OP Designer

Current Month: February
Current C-A-H World Arcs

Pax Metahumana / @Dedonus / In Progress / OPEN

Rules and Expectations

* Stay true to the personality and abilities of the character, such as no Cyclops moving planets with his optic blasts, Dazzler defeating Galactus, or Aunt May as Galatus's new Herald...

* Do NOT rip off existing heroes in comic universes. Come up with your own creation. If your character is too similar to one in Marvel, DC, or other comic companies, you will be asked to change it or come up with a new character.

* Before starting a game wide event, check with the GM to ensure it will not conflict with ongoing plans. Such events should NOT be your introductory arc.

* Gods and other deities are not allowed. However, characters such as Darkseid and Odin, who may have been worshiped as such; are. Any "gods" such as the Olympians, will be as regarded as The New Gods or Asgardians in DC and Marvel.

* Reality warping and cartoon physics and other such powers are not allowed.

* Do NOT criticize another poster’s character. We are not all Stan Lee or Shakespeare. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is not offensive. This rule applies even if a poster asks for feedback.

* Your character should make sense. Wolverine doesn’t dance in the flowers. If you have a meek character, they shouldn’t be smacking other characters around.

* Communicate with others in your arc. This is key to the fun. It doesn’t matter how many fights you win, it matters if the fights were written well.

* If you are collaborating with another player and you do not hear from them for 1 week, and they have not let us know of an absence either in the OOC or through PM's either directly to you or the GM's, feel free to move on without them.

* The Game Masters have the final say in matters of character acceptance. You are welcome to alter the character to make it less powerful or more creative, but arguing with the Game Masters is not allowed. This is a game, let it be fun.

* You are allowed up to four characters. However, if you are new to the game we recommend starting off with one. You can always add another character later.

* This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter or such.

* If you are new to the RPG, your first arc should be your origin arc. There are NO pre-established characters in this RPG.

* You can reside in any place in the New Universe. Note, however, that the main city is Lost Haven, Maine. This is where a lot of the action will take place. You can also travel off-planet.

* Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless you're a villain chopping off NPC victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM.

* Don't be killing people without reason. You know your weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Dazzler will lose against Thanos one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away.

* If you want to take part in this, just fill out an app and your name and character will appear on the roster, pending approval.

* You can form super villain gangs, superhero teams, alliances, the works.

* There can be a number of stories going on at once, using different people.

* Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities.

* There are endless places to go and endless things to do: ENDLESS possibilities so get creative.

* This game is essentially a PG-13 game. Use your discretion for cussing and swearing in posts. Some swearing is okay, but don't overdue it. Please don't make me amend this down the line.

* No obscene topics! NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.

* People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the Game Masters.

* I made most (if not all) of the character banners in this game. If you join and would like one, feel free to ask.

* This game has OPEN ENROLLMENT. There are no limits on the number of players who can join. Feel free to fill out a CS and join the fun!


Current Active PCS

Walking the Line


Important NPC's


Need to Know Events:
-Extreme Makeover of Little Ulster (completed): This happened a while back (I even think this happened before you tried to come back the first time). Basically, Mercy eliminated all the "filth" in Little Ulster and made it a nice place. However, that does not mean that criminals are not seeking out to 'reclaim' their old turf.

-Demon Invasion of Lost Haven (foiled): Some crazies opened a portal to a different dimension and unleashed "demons" upon the city. Several heroes, including Icon, Lyger, War-Pulse, Iron Knight, Archangel, and Vigilante (Arachne was helping with the invasion, but wasn't there when the heroes closed the portal) successfully closed the portal and saved the city from demonic conquest. This day is now referred to as "D-Day".

-Reign of Nightmare (Current arc): A metahuman called Nightmare is terrorizing Lost Haven, committing mass murders. Allied with Soulfire and the Cannibal King, he has taken on STRIKE (CaH RPG's version of SHIELD), including Iron Knight and Archangel (both working with STRIKE but not agents of that organization, the latter is currently inactive) and Icon (our Superman/Captain Marvel). The heroes have believed that Nightmare has gone into hiding, but (as the IC recently revealed) he and his allies are still alive and well.

-The Cowl's Gambit (completed): The Cowl (think the Kingpin of Crime, but not as fat/muscular) has returned to Lost Haven to solidify his claims and protect them from the rising superhuman activity. Recently, he has caused chaos in the city with mass looting and rioting to distract everyone from his real goal, the largest smuggling shipment ever in history. While the heroes were able to combat the crime wave, they had no idea of the Cowl's real plan (i.e. the smuggling shipment).

-Ares' Dominion (foiled): Ares, the Greek god of War, has set up a shrine in Lost Haven to attract follows, much to the chagrin of the other Olympian Gods. Athena has sent Arachne to confront Ares and his human ally, Polemos (war). Polemos seemed to have an upper hand (quite an understatement) over Arachne, but Icon intervened. Arachne was able to trick Polemos into thinking that she was poisonous (even though she isn't) and Ares was defeated by the combined power of Icon and Athena. It was revealed that this Ares was actually a shape-shifter posing for the god.

-Umbraxis, the Consumer of Worlds (Foiled. Or was it?): Umbraxis, a cosmic entity, has arrived at Earth's doorstep. Interested with the planet, it sent its "avatar" form down to the planet, where it absorbed into itself a bunch of college students and massacred a police station and a church. While it took some sacrifices, Icon, Thunderbolt, Boom, and a few other metahumans banded together and defeated Umbraxis' "avatar" form. Although it was sent back, licking its own wounds, Umbraxis was not yet defeated and is now binding its time.

-Pax Metahumana(Foiled): A scientist, who has invented a serum that can imbue metahuman powers onto regular people, declared to the world that in 48 hours, a device hidden in Lost Haven will create a sort of energy dome that will progressively transform the population of the world into metahumans. He claims that, due to recent events (many listed above), humanity needs to 'evolve' in order to survive and his plan would do just that. Iron Knight called together a few of the heroes who united together to stop the Demon Invasion (Icon, Lyger, Radiance), along with two newcomers (Thunderbolt and Boom). So far, their current plan is to find several metahumans who have already dealt with either this scientists or his underlings (Arachne, Raptor, War-Pulse), while S.T.R.I.K.E. scrambles around to discover where the device has been hidden.

Lost Haven

Maps made by @Eddie Brock


Character Sheet

Create a Hero RPG Application
Interested? Fill Out This Application:

Character you have created: Character's Real Name

Alias:Name other than their real name

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): See either the "Formatting Cheatsheet" (for convenience during posting) or the Guild's Color Guide (for a preview of what the colors will look like in a post) for possible colors, see CSes to note what's currently in use and what is still available.

Character Alignment: Three different alignments.
-Hero- Enjoy helping others, following the rules, and preventing the suffering of innocents? Ex: (Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man)
-Walking the Line- Liking keeping a distinct balance between good and evil by living by your own set of morals, never answering to anyone but your sense of right? Ex: (Punisher, Deadpool)
-Villain- Want to create some havoc, live for only your morals and needs, and take what you want or have while enjoying the fall from the aftermath? Ex: (Joker, Green Goblin, Magneto)

Identity: Is your real name a Secret or Known to the public?

Character Personality: Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations, how they socialize and more.

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like.

Origin Info/Details: How did they gain their powers, where did they originate and end up where they are now? What experiences do they have and events in life turned them into the people they are today?

Hero Type (Select one):
Normal- Average human or Non-powered characters
Brick/Muscle- Strongman or Brute type character
Elemental- Select: Water, Wind, or Earth.
Energy-What kind of energy? Ex. Electricity, Fire, Spirit, etc.
Psychic- Use your mind to toss or bend items, read minds, or even just cast illusions to make people think they're crazy!
Acrobat- Balance on great heights, twist into interesting ways and always land on your feet.
Speedster- Duck and weave, you can't catch me because I'm too fast for you.
Gray Matter- Who needs fancy powers or extreme weapons when I fully can and will out smart you.
Shape Shifter- I was a little lady once, then a young boy, and now a supermodel. What shape next, I wonder, should I take?
Mystic- Spell casters and magic users, if you're using any sort of magic then it goes here.
Supernatural- Divine agents, vampires, werewolves, zombies, angels, demons, and the list goes on...
Other- if you managed, somehow, to create something that doesn't belong in any of the above list then please put it here.

Power Level (Select one below):
A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)
C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)
D. Cosmic (Ex. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern)

Powers (Be Specific):
Attributes (Select one at each category):



Strength Level: Normal Human, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100+ tons.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100+ MPH.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours.
Agility: Normal Human, 5X, 10X, 15X, or 20X Human level.
Intelligence: Average/Genius/Super-Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained/Trained/Mastered

Resources: Minimal/Average/Large/Extreme


Supporting Characters: Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.)

Most Importantly:
(Or Else!)

“Even though you all might have ultimately stopped my plans, I can still cling to the fact that I did not lose.” The doctor gave a smug smile to the heroes as he hinted that, even though the domes were dispersed, people were still affected by it.

"And we'll be here to help those people. Icon said as he stepped into Dr. Diplodoc's lair, after returning to the site after dispersing the domes. "You may think that you've won, that you've achieved your goals, but I want you to know that you didn't. There are people out there right now, already working to cure the people that you violated with these domes."

Icon looked at the two most outspoken members of the team, Pendragon and Vigilante. He had been able to hear their exchange with the Doctor as he had approached them, and he knew that both had been spot on in their assessments.

"They were right." Icon said motioning to the two heroes. "Escalating a metahuman arms race is not the answer to any of the world's problems. Especially when you take away a person's ability to choose their own destiny. I want you to know that your plan failed Dr. Diplodoc, because we were here to stop it. Just like we will be if you, or anyone else were to ever try something like this again."

<Snipped quote by Robeatics>

My suggestion, notify the GM that your PC is an evolution based hero (which I did with Rach, mainly as her powers will evolve in time from their current ones into others) and in your current CS list the current powers, their limitations and such right now. Then, before you have them change or grow, pop the GMs with the information change and where at in the CS so they can look it over then give the alright or asks for changes. I've already done that with Racheli and NMS was good with the method which reminds me she'll have another power addition to her CS in S2 after this event due to Odette's actions.

This would also allow you to start off as 'street' level then grow into world level instead of starting off in a set power level. This might also be an interesting aspect to apply and explore creating a moral issue when she starts to 'outgrow' or push against boundaries Cabby might found uncomfortable and find herself struggling to help prevent Lisa from crossing. I'm assuming Lisa's world power, isn't she? Been a while since I looked over her CS. XD

<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

Aren't you subscribed to your own roleplay?

Yes.....I just never think to look in my subscribed threads...
Wow, took a minute to find the game...thanks to the mass amount of forum spamming going on...
@nitemare shape @Dedonus
Hoping I am not overly intrusive, would my character be approved, or does he require further amendments?

Yep, looks good. You're approved.

Icon touched down on the roof of the Maine Supermax Prison Complex, known to most as simply Tartarus, or Tartarus Island. If Iron Knight had been right, Dr. Diplodoc had used some sort of device to shield the prison from the effects of the meta dome, and if he had done so here, he had probably done the same thing in other prisons around the country. Iron Knight had surmised that if they could get one of these devices into the proximity of the source of the domes, then perhaps it could be used to deactivate the domes altogether. Icon didn’t know if Arthur was correct in his assessment, but he hoped against hope that he was.

Arthur had suggested that Diplodoc would hide the device where it would go unnoticed amongst the staff as well as inmates. He speculated that the most logical place to pull this off would be in the prison’s mechanical room, which is where Icon would look first. Fortunately, his arrival on the island prison hadn’t gone unnoticed. Prison spotlights were focused on him, and several guards as well as the prison administrator, Robert Dale, met him as he approached the prison’s rooftop entrance.

“Icon, what do we owe the pleasure?” Mr. Dale said as he approached the hero with his hand outstretched.

“Warden.” Icon said as he accepted the man’s handshake. “We believe that the Pax Metahumana terrorists somehow smuggled a device into the mechanical room to shield the prison from the domes. We hope that this device is the key to shutting down the other domes across the country. I need access to the mechanical room to see if we’re right.” Icon told the man.

Robert Dale stood silently for a moment as if contemplating what Icon had told him. While he doubted that anyone could smuggle anything into the prison under his watch, if there was any chance that there was something here that could bring an end to this nightmare, it was at least worth investigating.

“Of course.” Dale agreed. “Jones, take Icon down to the mechanical room, see what you can find.” He told one of the guards standing beside him. The officer, Jones nodded in compliance and motioned for Icon to follow him.

When Jones and Icon reached the mechanical room, Icon wasn’t sure what he was looking for. The room was filled with generators, water pumps, and electrical panels. Then he saw something that didn’t quite seem to fit in. It was a large cylindrical object, about the size of the hood of a mid sized sedan.

“Have you ever seen this before?” Icon asked Officer Jones as he approached the device.

“No, this shouldn’t be in here.” Jones confirmed, and with that Icon grabbed the device, which was heavier than it looked. Knowing that he didn’t have much time, Icon left his feet, crashing through the ceiling as he took to the skies toward Philadelphia.

“Arthur, I’ve got the device. Now what?”

“Okay, Icon. Take the device to one of the tallest buildings in Philadelphia,” Chris paused from speaking in the communicator as he did a quick search for potential sites, “such as the Comcast Center. It’s just east of Penn, across the Schuylkill River. There are also several other tall buildings around that area, so they shouldn’t be hard to miss.”

“While you fly there, I’ll remotely alter the machine’s parameters so that it’ll have a large enough range so that it can get rid of the dome. Also, let me know when you land. I’ll be able to detonate the device remotely, so you don’t need to worry about activating it.”

Icon didn’t respond. Instead he rocketed off in the direction of Philadelphia, only leaving a sonic boom as he broke the sound barrier in his wake. The trip from Maine to Philly only took a few minutes on account of the extra weight he was carrying. As he approached the City of Brotherly Love, he was taken aback by what he saw. He knew that the city had been encased inside of a massive dome, but actually seeing it in the flesh was something else altogether. However, the sight of the dome wasn’t enough to deter him, he pushed forward and carried out Arthur’s instructions and touched down upon the roof of the Comcast Center.

At first, nothing happened.

Dammit, it isn’t working! Icon thought to himself. However, after a moment the device made a series of beeping sounds, and then he heard a slight hum. Then a series of lights suddenly came on which made the device appear to be enveloped in a soft green light as if came to life.

“Iron Knight, something’s happening.” Icon said into his commlink. If Arthur had responded, Icon didn’t hear him. Instead, he watched as the emerald dome which encased the city began to slightly warp in response to the activation of the device. Then, after several long moments, the dome was gone, having blinked out of existence as a result of the opposition from the device.

“It worked. Now for the others.” With the dome gone, Icon finally exhaled in relief.

“Was there ever any doubt that it wouldn’t?” Chris boasted to Icon after he had gotten confirmation that the modified device was able to disperse the dome that had surrounded Philadelphia. “But don’t get excited yet. We still have five more domes to remove. I have already alerted local authorities about our operations. They should have located the devices by the time you have arrived.”

Icon took to the skies again, repeating the process five more times. He raced across the country collecting the dome dampening devices and placing them in the highest points in the cities. Soon, the domes began to fall one by one. Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Seattle, and finally Los Angeles saw the domes that had encircled them vanish, allowing millions of their inhabitants finally breathe freely.

Icon stood atop the unfinished construction site of the Wilshire Grand Center, what will be the tallest building not only in Los Angeles, but West of the Mississippi. He looked out over the usually vibrant city of LA and noted the unusual stillness that had gripped it.

“It’s done. The domes are down.” Icon said into the commlink. “Get ready for the final assault, I’m on my way back to the facility. We’re going to end this, once and for all.”

“I’ll arrange for some backup to help transport Doctor Diplodoc and his allies to the proper authorities.” Chris told Icon. “Also, I’m not suited up, so you don’t have to be all formal! Call me Chris or Arthur. Either is fine.“
Work done in the doc, which can be added to as needed and posted.
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