Here's Micha, finally. I'm not exactly proud of what I wrote for his origin but I had to put something there and that's what was holding me up. I couldn't think how to phase it any better.
Most of the CS is in 1st person because it’s easier for me to create the character that way. I can rephrase it to be in 3rd person if necessary.AKA:
Character Name:
Mi’isha-cendeha’amenla Amlaas-ite’idmamidrin
Character Alias:
Michael Alistair, Micha (mee-sha)
Speech Color:
(Gold, FFD700)
Character Alignment:
A Villain, as far as I understand.
Public. For what it’s worth, I don’t care if you know who I am. It doesn’t affect me in any way.
21 Earth-years. I was chrono-frozen for 2 earth-years however as the trip from my home planet took a while, so I am technically 23.
Physical Appearance (Normally):
I can shapeshift. How can you even know if this is my true form?
(His true form has piercing, sharp yellow eyes that are set into a thin and strangely delicate-looking face, which in turn is framed by his mid-length dark red hair and the swirling black symbols and tattoos which flow down his neck and back, curling around to his front on his sides (kind of like a tiger’s stripes). Aside from the tattoos his skin is pale and clear, and he also has a streak of yellow hair on the left side of his head. He stands at 5’10” or about 1.8 meters tall, with a weight of 110 lbs or 50 kg. He has a lean, slightly muscular build.)
(When he shapeshifts, it is a near perfect transformation with only 2 flaws. The main symbol in his chain of tattoos, located on his lower back, is always there and visible no matter the form he has shifted into. The second flaw is less obvious but still easy to spot when you know what you’re looking for. He can not completely remove the yellow from his eyes, so from a certain angle or in a certain light his eyes will look just as bright yellow as they normally do, otherwise you might catch flashes of yellow that most would dismiss as a trick of the light.)
Character Personality:
(A stickler for tradition and order, he perfectly understands what is right, wrong and socially acceptable, at least on his own planet. He values honesty, dedication and dignity, and if you were to ask him for help with something (even if you were his enemy) he’d try his best to give clear advice and guidance. He’s a natural leader, using his knowledge and past experiences to guide him, but here on Earth he’s a bit out of his element as his culture is very different from anything we have on Earth. He is strong-willed and patient, and very good at keeping organized. He likes planning things out. Though, strong-willed also means he’s too stubborn sometimes, and he has difficulty expressing himself properly. He’s also extremely judgemental of himself and others and completely obsessed with his social status.)
Likes: (only Earth things are listed)
- Cats - They are obviously the smartest beings indigenous to this planet, they deserve your respect. Also, they’re nice to talk to.
- Coffee - I have no Idea what it is, but this drink is amazing despite it’s seeming lack of any nutritional value at all. Would you pass the cream please?
- Music - We do have a concept like this on my home planet, but it has been outlawed an ill-advised activity to partake in for centuries. I like the diversity of this world, and how it is expressed through your arts, music is unique even in this however. I have never experienced such wondrous noise before coming here.
Dislikes: (again, only Earth stuff)
- Language - There are simply too many languages on this planet, it’s a hassle to learn them all so quickly. It gives me such a headache to choose what to say to correctly make my point. English is especially tricky, many of your everyday words have no direct translation into my own tongue, or simply don’t exist. For example, the words “Hero” and “Villain” seem to keep popping up, these are two that do not exist for us.
- Rhetorical Questions - I do not understand the concept. If I am not supposed to answer, then do not ask.
- Rain - It does not rain on my planet, the water of the world flows entirely underground, the surface is a continuous and dry landmass. I do not dislike water, quite the opposite actually, but it disturbs me that it will fall from the sky at random intervals. It just doesn’t seem right.
Origin Info/Details: (I would rather develop most backstory IC, so this is just how he got to Earth and maybe leading into what happens in his intro arc, not really why or how he got his powers.)
(Split in two for fun. This is if he’s talking to a human.)
I am part of a team of Explorers sent to map out this part of the galaxy for resources. The Gas giants of your solar system just happen to be rich in an element that your culture has no use for yet, or possibly ever. Members of my team are chosen by our “government”, as you would call it. I am the second-in-command and a skilled fighter, tasked with protecting the rest of the crew rather than retrieving shiny rocks from larger space-rocks.
(Talking to a crew-member now)
Don’t let them know we came to ╔╦╩╨╤╥╙═╬╠╧╘╒╓╫╓ ×╫…. They’ll catch on soon enough. I, don’t care what the Genrinam’nodi Jouldigenen said, we’re almost 8 light-years away from his jurisdiction, and with our Cenam-pehtemidno (Captian, Cenam for short) actually bothering to speak with these intelligent monkeys I’m fully in my rights to take command. It is my duty to protect you, and by even landing here the Cenam has basically signed your death warrants. These are a violent and warlike people from what I’ve seen of their backwards-society, and it seems they will not hesitate to kill us despite the obvious fact that they’re mostly drastically inferior to us, in all aspects of existence. What’s that look for, comrade?
Hero Type:
Shapeshifter, Alien, partially-psychic abilities(?)
((little bit of psychicness listed because of TT and related powers, as well as the language thing))
Power Level:
I’m no fool, I know I can’t take on all the world at once, but a city or two should be easy for me to throw into chaos. (city / low world level)
Shape-shifting - I can shift into anyone or anything, though depending on the thing the change takes some time. My eyes and tattoos are the only ‘gives’ that I know of, the only ways to tell that it’s me and not the person or animal I may look like. Also, I am not psychic, and therefore do not know things that whoever I have shifted into would know.
Linguistic Assimilation - The ability to instantly learn, speak and understand any language through physical contact with someone who already knows the language. This allows me to speak, write, and understand any language, even an animal’s language. However, just because I can speak it doesn’t mean I completely understand what I am saying. I perceive what I say as being in my own tongue, and anything you say to me is the same way. Many Earth words don’t have direct translations, or any translation at all into my language, so communication is not perfect, but it’s better than nothing.
(For everything related to TT, focus is key. If Micha can’t focus he can’t use these abilities at all.)
Tactile Telekinesis (TT) - I have the ability to utilize a type of personal force field made of telekinetic energy. When in use, my body is completely surrounded by this invisible energy field, protecting me from harm and enhancing my physical abilities such as strength and speed. However this is the most draining of my abilities and the longest I can keep up the full bubble is an hour; also, immense amounts of repetitive physical force can break through the energy field no matter how much stamina I have left.
TT ½ - I can also use TT to manipulate objects that I am in direct contact with (Like another person, a glass of water, or the ground) without needing to form the energy bubble around me. I can also manipulate myself in any way without the bubble formed at all.
Density shifting - I have the ability (as a result of TT) to control my own density and that of any persons or objects I am directly touching, thus giving me the ability to phase through pesky things like walls and bullets.
Flight - Also because of TT, I can Fly (or levitate) by manipulating my own body through the air. This is about as energy draining as running is for humans and so I can’t keep it up forever, and I can’t cary others while flying.
Attributes:Strength Level:
Equal to that of any average Human, unless the full TT bubble is in use. Then strength is ~5 tons for the time the bubble is intact.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Just high enough to be considered inhuman, unless TT is in use. Then speed is ~3 times as fast as the average human.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
Two hours longer than the average Human.
Just high enough to be considered inhuman.
High Average. I don’t claim to be a genius, but I learn any necessary skills quickly and easily enough.
Fighting Skill:
I am well trained in hand-to-hand and in the use of a variety of melee weapons, both of Earth and not.
Average I suppose. I have a hidden but broken spaceship to call home, and can most likely just go get anything I need once I find out I need it. Wait, what is "money"?
Weaknesses: (In 3rd person 'cause he'd never openly tell anybody this stuff)
1: The ‘tells’ for when he’s shifted: yellow not entirely gone from his eyes, and the black tattoo on his back that never goes away or disappears, no matter what form he takes. Also, depending on the form he's shifting into and how different it is from his current form, shifting can take anywhere from a couple seconds to a minute.
2: Tactile Telekinesis (TT) and flight are especially draining abilities for him, and anything relating to TT requires focus in order to use at all.
3: Has a severe physical reaction (like an allergy) to pure Silver or Iron. His skin will burn on contact and blister painfully. Cuts and other wounds made by these metals will take considerably longer to heal.
Supporting Characters:
- Kinam-lala’amno Amlaas-ite’idmamidrin (Sister) - Half sister, thank-you-very-much. Our father broke many rules to keep us both alive, in my opinion it was a wasted effort. She’s not worth the air she breathes.
- Fluffy (First friend on Earth) - A wonderful, kind, and intelligent companion. He tells me he currently lives on the streets, and despite being a cat, seems to have low self-esteem. I blame humans for that, but he seems to like you lot, so when he’s around I’ll consider our disagreements to be put on hold.
- SiEnAm #124 (present only for the intro arc) - It would be said “SEA-124” in English, and I’m not going to tell you what it stands for. This was the group of explorers that I was with when we came to Earth. Our goal was not originally to make contact or diplomatic relations with Earth, but actually to harvest resources from the Gas Giants of this solar system. We didn’t even know there was life here until we reached your solar system and our sensors were in range to pick up your signals.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
Sample Post: (In 3rd person now)Some time after the intro arc, but before getting involved in any other arc yet.
Micha sat on the edge of the roof and looked out at the horizon, broken and blocked by the other tall buildings around him. A soft mew to his left signaled the arrival of Fluffy, the lovely Tabby cat sitting down next to him for a few seconds before beginning to purr.
As always, Micha was surprised at how much simpler yet refined the language of the cats was compared to the mess that humanity preferred to use. The two exchanged their greetings, and then Fluffy began telling him a story, about what his life was like only a year before, as an alley cat on the streets of the city called New Haven. Micha couldn’t understand it, but he felt like he shared much with this being. They way they both grew up, the way they made their own paths…
And now they were friends.
”Fluffy?” Micha purred as his companion’s story came to a halt, ending with the moments just before they first met. ”Would you like to know about my life? The same way you told me of yours?” The response was immediate, and positive. Fluffy lay down as Micha began telling the story in much the same way Fluffy started his.
”Well, my father was an absent figure in my life, much the same as it was for you. He was a wanderer, and a fool. Sometimes I wonder if he’s even alive anymore, and then remember that I don’t care. The same way he didn’t care about me, or my mother.” Micha paused as he tried to pick words that seemed less harsh. ”He was a brilliant man, but had his values out of order. He ended up choosing ‘adventure’ over his obligations to his family or his people.”
He couldn’t think of anything else to say about his father at the moment, the man really was a blank, so he went on to talk about the rest of his family. ”My mother raised me until I was 10, and then she died. I’m not sure how, or exactly why, but I was told that it was for the better. I was taken in by the mother of my younger half-sibling, and she never spoke of either of my parents, but treated me as if I were her own child. My sister and I do not ‘get along’, she’s far too rebellious and independent. People like that don’t live to see adulthood in our society.” He had to pause as a thought came to mind, something he’d heard his sister say before: ”Or so I’d been led to believe.”
There was something about this planet, the people here and how different their society was from the structured paradise he’d grown up in. This place was chaos, a total lack of control over any aspect of daily life, and yet the majority of humans seemed happy like this, even though that same majority most likely doesn’t know what their future holds for them even within the next week.
Fluffy mewed curiously at Micha’s sudden stop, and all he could do was sigh. His mind was suddenly too jumbled to talk of home, and he told Fluffy as much shortly. Strangely, his friend seemed to understand as he uncurled himself and stretched, padding away with a soft goodbye. Micha knew his friend would be back again tomorrow, he always was. Perhaps by then he’d have his own thoughts straightened out.
He stood too as the sun started falling behind the line of buildings to the west, getting his orientation back by that knowledge. What remained of his ship was about an hour's walk north of the city now, he’d hidden it in a cave so no rouge human could stumble upon it and try to take it away. He’d already had to deal with getting some of the pieces back from the government of this ‘country’, he really didn’t want to have to deal with that again. Humans really were chaotic and disorderly, they couldn’t even get along with each other, separating themselves into groups on their own planet. So, how could they ever possibly get along with or understand any alien races?