Character you have created:Rianne Mary Killough
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):#00A651Character Alignment: Villain
Character Personality:
Rianne is hot-headed, passionate and equally ruthless. Her childhood and teenage years fighting the British in Northern Ireland hardened her view on life, and she loathes and despises authority figures, even to the extent that she was considered a rogue agent of the RIRA during her days in Northern Ireland. She vows to fight the enemies of Ireland to her last breath, and will defend herself and the Irish community to the death. She knows she's wanted by almost every international police organisation for multiple murders, car bombings and assassinations, and this affects a person slightly - she is mistrustful, slow to befriend and will not hesitate to distance herself from one who would be a liability to her. Rianne is also rather violent in her tendencies - RIRA often found that Rianne would ambush even British armoured patrols, with two blocks of C4, a detonator and an assault rifle, Rianne can - and has - wipe out a Warrior IFV and its occupants without too much difficulty - adding to her international infamy, and she's proud of her abilities. She also has a very laidback attitude to relationships, seeing them as welcome distractions from the tasks she has been assigned. She also has a reverence for Celtic mythology, often calling upon the blessings of Erin (or Eire) to aid and guide her in battle, and to defend the Irish and Ireland.
Uniform/costume: Face:

General 'uniform':
Origin Info/Details:Hero Type (Select one):Normal/Mystic
Power Level (Select one below):City Level
Powers (Be Specific):The Blessings of Erin - Rianne was born into a magical family, one that derived their powers from the old Celtic gods of Ireland, specifically Erin, or Eire, the matron goddess of Ireland and the Irish people. Erin's blessings aid and assist Rianne in battle, from placing her shots on target, to protecting her from return fire if the enemy does so, to ensuring that Rianne's ambushes go off as planned, much of what some would consider luck is actually because of Erin's intercession. Rianne owes her life to the goddess several times over, that is for sure, and she has used the goddess' powers to heal her comrades, to aid her allies and to kill her enemies.
Attributes (Select one at each category):Height: 5' 7" (170 cm)
Weight: 144 lbs (65.3 kg)
Strength Level: Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Human
Agility: Human
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Highly Trained
Resources: Average, bordering on Large. Rianne and her fireteam have access to a modicum of equipment, supplies and firepower, and access to large bank accounts stored in offshore locations that are connected with RIRA in places such as Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. Rianne herself is also a dab hand at money laundering, and so has more income than most would expect from a terrorist cell such as hers.
Weaponry:AR-18 Assault Rifle: The primary firearm of any IRA fireteam in the modern day, the AR-18 assault rifle is a dependable, accurate and ubiquitous assault rifle in the hands of Fireteam Quinn. Most of the fireteam's assault rifles have been modified to accept armour piercing and other specialised rounds, such as silver rounds for werewolves and vampires. Rianne has christened hers 'Soldier of Fortune' - quite accurate, given their current circumstances away from Northern Ireland and acting as little more than hired thugs.
Walther PPK: An uncommon choice one might think for a sidearm, Rianne nevertheless is armed with one almost at all times. Small, easy to conceal and easy to fix if anything goes wrong - as well as having abundant and cheap ammunition - Rianne uses her PPK either as a backup weapon or as a method of execution. In addition, Rianne often uses a suppressor on her pistol, if only to keep the noise down if she's trying to be quiet.
Barrett M82A1 Sniper Rifle: Not used by Rianne, but instead by Ruairi Kinsella, the fireteam's dedicated sniper, enemies of Fireteam Quinn have come to fear the bark of the Barrett. Capable of penetrating any known body armour and the man inside, and then carrying on straight through into another man, the M82A1 is one of the heaviest weapons that Fireteam Quinn uses on a regular basis. However, the M82A1 is a heavy weapon, and cumbersome in a firefight, and so when Ruairi finds himself in a fight, he most often uses his AR-18 instead.
PKP Pecheneg: Also not used by Rianne, but by Kathleen O'Donoghue, the heavy weapons support of Fireteam Quinn, the Pecheneg general purpose machine gun is the primary heavy armament of the Fireteam, and is used for suppression and heavy small-arms fire. For most jobs, the PKP is all the firepower the Fireteam needs on a day to day basis, but when the PKP doesn't cut it, Kathleen instead opts to go for something a little more... robust.
Browning M2 .50 cal Heavy Machine Gun: The oldies are still the besties. For times when the Pecheneg won't cut it, Kathleen uses her good old trusty M2, the same gun her father used in the Provisional IRA. For use against heavy targets, vehicles or mechanised walking things that just don't know when to stay dead, the M2 is a fearsome weapon with equally fearsome operators.
Semtex Explosive: The most recognisable of the explosives used by the IRA. Rianne and her compatriots use Semtex in many explosive operations, from car bombs, to demolitions, to vault and bank breaches. Rianne is the primary user of Semtex, able to set traps and destroy vehicles and equipment from a safe distance with detonators, or rig up self-detonating car bombs, designed to explode and kill the driver after a short time.
Grenades (M67 Frag, M84 Stun, M7A2 CS gas): The easiest to acquire in the United States, the RIRA team often equip themselves with M67 fragmentation grenades for explosives work or for defence, as well as M84 stun grenades for assault work. For non-lethal takedowns, the RIRA often use M7A2 CS gas grenades, or when available, WP smoke grenades. You can tell when it's Fireteam Quinn, however, if they use the following equipment...
MILAN Anti-Tank Missile: On the black market, you can find anything. ISIS use the MILAN. So does Fireteam Quinn. The MILAN ATGM has replaced the RPG-7 in much of Fireteam Quinn's engagements, with RPGs now relegated to anti-infantry work. The downside of the MILAN is its cost and relative rarity - most MILAN weapons are obtained through subterfuge and stealing from military caches, which add elements of danger to the process, and thusly, drive up prices.
Customised body armour: Fireteam Quinn rely on ballistic weave body armour, made in secret by Alice Rackham and her associates on Tortuga for truly
extortionate prices, but it's well worth the expense. This body armour is highly resistant to gunfire, flames and stab wounds, whilst being easy to maintain and waterproof. In addition, this lowers the need for bulky armour plates and conventional body armour, which aids in their mobility, and also in stealth.
De Lisle Commando Carbine: The ultimate stealth weapon. The De Lisle carbines used by Fireteam Quinn have been manufactured in secret on Tortuga by associates of one Alice Rackham, and they've been put to good use. Ambushes and silent takedowns aplenty have been made possible by the De Lisle and it's silent but deadly nature.
Weaknesses:Rianne is still just a human. Shoot her, stab her, set her on fire, submerge her in water or molten metal, all of it will kill her surely as it'll kill someone on the street.
Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):Rianne is supported by her fellow terrorists in the cell Fireteam Quinn, named after Joseph Quinn, a RIRA fighter killed by UVF volunteers in the Bogside.
Murchad Roberts - 2-in-C and Gunner, Fireteam Quinn
Kathleen O'Donoghue - Heavy Weapons Support, Fireteam Quinn
Ruairi Kinsella - Sniper, Fireteam Quinn
Stephen O'Briain - Gunner, Fireteam Quinn
Einri O'Neill - Gunner, Fireteam Quinn
Aoife Kavanagh - Gunner, Fireteam Quinn
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