Avatar of nitemare shape
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  • Old Guild Username: Nitemare Shape
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skype: NMShape53

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Icon stood stoically as the girl in the cell began ranting. Her words were slightly incoherent ramblings at first, perhaps due to a combination of nerves and surprise. She clearly knew that she was in trouble, and she was adamant that she had nothing to do with the bomb in Little Tokyo. He listened as she briefly touched on her past in New York, and that she had been caught in Dr. Diplodoc’s meta bombs which changed the lives of so many people. As he looked at the young girl, who appeared to be in her early to mid teens, he was reminded that no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to save everybody.

As she spoke, he realized that she wasn’t just pleading her case to him. It wasn’t all about guilt or innocence for her, at least not at this moment. She was looking for guidance. She claimed that she wasn’t able to sleep, yet never got tired, and was unable to feel pain. She seemed to want to get involved in the superhero game, and seemed to be asking him for help in attaining that goal. However, he wasn’t sure if he was the right choice to mentor her. She couldn’t be more than fourteen or fifteen, and what kind of hero would intentionally put a kid in harm’s way?

As she went on about her innocence and how she had been trying to convince the detectives that she had nothing to do with the bombing, and even gave a brief description of those responsible, Icon believed her. He listened to her heartbeat and her breathing, and although her heart rate was elevated, most likely from the stress of the situation, Icon could not hear the fluctuations that one could expect to detect if she were lying.

“Look, I’m not sure what I can do for you. But when you get out, go to The Wayward Center on Paris Avenue.” Icon told her. “Talk to Alice, tell her that I sent you. She’ll be able to help you, and if you need me, she’ll know how to contact me.” Icon started to turn to leave the young woman, but he turned back and met her gaze.

“I wish I could do more for you now, but between the Hounds of Humanity and the earthquake...” He trailed off slightly. “I have to go, but I’ll be in touch.” Icon said before taking his leave of the girl.

I'm going to go ahead and approve
hmmmm....I may just have a character for this.

After seeing the news reports about the attacks perpetrated by the Hounds of Humanity, Icon had taken to the skies above Lost Haven in search of any sign of the hate group. While he did not find any trace of the Hounds of Humanity, he did find evidence of the minor earthquake that had hit Lost Haven, and as the reports came in, just about everywhere else on Earth as well. He didn’t know what had caused the quake, but he knew that chances were, sooner rather than later he would have to deal with whatever, or for that matter, whoever was responsible. For the most part, the damage to the city had been minimal, however, there was some minor damage done. Cracks appeared in some building foundations and some street lights and signs had been knocked over. However, some of the older or less structurally sound buildings suffered more damage. One such building, a low income housing apartment building on the outskirts of Little Ulster had half of the building collapse. The building itself, Skyview Apartments had been close to condemnation for years, however, through some sort of miracle, or more likely the greasing of the appropriate palms, the place managed to stay open. Unfortunately in a city full of superheroes battling super villains, demons and cosmic entities, a minor earthquake was enough to fell the entire façade of the building. Rescue workers were already on the scene when Icon arrived, having pulled the majority of the residents from the rubble. Icon went to work immediately, pulling bricks and beams from the remains of the building, helping some of the trapped residents get to safety. Unfortunately, not all the residents had survived the building’s collapse, and the efforts of the crew soon turned from rescue to recovery.

After assisting in removing the bodies of an elderly couple that had been crushed under the weight of the collapsed building, Icon was approached by a man who he had recognized as a detective with the Lost Haven Police Department.

Detective Thomas Bradley had been with the LHPD for over twenty years after moving East from San Diego. Between his time as an officer in San Diego and a detective in Lost Haven, he thought that he had seen everything that could be seen. Then he watched a blue and silver clad masked man catch a space station out of the sky, preventing it from crashing into the city that he called home. Then, things just got weirder. A demonic serial killer, “Meta Domes,” and a demon invasion, just to name a few of the oddities that he had seen in recent years. Bradley thought that the job was difficult when they just had to deal with regular people, some of which were very bad people, others were just people who made bad mistakes. But now they were contending with meta humans, some of whom were capable of destruction on a massive scale, and they were woefully unprepared for such circumstances. One of those circumstances had brought him here on this day.

“Icon, might I have a word?” Bradley asked after clearing his throat.

“Something I can help you with, Detective?”

“As a matter of fact, yeah.” The detective confirmed. “We’ve got a meta in lockup that we think is connected to a bombing in Little Tokyo. Only problem is, she won’t talk to us.”

“I’m not sure I follow.” Icon admitted.

“We don’t know who she is, or if she even knows anything about the bombing. All I know is there is lot of insane shit going on around here lately, and she’s just another problem clogging up the log book. We don’t know if this is connected to those Hounds of Humanity nuts, or if it’s some other nutcase blowing up a Chinese Restaurant in Little Tokyo…but if you can get her to talk, I’d really appreciate the hell out of it.”

“Of course, Detective. Anything I can do to help.” Icon said after a momentary pause.


The Central Station precinct of the Lost Haven Police Department was buzzing. Just moments ago, Icon had landed in front of the department and made his way into the building. Almost immediately, he was rushed by officers and visitors alike, while others jockeyed for position in order to get the best view possible. In that instant, Central Station had transformed from one of Lost Haven’s best and most decorated precincts to what could only be described as a high school like environment where everyone was trying to get the best angle for a photo of video to be shared on their social media accounts.

Once the chaos that was caused by his initial arrival had died down, detectives led Icon into the holding cells, where the young woman who was being held in connection to the bombing in Little Tokyo was being held. He had been warned that the woman was “colorful,” as the detectives recounted their earlier exchange with the woman.

Icon made his way to the holding cell which housed the young woman in question. She was a pretty girl with black hair and striking blue eyes, which almost seemed to widen in disbelief as he approached the cell door. He stopped in front of the cell and looked the woman in the eyes.

“I understand you wanted to speak to me?”

Approved. Though, I do recommend talking to Ded as he has used the Olympian Gods very extensively, as well as Hellis who has his feet in the Norse waters.

Also, check out the rules on the OP of this thread, as it specifies to what extent we can use gods.
What they all said, also, welcome. Look forward to having you.

Character you have created:
Rianne Mary Killough


Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):

Character Alignment:


Character Personality:
Rianne is hot-headed, passionate and equally ruthless. Her childhood and teenage years fighting the British in Northern Ireland hardened her view on life, and she loathes and despises authority figures, even to the extent that she was considered a rogue agent of the RIRA during her days in Northern Ireland. She vows to fight the enemies of Ireland to her last breath, and will defend herself and the Irish community to the death. She knows she's wanted by almost every international police organisation for multiple murders, car bombings and assassinations, and this affects a person slightly - she is mistrustful, slow to befriend and will not hesitate to distance herself from one who would be a liability to her. Rianne is also rather violent in her tendencies - RIRA often found that Rianne would ambush even British armoured patrols, with two blocks of C4, a detonator and an assault rifle, Rianne can - and has - wipe out a Warrior IFV and its occupants without too much difficulty - adding to her international infamy, and she's proud of her abilities. She also has a very laidback attitude to relationships, seeing them as welcome distractions from the tasks she has been assigned. She also has a reverence for Celtic mythology, often calling upon the blessings of Erin (or Eire) to aid and guide her in battle, and to defend the Irish and Ireland.



General 'uniform':

Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below):
City Level

Powers (Be Specific):
The Blessings of Erin - Rianne was born into a magical family, one that derived their powers from the old Celtic gods of Ireland, specifically Erin, or Eire, the matron goddess of Ireland and the Irish people. Erin's blessings aid and assist Rianne in battle, from placing her shots on target, to protecting her from return fire if the enemy does so, to ensuring that Rianne's ambushes go off as planned, much of what some would consider luck is actually because of Erin's intercession. Rianne owes her life to the goddess several times over, that is for sure, and she has used the goddess' powers to heal her comrades, to aid her allies and to kill her enemies.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 5' 7" (170 cm)
Weight: 144 lbs (65.3 kg)
Strength Level: Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Human
Agility: Human
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Highly Trained

Average, bordering on Large. Rianne and her fireteam have access to a modicum of equipment, supplies and firepower, and access to large bank accounts stored in offshore locations that are connected with RIRA in places such as Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. Rianne herself is also a dab hand at money laundering, and so has more income than most would expect from a terrorist cell such as hers.

AR-18 Assault Rifle: The primary firearm of any IRA fireteam in the modern day, the AR-18 assault rifle is a dependable, accurate and ubiquitous assault rifle in the hands of Fireteam Quinn. Most of the fireteam's assault rifles have been modified to accept armour piercing and other specialised rounds, such as silver rounds for werewolves and vampires. Rianne has christened hers 'Soldier of Fortune' - quite accurate, given their current circumstances away from Northern Ireland and acting as little more than hired thugs.

Walther PPK: An uncommon choice one might think for a sidearm, Rianne nevertheless is armed with one almost at all times. Small, easy to conceal and easy to fix if anything goes wrong - as well as having abundant and cheap ammunition - Rianne uses her PPK either as a backup weapon or as a method of execution. In addition, Rianne often uses a suppressor on her pistol, if only to keep the noise down if she's trying to be quiet.

Barrett M82A1 Sniper Rifle: Not used by Rianne, but instead by Ruairi Kinsella, the fireteam's dedicated sniper, enemies of Fireteam Quinn have come to fear the bark of the Barrett. Capable of penetrating any known body armour and the man inside, and then carrying on straight through into another man, the M82A1 is one of the heaviest weapons that Fireteam Quinn uses on a regular basis. However, the M82A1 is a heavy weapon, and cumbersome in a firefight, and so when Ruairi finds himself in a fight, he most often uses his AR-18 instead.

PKP Pecheneg: Also not used by Rianne, but by Kathleen O'Donoghue, the heavy weapons support of Fireteam Quinn, the Pecheneg general purpose machine gun is the primary heavy armament of the Fireteam, and is used for suppression and heavy small-arms fire. For most jobs, the PKP is all the firepower the Fireteam needs on a day to day basis, but when the PKP doesn't cut it, Kathleen instead opts to go for something a little more... robust.

Browning M2 .50 cal Heavy Machine Gun: The oldies are still the besties. For times when the Pecheneg won't cut it, Kathleen uses her good old trusty M2, the same gun her father used in the Provisional IRA. For use against heavy targets, vehicles or mechanised walking things that just don't know when to stay dead, the M2 is a fearsome weapon with equally fearsome operators.

Semtex Explosive: The most recognisable of the explosives used by the IRA. Rianne and her compatriots use Semtex in many explosive operations, from car bombs, to demolitions, to vault and bank breaches. Rianne is the primary user of Semtex, able to set traps and destroy vehicles and equipment from a safe distance with detonators, or rig up self-detonating car bombs, designed to explode and kill the driver after a short time.

Grenades (M67 Frag, M84 Stun, M7A2 CS gas): The easiest to acquire in the United States, the RIRA team often equip themselves with M67 fragmentation grenades for explosives work or for defence, as well as M84 stun grenades for assault work. For non-lethal takedowns, the RIRA often use M7A2 CS gas grenades, or when available, WP smoke grenades. You can tell when it's Fireteam Quinn, however, if they use the following equipment...

MILAN Anti-Tank Missile: On the black market, you can find anything. ISIS use the MILAN. So does Fireteam Quinn. The MILAN ATGM has replaced the RPG-7 in much of Fireteam Quinn's engagements, with RPGs now relegated to anti-infantry work. The downside of the MILAN is its cost and relative rarity - most MILAN weapons are obtained through subterfuge and stealing from military caches, which add elements of danger to the process, and thusly, drive up prices.

Customised body armour: Fireteam Quinn rely on ballistic weave body armour, made in secret by Alice Rackham and her associates on Tortuga for truly extortionate prices, but it's well worth the expense. This body armour is highly resistant to gunfire, flames and stab wounds, whilst being easy to maintain and waterproof. In addition, this lowers the need for bulky armour plates and conventional body armour, which aids in their mobility, and also in stealth.

De Lisle Commando Carbine: The ultimate stealth weapon. The De Lisle carbines used by Fireteam Quinn have been manufactured in secret on Tortuga by associates of one Alice Rackham, and they've been put to good use. Ambushes and silent takedowns aplenty have been made possible by the De Lisle and it's silent but deadly nature.

Rianne is still just a human. Shoot her, stab her, set her on fire, submerge her in water or molten metal, all of it will kill her surely as it'll kill someone on the street.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
Rianne is supported by her fellow terrorists in the cell Fireteam Quinn, named after Joseph Quinn, a RIRA fighter killed by UVF volunteers in the Bogside.
Murchad Roberts - 2-in-C and Gunner, Fireteam Quinn
Kathleen O'Donoghue - Heavy Weapons Support, Fireteam Quinn
Ruairi Kinsella - Sniper, Fireteam Quinn
Stephen O'Briain - Gunner, Fireteam Quinn
Einri O'Neill - Gunner, Fireteam Quinn
Aoife Kavanagh - Gunner, Fireteam Quinn

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:


The smell of bacon and coffee wafted through Alexa’s apartment summoning Scott out of a deep sleep. The previous night spent with Alexa’s parents had been unpleasant to the point that had Scott been capable of getting drunk, he would have drank himself into oblivion. With that not being an option, he just waited it out, enduring more of Jonathan’s passive aggressive attacks until, mercifully, the hour grew late and the elder Winstones departed for their hotel. In all honesty, Scott never thought that he would be so happy to see someone, anyone go away. But the level of relief that he felt when Jonathan and his wife left Alexa’s place was almost indescribable. Scott laid there for several more moments until the smells from the kitchen were more than he could bare, and he finally got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.

He approached Alexa, who was standing in front of the stove in nothing but one of his tee shirts, which came down just above her knees. He snuck up behind her, not because he was especially stealthy, but because she was focused on the task at hand, and slipped his arms around her waist as he rested his chin on the nape of her neck, giving it a small kiss before pulling her close to him.

“That smells amazing.” He told her as he lightly squeezed her before letting her go and making his way to the kitchen table.

“After last night, I figured you could use a little TLC.” Alexa told him. “Sorry that my dad’s a dick.”

“Hey, it’s not your fault. He’s just looking out for you…I think.” Scott said as he reached for the TV remote across the table.

“Yeah, but…” Her words were cut off by the words of the news anchor as she recounted the atrocities from the night before. Alexa joined Scott at the table as they listened to the newswoman, Michaela Pearl speak of the numerous fatalities that had occurred all across the country the night before. The attacks on the meta human and supernatural community were shocking, as was the news that STRIKE had been similarly attacked. They continued to watch in silence as the network played the video message that had been broadcast by the ones who had claimed responsibility.

Once the message had ended, and the news report began replaying the same information that they had just delivered again, Scott reached for the remote again and turned off the TV. His face was sullen, and Alexa immediately knew what he was thinking.

“This isn’t your fault. There’s no way you could have known.” Alexa told him with a slight edge of pleading in her tone.

“No, I didn’t know. But I do now, and I’m going to make these monsters pay.” Scott said with an air of anger in his voice.

“No.” Alexa said sternly, her tone causing Scott to look into her eyes questioningly. “We’re going to make them pay.”


Brooksdale, Lost Haven

Kyle sat unmasked in the Garage across from Harry, who was sitting in his usual spot in front of the computer array that he had set up against the far wall. The two men had been going over the details of the events of the night before, trying to find anything that they could about the terrorist group now known as the Hounds of Humanity. Harry had been reaching out his contacts within the intelligence community with little luck. It seemed that no one knew who these people were, or what hole they had crawled out of. The only thing that was known was that these so called Hounds had stirred up the proverbial hornets’ nest, and hand half of the meta human population terrified for their lives, and the other half ready to take up arms against anyone that they considered to be a threat.

While details on the group were hard to come by, even for Harry and his extensive network of informants, a few details were available. The Hounds of Humanity were heavily armed and funded. There also seemed to be numerous cells that operated in various locations around the country, which was evidenced by the numerous simultaneous attacks from coast to coast. Their weaponry was also a cause for concern, as some of the more advanced tech that they had been seen using were eerily similar to developmental tech that STRIKE was said to have been working on. This could only mean that the Hounds had in fact infiltrated the organization before it set off the attack which crippled it.

Kyle watched Harry as the older man went over everything that he had been able to find out about the terrorist group, and one thing in particular struck him. Harry looked tired and worn. He hadn’t seen Harry like this since Ronnie had died, and it worried him. However, he knew that the old man would do what he always did, get through it.

“There were reports in Crown Ridge of smaller, individual attacks by the Hounds, or at the very least people sympathetic to their cause. Several meta humans have been reported missing or have turned up dead. We should start there.” Harry sighed as he spoke.

“Yeah, I’ll get on it.” Kyle told his elder as he slipped his mask on and stepped toward Kaiju.

“And Kyle.” Harry said, causing the younger man to pause.

“Yeah?” Kyle said as he turned to face his mentor.

“Be careful. I have a bad feeling that this is just the beginning.”


Pacific Point, California

Izzy sat on the couch with a bowl of cereal in front of her and her eyes glued to the television. She had been watching the coverage of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by a group calling themselves the Hounds of Humanity which left scores dead. With each detail, the situation seemed to be getting worse and worst. She listened as a panel of commentators debated the issue, and while none came right out and endorsed the actions of the Hounds, some came perilously close to sympathizing with their mission. Others argued about what the attacks on the meta human and supernatural population would mean, and what sort of response from these groups would result. To be honest, the thought of an entire population of supernatural beings seemed silly to Izzy, or at least it would have, if a horde of demons hadn’t overrun an entire US city months back. As Izzy watched the news reports, she heard Amanda in the other room, and called out to her. As her friend made her way into the living room, Izzy tried to tell her what was going on, but couldn’t quite get the words out.

“Oh man…this is bad, very, very bad.” She said instead.

“What? Did they announce a new Drake album?” Amanda asked glibly.

“No, look.” Izzy said pointing to the TV as she turned up the volume with the remote, allowing the news anchors to fill Amanda in on the events of the night before, as well as the promise of more attacks to come.

“My god.” Amanda said as she lowered herself to the couch with her eyes transfixed on the television screen. After a moment, she got back to her feet and started toward the door.

“Be careful. These guys aren’t messing around.” Izzy said.

“Neither am I.” Amanda said as she zipped away in a flash.


And it seem as though my computer issues are resolved, so I'm back
So as some of you may know, I'm having a bit of computer trouble and might be a bit sporadic for the next week or so.
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