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Admiral Pantera Faye

"Fireteam Ra, where are you?! Report to the bridge! This is /red/ alert!"

Admiral Faye paced around the bridge, clearly stressed. She approached the glass of the bridge as the ship turned about, facing the three Jedi vessels that just came out of their hyperspace lanes. She pressed her face on the glass, her nose smudging the window. Pantera had never seen such starfighters before, and they truly caught her attention.

"Unknown party of ships is hailing us." Magellan blurted out amongst the constant clacking of keyboards on the consoles from all officers on the bridge. "Patch them through."


"At least they speak our damn language. Magellan, open a channel."
"Listen here, Salen-Vardi vessel. This is ONI Marathon Cruiser Solar Winds of the UNSC. I am Admiral Pantera Faye. My crew has ventured into an unidentified wormhole that has left us stranded in this very quadrant of space. I ask that you identify yourself completely and inform us on this quadrant of the universe." Pantera then abruptly cut the comms, awaiting a reply. "Status on the tractor beam? I also want all weapon bays loaded and activated. Begin charging the MAC cannons."
<Snipped quote by Nivi>

With coloring pencils. I just got some new skin tones so I wanted to try them out.

teach me YOUR WAYS!402342405
Also, I'm nback
I did an art thing of my character...feel free to look at it if you're interested...

I think I'll be gone for aix more days. And thank you for taking care of my character! It shouldnMf be too hard to portray her. She is iust an overly fancy woman that doesn't like to follow protocol, makes the wackiest decisions, and is slightly insane. lol...
Hi! I should have told you this earlier, but currently I'm on vacation and It's too hard for me to make a post on my phone.. I thought ai'd have a Computer with me, but apparently not. Could you please take control(puppeteer) of my character until further notice? I promise I'll get back to cracking out fully fledged posts when I'm back!
aHAHAHA I have like 1% knowledge on what starcraft is
Pantera Faye

"Front and center, soldiers." Pantera issued as all the personnell she requested now entered the deck. If they were obedient troopers, they would've lined up in front of her at her beckoning.

"Spartans, you're late." The Admiral protested, despite the fact that everyone had arrived at a more than decent timing. "With all due respect, admiral.. You on--" The Admiral unsheathed her magnum side arm, pointing it directly at the spartan's forehead. "Don't sass me." She issued as she whacked Marholm over the head with the butt of her magnum. It couldn't have hurt, considering his superhuman body and virtually indestructible helmet.

Sheathing her magnum, she exhaled, crossing her arms. "Captain Dean, right on time, old friend."

"As you all know by now, we are in the middle of no-where, and we're headed for a potentially dangerous planet. Scans can't pick up on anything useful. We only know it's not covenant, or forerunner. As you all /also/ know, this ship is on red alert. Why are /none/ of you armed? I expect better from Fireteam Ra, and the chief of security himself."

She panned at Dean, looking right into his eyes, as if waiting for something. "What, you think your magnum's going to save your life? Go, go go go! Go get yourselves armed!" She screamed, giving the soldiers in front of her almost no time to react between her words. "Go before I tape you all to the MAC barrel! --- Savaymin, you stay."
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