Avatar of NobodiesHero
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 262 (0.09 / day)
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    1. NobodiesHero 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current One of my five year students just punched me in the face. I'm so proud of them. (I teach martial arts btw)
7 yrs ago
Even companies like Netflix are against the removal of net neutrality. Why did it get voted out? Political bullshit. They know what would have happened if they put it to a public vote.
7 yrs ago
Two older guys are sitting in Starbucks next to me, loudly insulting their frugal friend for his small TV and the fact that he doesn't eat take out. People are stupid.
7 yrs ago
@LordofthePies I call my sister Moo-Doodle.
7 yrs ago
Hit my word goal for day one of NaNo, just 29 to go. Hahahaha.


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Ashe was in full warrior mode. Every nerve ending in her body was so alert that it almost felt like it was on fire. She knew exactly what was going on around her, despite the fact that her focus was entirely on the Emperor and keeping him alive. She heard the footsteps of someone running before they even arrived. Ashe looked up at the entrance and let out a low, bestial, growl as a man came running into the room. "General!" Daisy called out.

Ashe relaxed a bit, this was an ally. The admittedly handsome man came running up and knelt beside Ashe and the Emperor. He seemed a bit put off at the appearance of Ashe's mostly naked torso. "You're Sam's friend?" The man asked. Ashe nodded in return. "There's a doctor on the way." He finished.

It was only moments later that the ship arrived. Good, the doctor would be able to use that. One look inside and Ashe knew that she couldn't use anything in there. Their medical technology was far above what she was used to. All she could do right now was the same thing she had been doing. Buy the Emperor some time.

Thankfully, the doctor arrived quickly, along with several other people. Three men of varying heights and weights, dressed in same type of clothing as the handsome man who had arrived shortly before. The other man, who was clearly the doctor took one look at the Emperor, and immediately began to prepare things in the ship. "Bring him here! Lady, do not take your hands off the wound yet." The doctor ordered.

It was awkward, but between everyone, they were able to get the Emperor safely aboard the ship. Ashe was told to take her hands off the wound, so the doctor could work, which she did. She stood nearby a bit awkwardly. There were a lot of strangers around, and there was nothing she could do to help the Emperor anymore. So she stood there, half naked and covered in blood. The doctor glanced up from his work. "Judging from those scars, you're a warrior, right?" Ashe nodded in response. "The city is under attack. You'll do more good there than you would here."

Without a word, Ashe jumped out of the ship and took off out of the throne room. The other four and Daisy staying with the Emperor. Ashe had no idea where the city was, but it was easy enough to find. All she had to do was follow the sounds of battle. Even before she made it to the battle, she could see the enemy. That huge version of the white things that had been part of the attack on Traverse Town. Ashe increased her speed, drawing her sword as she went. It wasn't much longer before she found her way to where Sam and the others were fighting. "Is this the parting gift red hair was talking about? How nice." She called as she dropped into her battle stance.
One would think that Mana would be annoying with Ryuuji's praises of her completion of the cube. But actually a small smile of her own curled into her lips. It wasn't often that someone praised her for something that wasn't murder. Unfortunately that satisfaction would only cure her boredom for so long. But thankfully, that's when the call came in. Mana's already perfect posture seemed to straighten even further as chocolate colored eyes swept over to look at Shade Walker, waiting for his word.

Finally, it was time to move. They had been waiting for so long, hopefully the fun would be worth it. Mana picked up the mask that had been sitting next to her and placed it on her face. She felt the material bind to her flesh, now it could only be removed by someone who knew how to properly remove it. Mana wasn't the only one who was excited by the fact that it was time to move, her precious meatshield was excited to. Only his excitement was much louder than hers.

Captain East was the first to leave, in order to create a distraction and draw most of the forces to his decoy location. It would be up to the rest of them to hit their real target. Judging from the tremors that hit shortly after his leave, he was doing his job well. Mana rose to her feet as Kazuma opened the portals for the rest of them. As usual, Kane rushed through immediately. Mana was far more calm than he was. She casually walked over to the portal, gave Kazuma a nod of thanks, and then stepped through.

Kane was already on the move as well as that new girl. Mana was shortly behind them. She too moved behind Kane as the police open fired, taking full advantage of the meatshield. The arrival of the hero made Mana grin. Storming Sakura was it? Her speciality was taking down fliers. That and plant based Quirk vs plant based Quirk would be quite the interesting battle. It looked like the new girl had some sort of shield based Quirk. Two shields? This was Mana's lucky day. Mana peeked out from behind her meatshield and extended a hand towards the flying hero. Vines emerged from the ground at a rapid pace underneath him, four of them wrapped around each leg and attempted to yank the flying hero to the ground. "Let's see you try and control these plants." Mana muttered to herself.
@Loki Odinson I'd love to brainstorm some stuff and get our own HK story fragment going.
So, I don't have a Discord and I feel like I'm missing stuff that's being said there. If I go to the link can I still see things even without an account? Cause right now I don't know whether I should be posting or not.
Back from the con. I'll be far more active now.
Sorry I haven't been very active. I've been busy at a convention the past few days. I'll be home in a few hours so I'll be able to post then.
I've been busy. I should have a post up tonight.
Just a heads up. Starting tonight I'll be at an anime convention all weekend. I have access to wifi but I'll only have my phone most of the time. I'll still be active, but a lot less so than I usually am.
@Holy Soldier You're seriously my favorite GM I've seen since joining this site. A lot the ones I've seen recently are pushovers who let any character in, even the ones who are poorly written or don't fit in to the setting. Or don't stay active and do nothing as their RP dies. Aggressive GMs are the best GMs I think.
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