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Ill wait for loremasters reply on if he had made people of the group aware that he is undead then ill decide what to do.
solamelike said
You should talk to lore master if his character told you, if not we can say you have your suspicions. Raising people from the dead is very rare so your character would probably just think he was some kind of ugly humanoid creature that smelt bad.

Well considering he has knowledge at 5 is it something he would perhaps know? Or will it require a roll if he manages to pick up on something that might suggest he is an undead?
I have updated my inventory so gm if you may look at it I would appreciate it ^^ Tell me if its okay or if there is something I need to change.

I will use this post for my characters action. I will edit them in later within an hour or so.

EDIT: Also I want to ask if we are aware of Heieans..."affliction" so to speak? Cause you said earlier that we had already talked with eachother about banding together and travel with one another. My character would probably be very iffy about traveling with a walking corpse, not that i will never happen. Im going to include my characters reaction on each individual in the party so I'd like to know if he is aware of it or not

EDIT 2: Also I belive the gm said that we would post our IC's inside of hiders. I just want to remind people of this since I'd preferr to have the OOC free of IC information.

Derp...tripple post this time =3=
Umm...well herp
Going to sleep but ill post my actions first thing in the morning
So are we ready to start? Im on the phone now but i can add the things to my inventory as soon as i can post.
solamelike said
Ok let me see...Merry poppins bag - Her name is Mary poppins for starters... unless that was on purpose :pAnd I will allow this, only one per group though so you are the only one. The inside is the 1metre by 1metre (3 feet by 3 feet for you American folk) Mana storing trinket.I will allow, it may store up to 2 mana Magical clothing - As strong as leather.AllowedMana/health potionsA single one of each, that fills 5 mana or health (The candies only replenish one mana or health)Magical sword:The enchantment is allowed.Magical campI will allow with this one downfall.As the Magical campfire must be kept magical, you can not use mana/magic whilst it is in effect (As you are using your own magic/mana to keep it 'real' )it will not actually deplete mana, but as your magical ability is occupied keeping the magical tent and fire going you can not do other magic. Your call if you want it or not. You can always possibly buy one in the future. @Icicle - The staff can have the same effect as mana storing trinket above.

Perfect! I have a few more items that i'd like to ask for as well. You may stop me if you feel it gets a bit to much. I can always craft any of these items myself later.

Elvish rope: If anyone has watched lord of the rings (who hasn't?) you may remember the rope that is strong to hold people but when you gently tug on it, it will untie itself from whatever object it was tied to.

Elvish waybread: One bite of this bread is enough to fill a grown mans stomach (again, a lord of the rings reference) How many I have and how long they will last is up to you gm. Very good to have if we do not have time to cook something over the fire.

uhh then there are tons of like minor things that I cant really specify but like they are in the back of my head xD So if I bring out any small magical trinket during the game you can stop me if its something that I would not have.

EDIT: Oh now I remember. Magical quiver: I thought about first a quiver that basicly contains 1 arrow but multiplies it as I draw it out. But in case that is op having unlimited arrows I could instead take a quiver that works like the magical bag. in like it can fit more arrows than it looks to be able to do.
Okay ill write up the magical items I have in mind here before I add them to my inventory.

Merry poppins bag: The name says it all but for those who do not know its a bag that can hold larger objects without increasing its weight, placing them in a small pocket dimension of sorts. (Or in other terms its like a handy heavesack or a bag of holding) You may limit this how you desire but i'd like to have one. And possibly be able to increase its capacity as time goes on.

Mana storing trinket: I had in mind of something like a ring or another peice of jewelry that is able to store unused mana for later use (Lets say I spend a day without casting spells) and so I can store the mana I have left in to the item and use that the next day.

Magical clothing: Basicly fancy clothing (like on the picture I have) But is enchanted to provide protection from harm so its strong as either leather or steel (depending on how strong you would allow it to be) Basicly I only want fancy clothing that still provides protection.

Mana/health potions: Self explanatory. Since you allowed the gnome candies I'd want some of such things of my own ^^ How much mana or hp they give you can decide

Magical sword: There are lots of enchantments i'd like to have but to start with I'd like to ask for a simple enchantment for it to be able to fly in to my hand via like a gesture, word or thought.

Magical camp: A tent that sets up itself and a fireplace which burns with magical fire. Nesseseties for cooking, alchemy and other minor things one could need. Planning in the future to upgrade the tent in to a portal to a mansion of sorts xP
solamelike said
Crafting magical items I would say you can have some at the start, but if you want them to have magical effects you will have to wait to have them enchanted at a magical area.

Uh what exactly do you mean? I can have magical items at the start...but they cant be magical? o-o" Also I thought that perhaps to justify any magical trinkets I carry the island where he lives is a magical area in of it self.
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