Avatar of Oddsbod
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    1. Oddsbod 8 yrs ago
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Regularly huffs chili powder.

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Ey, kumusta ka na? Don't think I've ever seen Tagalog slipped into the multilingual hello chain before, neato.

Disclaimer, I joined like literally hours ago so don't know if I'm qualified to say this but hey, welcome aboard.
Coolio. I've got a solid plan for name, personality, and backstory, but couldn't really tell you what his powers/fighting style is. Though I'm pretty sure I want him to be a shitty fighter.

Below is just all the ideas I threw around, then when I wrote them all down, realized I should probably hide it all in spoiler tags to not take up too much space.

<Snipped quote by Oddsbod>

Of course.

Yo, totally wizard.

I haven't RPed on this forum before so I might not be up to gear on the technical getting-things-started side of things. Do I just PM you my charry sheet draft, or post it here in spoiler tags, then whenever it gets the okay I post it up in the Characters tab? Or is character building usually more collaborative here, and we're supposed to hash around ideas in the main OOC thread?
I'd love to join in if you're still taking players.
arr pee jee.

(jumped back into RPing online after like a year and a half adrift in the cosmos, just pretty jazzed to be doing all this again)
Yeah, that defs sucks. Really disappointing after you get all pumped to finally put the game up and end up down a player without any explanation. Though in my experience you run into that less in smaller communities than in big ones.

But here, have I got one for you. Its one that doesn't come up to often, but sometimes you have that one player that goes full weeb, EXTRA weeb, and it's not even really fitting for the setting, they just decided, man, you know what this RPG needs, the Ultimate Nippon Steel in character form. I've seen it once in a blue moon but when it comes up, boy howdy is it something else.
Haha oh man this brings back some major memories. I remember years and years ago there was one of these on IF.

Let's say for Squidius it's Death by Memories.
What's red and bad for your teeth.

am i doing this right.

If I wanted to join (if this is still open) would it be possible to create your own short fairy tale to base your character on? I had an idea for a sort of modified version of the Rumplestiltskin story, but I was wondering how much wiggle room an alternative interpretations can be given? Also, are there multiple Tales based on the same character, altered based on different unique interpretations? Since constant retelling and reinterpretation is such an integral part of a fairy tale, and there might be huge differences between, say, the original Little Mermaid and the Disney Little Mermaid interpretation.
<Snipped quote by Oddsbod>

That's actually one I haven't read, but would like to. I still need to get and read through Lyndsay Faye's new collection of Sherlock Holmes stories. Her voice for Holmes and Watson are pretty impressive. She's my friend now, but I actually knew her for years through her writing first. (I got to meet her and work with her once I moved to the city because she lives here too.) Her book Dust & Shadows is still one of my favorite pastiches. (That one is Holmes versus Jack the Ripper.)

Oh nice. I don't think I ever read anything from her, but I might add Dust and Shadow to this summer's reading list. Gotta zone up my writing jujus before senior project next semester. Are there other books by her you might recommend first?

(I'd really recommend the short story collection that Study of Emerald is in too, Fragile Things has some great pieces in it, if you're looking to read it.)
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