Avatar of Old Amsterdam
  • Last Seen: 17 days ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1729 (0.64 / day)
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we just found the next exhibit for the Louvre.


That emote added in is just perfect.
I've not played any FE game, hence why I couldn't play Female Robin here.
<Snipped quote by Lmpkio>

@Old Amsterdam initially wanted to play female Robin because she was maiming the character in Smash, but went with Zer0 on account of not actually knowing anything about Robin and not having the time to do the necessary research.

This. I absolutely love Female Robin and playing her in Smash, but it was going to be too much work to play her right. Meanwhile I've 100% in Borderlands 2 with every character at OP8 and I know them like the back of my hand. It really was an obvious choice to make.

Plus, I really fucking love haiku. Getting to talk in only haiku? Yes please. It's amusing watching other players try to figure out what he means, and trying to make posts from someone that canonically has almost no lore is a lot of fun.

I actually had 3 choices for the immediately obvious character. Zer0, Gaige, and Athena. Given the characters that were already made when I was making that choice, Zer0 seemed like the best option for what the team could use. And, as I said, the most fun.

He was actually my first character on BL2, followed by Gaige then Maya then the Psycho, then Axton, and finally Sal. While in BL:tPS it was Nisha and then Athena then others. But damn, Athena is such a fucking BA.

Robin and the magical attacks with the character would've been a ton of fun, but I don't like to play characters I'm not familiar with. It's a shame, honestly, but it is what it is.
The world was an odd place. Cut haphazardly and sewn back together while the blood was still warm and wanting, the rocks themselves left gaping. This was, without a doubt, almost as bad as Pandora. But almost only counted in horseshoes and hand-grenades. Or any other explosive, really. Idly Zer0 missed the ol' Norfleet as he looked upon the three obvious options. A single blast from that would've probably cleared the entire area.

No matter. There was nothing he couldn't do. Like shutting that one guy up. He'd been told it was impossible and he had done the impossible.

He would do so again. He had killed the Warrior, the Leviathan, the Invincibles, and countless others. This ball of light? It would fall beneath his onslaught just as everything else did.

His walk was quiet, listening to the babble around him a he continued ever on without a hint of emotion. While the others might not be used to killing things, and he did mean things, by the hundreds... Well, he was. Psychos and bandits and Hyperion soldiers and mechs and bullymongs and varkids.... They were all things. They were all dead.

They were challenges meant to be broken.

As the Koopa King roared his challenge, as the centurion approached the stranger, and the Merc...

Wait, there was a Merc.

Zer0 moved forward quickly, matching pace with the Courier, and he spoke:

"Two leaves from the same
Tree, falling, drifting slowly
Harbingers of death."

His sniper at the ready and his fingers itching for his sword, Zer0 accompanied the mystery merc into the valley of death.

Yeah, that had a nice ring to it.

"The valley of death
Will run a river of blood
No foe will remain."


Blue patted Bugsy gently after he'd been given that slip by Leonard. "Leonard here is the most trusted of my friends. Anything you can tell us will help in the long run, I promise. We can help best the more you're able to tell us." Her words were soft as she looked at Leonard, her eyes sharp. Would he get the message to tread carefully, she wondered. A simple mistake could ruin a mission. If anything she was happy it was him alone, between the two of them this situation should be alright.

She couldn't imagine what the croc would've done in this situation and she was rather glad she'd traveled solo at this stage. Delicate situations needed a fine guiding hand to keep them stable, after all.

Jason sat, relaxed but ready, as he watched the people around him. At least, until half of them started freaking out.... Including Whimsy.

He looked down at her questioning, his brow furrowed in confusion, before something clicked into place.

He set a hand on her shoulder, speaking quietly to both her and the team.

"There's someone messing with senses or something. Whatever they're doing is creating a panic, even though I haven't seen anything change myself. Whimsy and I are gonna move towards the gear," he finished while pulling the girl to her feet. "Now would be a good time to know what the fuck is going on, C."
Zer0 continued to stand almost mockingly, unflinching, as the centurion continued their excessive rambling.

"I got Second Wind
Metaphorically speaking
Breath overrated."

His answer given, he promptly turned and started walking before turning sound and holding up a finger and pointing it at the sky. Bowser dropped down at that point, though Zer0 didn't seem phased by the temporary shaking.

Farewell, foolish thing
Know that you have been deceived
As your soul moves on."

Again he spoke to the centurion, his finger still pointed exactly where Kirby's blob thing had.

Actually, looking closer, one might notice he only had four didgets on his hands. What even was he?

His point made, however, Zer0 went to plop down next to the little pink blob. Extending a hand he crouched there, unmoving, as he... Apparently did nothing.

"A friendly second
Wind it seems was not to be
I cannot help him."

The mention of names and a 0 displayed from his helmet, with him pointing it. He was even friendly enough to carve "Zer0" into the ground with his sword!

That was friendly, right?

194 words
Zer0 don't want none of your advances, Mr Centurion. :P
Zer0 remained quiet, his face turning slightly as various others addressed him. None drew his attention for long, and if anything he seemed to grow bored. A fact which quickly became made as he spoke again as a holographic display lit up from his head. 'B0R3D'

"Bor-ed, bor-ed, bored
Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored
I am really bored."

But lo! Tora stole his attention nearly immediately thereafter, to which he bowed sightly at the question.

"You wonder rightly
A trader in death am I
But this I did not."

And that was that. His unnatural stillness was broken as the little pink one seemed to stabilize - the other must be a Siren - and in an instant his sword was sheathed. Not that he was exactly relaxed.... Or was he?

The original loud one was at it again, which resulted in Zer0 almost casually crossing his arms. Without any facial expressions it was hard to read him, but... Was he mocking the centurion? Again a projection appeared. 'FML'

"Your wooing tactic
Is completely transparent.
Your neg does not work."

The display turned to a ';)' before flickering out again.

One might be left wondering.... What the hell was going on?
Zer0 awoke as one might expect. That is to say he awoke suddenly. In one instant he was apparently fast asleep next to the pink creature, possibly even dead since there didn't seem to be signs of breathing, and then in the next instant he sat up. Turning his head slowly at the commotion next to him his arm struck out quickly to grab the handle of his blade.

"Softly through the flesh
Unbinding the last breath, lost
Nothing can be fixed."

Without further warning the sword was suddenly gone from the pink creature and Zer0 was now on his feet several steps away as he looked at the others coming to.

Something horrible had happened here. His blade wet with blood and surrounded by unknowns, the situation was not unfamiliar to him. Idly he recollected the Badass Crater of Badassitude. There he had been surrounded by unknowns, who almost entirely became enemies to fall beneath his onslaught to the number one ranking. Would these, too, turn into hostilities?

"The darkness in mind
Shadows following unseen
Are there allies seen?"

He remained in a defensive posture, unmoving except the slight movement of his head as he watched carefully. He hadn't died in Pandora and he certainly wouldn't die here.
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