Felice listened as Ancia explained her slight weapon problem to her. "Perhaps it's just where you haven't done it before. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it over time." Felice told her. Felice herself wasn't sure of her own powers. Sure she could see and hear things, but what good was that unless she knew what all the info she got meant and what it could be used for. Maybe Felice could ask someone to try and punch her or something to test out her dodging ability...but if she knew the punch was coming, then would her powers even work? Was this something that could be trained then or something she was going to have to hope was going to work in battle? And even then would it be a vision or a gut feeling that she was going to have to fight over instinct to follow it? Plus will her abilities make her more of a target since one of them was being able to track these bad guys down? If so, then Felice was going to have to work extra hard to protect herself.
Felice blinked when she realized she had started to let her mind to wander again and quickly went back to the conversation on hand. "Oh, yes a Guandao." She nodded with a smile, hoping that her spacing out hadn't been to noticeable. "And yes, are weapons are similar but different aren't they.' Felice allowed herself a moment to think of how differently people used the the two weapons. "Of course, a scythe is similar to a Guandao, at least more similar then a spear." She added, but then noticed that Ryan was up to something. "I see that we all are testing out our powers huh?" Felice smiled as she watched Ryan create the fire dragon illusion. If it wasn't for the fact that he needed his powers to fight crime and they would probably have to keep this whole magical knight thing a secret, Ryan would probably have been able to make a killing doing illusions for movies.
And once again Felice almost missed Ancia as she moved over to Ryan, motioning Felice to follow her. Felice, with a shrug, decided to follow her. Felice was kind of in a comfort zone with Ancia right now, as she knew her the best currently. She could always get to know the others better later anyways. Felice noticed that as they walked over to Ryan, Ancia looked kind of...nervous, and appeared to be thinking hard. But when she got to Ryan...her whole body language changed. She seemed in control and sure of herself, different then what she had been like just mere minutes before. And it seemed like she was talking to Ryan pretty easily. True, she had talked to Felice all fine and well early, but Felice also remembered how Ancia had talk to Sofia, and this was an improvement over that for sure. So Felice followed suit.
"Yeah! That was pretty awesome!" She told Ryan with a smile. "If I didn't know better I would have said that that had been an actual fire dragon!" Felice kept back as Ancia went on, on speaking up after Ancia had her say. "The same goes here. I think we actually have a math class together. I hope to get to know you and everyone here better now that we all belong to a secret magical group!"