Alyss Tasker
Mysterious Tower
Alyss sat on her bed, looking out the window into the colorful space like void that surrounded the tower. She hadn't been able to sleep that night, She kept thinking about Magi. This had been the longest time she had ever spent away from her sister, and even when they were separated before, Alyss was at least sure of her well being. But after those things...the heartless, took her, Alyss wasn't to sure if she was even alive at this point. All she had was hope that she was.
Alyss sighed and looked down at her hand, summoning her keyblade. Why was she given this, or at least, why hadn't her sister not gotten one was well? Magi was a better fighter then Alyss. Alyss had never even made it to the finals of a struggle tournament on her own While Magi had a championship under her belt and made it to the finals a couple of times...Wouldn't it have been better for Magi to get the best weapon to fight the darkness, rather then Alyss? It didn't make sense to her, but Alyss knew that is she wanted the chance to see her sister safe and sound, she was going to have to do more then just be a support.
Alyss looked up when she heard the voice of Merlin calling her and the other teens to the meeting quarters. Alyss got up and started walking to the portal that would take her to the room. She hadn't talked to any of the others during her short time here. She had seen a couple of them though. She wondered if they had similar stories to hers, of having people they cared about lost...Maybe this wasn't a good thought but it would be kind of comforting to Alyss if they had lost someone to. But Alyss wouldn't go asking around for that kind of info, she didn't even really want to talk about Magi at the moment.
Alyss walked through the portal and made it to the meeting room and saw that there were already a few others there. It was odd to see people like this. Sure they looked human like her, but they came from different worlds then her and their clothing showed it. It was then that Alyss realized that she to would probably be going to different worlds as well, maybe even to the worlds that these people were from. She wondered what traveling to the other worlds would be like. Because surely the worlds weren't all connected by a magical trolley (like the one she took to get to the tower) that no one else could see right ? Alyss decided to think about that later, and took a seat next to the only girl there so far and waited.