Historia had been going to the Blue Moon now for about a week, ever since she arrived in Belhiem. It had been by chance that she had stumbled in there, ready to spend her last of her money on a decent meal, only to discover someone had taken her money. Some kindly patron though had been willing to pay for her meal though, leaving Historia grateful and in their debt. Paying the patron back after she got the money to do so was one of the main reasons Historia kept coming back to the Blue Moon (though she quickly found other reasons). Unfortunately, not only did she not get the patron's name, but they didn't appear to be a regular as Historia hadn't seen them since that day. One day, maybe soon, maybe not, she would find them again and pay them back. For now she was sticking close to the tavern since it was a nice place and she could find plenty of job opportunities there. Like the one she took this morning....
A kindly old lady had asked her to get her cat out of a tree. Simple enough to be sure, but that didn't mean it was easy. That cat really didn't like Historia. By the end of it, Historia was covered in scratches and bite marks, but she had gotten the cat to its owner and that was all that mattered (that and the pay had been pretty good, all things considered...). With that, it was time to once again go eat at the Blue Moon. Historia was used to the small glances that the patrons of the tavern gave to people as they walked in by now. The first time it happened she thought she had made some mistake and froze until everyone stopped looking at her. Historia walked past the people with their small glances and went over to the bar. She started to look around for Miss Naida, but couldn't find her...Perhaps she wasn't there yet? Well, she didn't want to disturb Mr. Bernard...though she wasn't sure if could really bother him. For the week that she had been there, Mr. Bernard never had really changed expressions...But still Historia would wait. Maybe she could use this time to get to know some of the other patrons.
So Historia looked around the Tavern, hoping perhaps to see the kind patron that had paid for her meal. Needless to say, she didn't see them. What she did see though was two people that interested her. The first was a woman just a few seats away from her. She looked...like she had seen better days. The other person, also a woman sitting in one of the corner tables, who as far as Historia knew, was new here. Historia both decided they looked like they could use so company. So she got up and went over to the woman at the far table first. "Hello, my name is Historia. I was wondering if you'd like to sit at the bar with me." She told the woman with a smile. After the woman replied Historia went back over to the bar and sat near the other woman. "Hello, I do hope you don't mind if I sit next to you. My name is Historia. It's a pleasure to meet you." Historia greeted her, smiling again.