"Hmmm, well usually you can get rooms pretty easily and they're not too expensive here." Historia told her. Then she noticed the look on her face. It was the almost the same "I'm hungry" look she had when she walked into the tavern for the first time. Historia was about to offer to buy Miss Mysaren a meal, as the mysterious kind patron had done for her, when suddenly there was some ruckus outside and sudden a shower of blue glitter entered the tavern. Which meant one thing. Miss Naida was here.
Historia watched as Miss Naida flew over the counter and got to work, being sure to greet everyone as she did so. Historia watched as Miss Naida's hand became almost a blur as she started mixing the drinks together. "Hello Miss Naida!" Historia called back when Miss Naida greeted her. Then she turned back to Miss Mysaren, ready to offer her a meal again when suddenly a rather loud, happy sounding man came into the tavern, telling everyone he was going to pay for all of their meals and drinks. Well, it looked like Historia didn't have to do any good deeds today.
"The people here are so nice." Historia told the two sitting beside her with a smile. She was waiting for Mr. Bernard and Miss Naida to do something along the lines of getting everyone some food and what not when there was another voice that broke over the noise of the Tavern. Historia turned around to see...well this was her first time seeing an ogre though she had read some about them. All the books had described them as dangerous...but this one was just looking for work, so she promptly turned around back to the bar, letting someone else handle the situation. She was looking for more work herself, so she wasn't the person that could help the ogre. But, when Historia was back to her normal sitting position, she did notice that Miss Mysaren was standing up her sword slightly drawn. She wondered if she should say a word of comfort to help her calm down, but Miss Mysaren seemed to calm down quickly enough so she kept on like she didn't see what happened.
"Well, I'm not exactly-" Historia started to answer Miss Claire's question, but she heard Sessamru cry out in surprise and turned quick enough to see a ball of energy come flying her way. "Ack!" She too cried out in surprise and her wings quickly unfolded from her back as they reflexively tried to shield her. She ended up shielding Miss Claire and Miss Mysaren as well, though it wasn't needed as the energy missed all three of them. Historia stayed like that for a few minutes before letting out a sigh of relief that it was over and she promptly folded her wings back to her back. "Heh, sorry about that, really shouldn't use my wings like that." She apologized to Miss Claire and Miss Mysaren. "It's a terrible habit." She laughed awkwardly, she was more bothered over possibly bothering her two new aquaintances then the energy that had just swept passed them, more or less because the energy scare had come and passed.
"Yeah..." Historia continued to try to answer Miss Claire's question after making her apologies. "I don't think this happens frequently, but I've been here a week..." She sighed and glanced back over to Miss Naida and Mr.Sess...and Miss Naida was being Miss Naida as she went back to talking fast and flying here and there. Well, at least she and no one else got hurt apparently which was good. And what was even better was that there was food being put down in front of her. "Well," Historia said, grabbing her fork, "I learned a couple of things today, "Most of them involve avoiding Mr.Sess when he's meditating." She smiled a little. "But you know, I don't think it gets too bad around here. It's a nice place to stay awhile for sure.