Historia was waiting for a response from her acquaintances (was it too soon to call them friends?) when she noticed that things were starting to...well, a ruckus was starting again. In one part of the Tavern, the bard was starting an argument with a red head lady, and in another part...yelling already. Historia turned just in time to see something shiny fly over and hit a knight looking man on the head. oh...this wasn't going to be good. Historia wondered if there was something she could do, as noble's were no stranger to her past, so she started to get up. As she did so, so did the knight...while Mr.Sess tripped nearby, hitting his face right on the bar, then having Mr. Rupurt's drink spilled on him to add insult to injury... before Mr.Rupurt added an extra layer of injury onto that by kicking Mr. Sess in the stomach, causing them both pain.
Historia winced a little as she watched Miss Naida start to tend to him, before turning back to the knight. "Oh for the love of..." Not only was he standing there, looking like he was about to kill someone, but it looked like he was going after Miss Kat. Sure, alone, the knight would have probably been too much for Miss Kat, but Miss Kat also had Hel...Historia noticed that the knight took a step forward, towards Miss Kat and Hel and she realized someone had to do something before things got out of hand. Though it probably wasn't the wisest decision she had ever made in her life, Historia decided she would try. "Excuse me for a minute." She said nervously to her companions and quick walked over to in front of (but not too close) to the knight...with her back to Hel. Historia certainly had come full circle when it came to cats today hadn't she...
"E-Excuse me M'lord." She stuttered a bit before taking a breath trying to calm down. "I understand that you are upset right now, but we've already had some problems in this tavern today..." She took another breath, "Starting a fight wouldn't do any good right now, and I am sure that a man of stature would be able to put whatever transgression that has went down between you and Miss Kat behind you for the good of the public." Historia bowed a little "I'm sorry if I come off a bit rude and putting my nose where it doesn't belong, but currently this Tavern is my home and I'd like for nothing else to happen in it today."