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    1. onenote 10 yrs ago


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I guess Historia is the only one interested in taking a E rank mission huh XD
Back and ready to post for the next several hours. So the missions are up?
yeah, D and E rank missions are up on the first page of this ooc thread. We're all trying to decide which ones to do as the D rank is so far the most desirable for most of us, so you might want to go back the last page or two and see if there is anybody wanting to do the same quest as you and then maybe see about teaming up with them?
"Ah! Yes a tour, thank you Miss Mysaren." Historia smiled when she remembered where she left off. "Well I could show you around now-" She started to say but was cut off when the ratman from earlier (she had yet to catch his name) came over and started to talk to them. "Oh, well thank you for the compliment Mr. Grimmor, but I only did what I thought was right as I doubt any of us wanted to deal with a fight in here." She gave Mr. Grimmor a smile, "And thank you for the meal, and I do hope you don't think me rude, but I can't take you up on your offer for drinks. The ability to fly mixed with alcohol has never ended well for my kind." But Historia didn't have to go without a drink for long as Mr.Bernard made his way over to them with a bottle in his hand. She was surprised when Mr.Bernard actually spoke to her while popping the cap off the bottle. Historia was a little under the impression that Mr.Bernard couldn't speak but now she knew better. "Oh, thank you very much Mr. Bernard." Historia told him as she took a sip of the drink. The fizz tickled her lips and it tasted like strawberries. It was amazing! "Ah, well. Looks like I don't have to go without a drink after all." She told Mr. Grimmor as the priest came in with today's jobs. "As for business, well, I mostly do small missions and act as a messenger or courier, so if you need anything delivered, I might be able to help. Though if there is a big group, I might be persuaded to help. But I promised these two a tour soon. I'm hoping to find a job or two around the city that we might be able to do together as a way to show them around." Historia looked at the board and at the small crowd that was still around it. But it might take a bit to even get to the board. "If that's alright with you two that is." Historia told her companions when she looked back.
@deadpixel101 @Mysaren Azzrix was talking to all of our characters.
well with our characters, historia left for a bit to break up a fight between Kat and Rouen. Historia talked Rouen down without any fights starting, then went back to Mysaren and Claire. Azzrix is now talking to our characters.
I want Historia to take any of the three E rank missions. I think I want to do the "thanks for the memories one the most.
Man, things really slowed down today didn't they.
Historia let out quite the audible sigh when she realized that this knight was most likely not going to cause any trouble now. Which was good, because he had been gathering up electricity (was that his magic?) and that was one of the things that really didn't mix well with Historia. But thankfully Historia had been right in her assumptions of how this nobleman would act if she reached out to his better nature as humbly as she could. Compared to the look of ready to kill someone that he had when Historia stepped in (and she had no idea why she hadn't stepped right back out at that point) to the look now that he was going over to help Mr. Sess at the bar, it was clear to her that she had done the right thing. Even if it did annoy Miss Kat. Speaking of which, Historia turned around and took a few steps towards Miss Kat (while being weary of Hel's reaction) and said, "Pardon my intervention Miss Kat. I know how strong you are, and with Hel, there's not a lot that either of you can't do. But many of us here in the Tavern are tired of fighting for the day and Mr. Bernard would probably like it if he didn't have to break up another fight in here." She started to turn but then added, "I'll try to keep to myself the next time though..." with that she turned back to her seat, walking back and sitting down between Claire and Mysaren. "Sorry about that." Historia said, a little embarrassed. "So um...what were we talking about?"
Historia was waiting for a response from her acquaintances (was it too soon to call them friends?) when she noticed that things were starting to...well, a ruckus was starting again. In one part of the Tavern, the bard was starting an argument with a red head lady, and in another part...yelling already. Historia turned just in time to see something shiny fly over and hit a knight looking man on the head. oh...this wasn't going to be good. Historia wondered if there was something she could do, as noble's were no stranger to her past, so she started to get up. As she did so, so did the knight...while Mr.Sess tripped nearby, hitting his face right on the bar, then having Mr. Rupurt's drink spilled on him to add insult to injury... before Mr.Rupurt added an extra layer of injury onto that by kicking Mr. Sess in the stomach, causing them both pain. Historia winced a little as she watched Miss Naida start to tend to him, before turning back to the knight. "Oh for the love of..." Not only was he standing there, looking like he was about to kill someone, but it looked like he was going after Miss Kat. Sure, alone, the knight would have probably been too much for Miss Kat, but Miss Kat also had Hel...Historia noticed that the knight took a step forward, towards Miss Kat and Hel and she realized someone had to do something before things got out of hand. Though it probably wasn't the wisest decision she had ever made in her life, Historia decided she would try. "Excuse me for a minute." She said nervously to her companions and quick walked over to in front of (but not too close) to the knight...with her back to Hel. Historia certainly had come full circle when it came to cats today hadn't she... "E-Excuse me M'lord." She stuttered a bit before taking a breath trying to calm down. "I understand that you are upset right now, but we've already had some problems in this tavern today..." She took another breath, "Starting a fight wouldn't do any good right now, and I am sure that a man of stature would be able to put whatever transgression that has went down between you and Miss Kat behind you for the good of the public." Historia bowed a little "I'm sorry if I come off a bit rude and putting my nose where it doesn't belong, but currently this Tavern is my home and I'd like for nothing else to happen in it today."
<Snipped quote by onenote> I'm half tempted to just let him go... See the effects of the Fey Buster. :)
but he didn't drink any? Kat hit him with the coin before he could
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