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True XD also, Wrenna's problem is that she cares about everything to much XD
Wrenna stared a little suspiciously at Soreth as he mentioned that some demons needed blood and what not...Perhaps he was one? Of course if he was, he probably had his own stock of it in that kitchen of his. Wrenna was surprised how much she could still care after saying she was done caring..."Do you need help again." She asked as she grabbed Soreth's arm when it looked like he was about to fall over again after he locked the art room door (which she made note that he could do...). Wait...ugh...she was getting accustomed to asking him if he needed help and actually helping. That was just wonderful...
Ahhh, so she wasn't wrong to wonder about how he became king XD though from the sounds of it, the demons have their own, much bigger prophecy then Wrenna's (of course its all in her fathers head so who knows how much is really there XD)
"What ever you come up with would have to be a temporary solution." Wrenna told him before he started to explain what the guards were up to. "...You...You mean I could have brought an army with me!?" wrenna exclaimed, "Dad said I had to do it alone! UGH!" Wrenna put her hands over her face and took a deep breath. "Okay I guess I'm glad I didn't bring an army since I could sneak in here so easily, no one had to die so I could get to you and find out I can't kill you." Wrenna stoped when she heard Soreth's stomach growl. All this sneaking, fighting, and getting angry over things which she had control of and things she didn't have control of had actaually made Wrenna pretty hungry. It could be posioned but Wrenna didn't care to much at this point. "...Do demons actually eat things Humans can eat?" She asked him.
Oh? What's the next part?
"I'm beginning to understand that your naivety knows no bounds Soreth." she told him in a deadpan voice as she looked up at him when he told her finding her a place to stay at would be the least he could do for her. "Where would you have in mind for me. I mean, I doubt the other demons would like someone who is supposed to kill you staying in the demon realm alive. And what are they out there doing anyways?" She asked as she sat up, "They ought to be ashamed of how easy it was for me to sneak into the castle and get to you."
Wrenna has officially been broken. XD
Wrenna could feel anger boiling up inside of her, rage that she had been spied on (and drawn too!) and that he kept saying things like "Please don't hate me!" to her. She felt like she was about explode...but she didn't. She couldn't keep up being angry like this for so long, it was too tiring. With a sigh that was close to being a groan, she slowly fell to her knees, and then back into a sitting position, hands over her face. "You really are my worst enemy, you know that?" she finally said after a minute of silence, bringing her hands down. "You single handedly messed up my whole life. And the worst you've done to me physically is a few cuts and some bruises. But I can't bring myself to fulfill my own destiny, not to save my people, not to make Dad proud, not even after I found that out! UGH!" She groaned and fell back so she was lying back onto the castle's floor. "What is with you!? What's with me?!"
"Being not dead only helps so much in this situation." Wrenna told him, feeling like she was at her wits end as she started to look around the room. This must have been someone's art room as there were drawing and painting materials scattered all around along with numerous paintings hung onto the walls. But what caught Wrenna's attention the most a box with what appeared to be a drawing of...her head inside...she went over to investigate and found many, many pictures of her. "What in the..." She looked over them Yes..they were all her, there was no mistaking her own face. A few of them even showed them completing the trails and in other settings...

Wrenna was brought out of her stupor by the sound of a low thud and soreth's frantic calling. She turned and marched back to the door. "Why in the name of good and evil, are their so many portraits of me!? Who drew those!?...It was you wasn't it!?" the room was connected to his after all and he was worried about her seeing the drawings. "Why did you do that!? And...You were spying on me!?" It was the only way he would have known what she looked like up till now..."I can not believe you! We're prophecied to kill one another and you're not taking this seriously!"
Wrenna: I can not even right now!

XD I love this. I really love soreth XD also, what kind of portraits are we talking about here? just like average stuff, her doing some of her trials and what not?
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