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Either Soreth was more optimistic than Wrenna was or he was hell bent in finding some way to cheer her up. Either way, it didn't help much, but it did help a bit. So far, he was more helpful then the royal family that she was supposed to be loyal to. And then he got an idea that made Wrenna sit up. "Interrupted?" She asked as she watched him go deeper into thought.

"Soreth, it's technically not ethical for me and you to be talking like this but here we are now." She told him when he mentioned that first bit but went on to say, "But that is good. It'd certainly buy us time, which is something I have quite a bit of. I actually made it here a lot faster than what they thought I would so yes. I have quite a bit of time. But there are two things that worry me about that plan. First, when they ask you who interrupted you, what will you tell them, because someone would have had to. And two, what will they do about me and you? Surely if I was going to come back to try and kill you they would bump up security? And they would certainly go looking for me. We need to make sure all these loose ends are tied up...But this could work for the time being." she wasn't the most hopeful sounding right there, but for the first time in a long while, she had a small smile on her face.
"Fine. I'm fine..." Wrenna told him, her voice muffled by the bed as she didn't lift her head up. "The gravity of the situation just hit me is all. I just need a moment to pull myself together." A few moments after that she rolled over so that she was at least talking without her face planted into the bed. "Sure, scared me off will be good...it's our only option if you think about it. You can't say killed me as you don't have a body and you didn't wound me enough to say I retreated really. Even if you do just say I retreated, they'll probably warp it to scared me off. So...you scared me off." Wrenna told him, trying to stay logical and calm...and oddly she was. But it wasn't a good kind of calm. It was the kind of calm that overcame people when they knew they were at the end. She stared up at the ceiling for a moment before glancing over at Soreth to see him staring at her with concern. Ugh...

"I...I don't know what I'm going to do Soreth, and it's not a good feeling. I never needed to know what I was going to do before...I just knew the overall goal, taking you down, and the littler goals someone else always told me what to do, usually dad. But now...I basically lied to my whole kingdom. But I may be able to avoid the consequences they would want to inflict on me, if I can manage to make a decent plan, but I don't know what they're going to do to my father. I mean...they mostly thought he was mad anyway, but who knows what they might still do to him...and I'm not sure how concerned about that I really am....Soreth, my resolve I came here with was only strong enough to face and kill you and the thought of dying. I wasn't prepared for any of this...But, it'll harden...I can get through this...yup...yup..." Wrenna was basically rambling now as she tried to get herself back into her normal mindset, but her normal mindset was usually in a normal situation as well.
So his counsel knew that the fight was coming to him...either they really believed in prophecies or else they didn't care what happened to him, cause even though Soreth could kind of hold his own, if Wrenna hadn't had that mini break down at the sight of him just getting into a coughing fit mid-battle, she might have actually finished him off. Wrenna froze mid-thought as Soreth brought his hand up, her hand immediately going to her sword out of reflex even though it could very well be just a servant. Not that it mattered in the end. Whoever it was didn't come by them and they managed to make it back to the room quickly and peacefully.

"Well I do have illusion spells for disguises and what not. I might be able to create the illusion I was another demon but I don't know how well that would work on others." Wrenna told him when he said they needed to come up with a better plan for moving around. She had only done it before in large, crowded areas where people were not interested in her as long as she kept to herself. She watched as Soreth went over and got her a brush and pointed out some hair bands for her (she wondered why he had them as his hair wasn't really long enough to constitute having them but that was something that maybe she would have time to wondered about some day but that day was not today). She started to brush her hair, the familiar motion relaxing her a bit as Soreth continued on with their earlier topic.

"Well then, can't you just tell them I got away?" Wrenna asked as she started to put her hair up into small pigtails, which looked cute but out of place with her armor. "I mean you don't got to say you greatly wounded me or anything since there wasn't really much blood. But we both know you know powerful magic. Tell them you scared me off." Almost as soon as she finished, it hit Wrenna with what she was saying. If he told them that she had simply ran away...it would get back to her kingdom...then...it would really be out that she not only failed, she didn't even die honorably. That she ran away like a coward. Even if she didn't run, she still didn't do her duty and it was going to get back to her father especially and..."I think I need to lie down..." She told him before taking off her sword belt and dropping it onto the floor unceremoniously and then just as unceremoniously, flopped onto the bed. She really wasn't ready to deal with that...
Wrenna didn't like that look he was giving to her...it was a pitying look. She sighed and started to mess with her hair, trying to straighten it out with her hands or at least try to. Try to make herself look better at the very least. When he spoke up about his plan, or rather his lack of one, she didn't let out a sigh of annoyance or anything like that. She couldn't really be surprised that he didn't have a plan. Neither one of them really forsaw this happening...Besides, at this point, she was getting used to Soreth.

"Alright then, let's go back. Just let me grab my things." She told him before going back and quickly slipping on her leather armor and slipping her sword back into its sheath at her side. "Okay, lead the way." After they were sure it was safe and were quickly heading back to his room, she asked him, "So what did you tell them about yesterday? I mean you didn't tell them about me I know, but they saw the state of your throne room and probably noticed how weak you were when you went down to the dungeons with them."
Possibly XD it really depends on what you have in mind I guess XD
Well, Wrenna didn't have to imagine to hard about how bad she looked considering Soreth's tone and expression as soon as he laid eyes on her, not to mention the fact he was starting to fuss over possibly making her sick. "Listen, you don't need to apologize for waking me. It's probably not a good idea to sleep-in in here anyways. As for my health, I'm fine I think. I'm just...tired...I always seem to wake up tired. Everything that happened yesterday didn't really help with my ability to get a good nights rest but my life isn't in danger." Besides, Wrenna was pretty sure that even if Soreth had a cold, that humans couldn't catch demon colds and vice versa. Then again, maybe she could and it would be twice as deadly. Either way, she must have been fine if she could start having her mind go down these paths that really didn't pertain to the conversation at hand in the end.

After telling Soreth she was fine, she went to sheath her sword...only to forget that she wasn't wearing any of that...She rubbed her face for a moment before putting her sword on a nearby dresser. "Anyways. What are we doing now? I mean I doubt I can stay here and I really doubt you can stay with me all day." Wrenna told him trying to carry on with what really mattered now.
Only I know *insert evil laugh here*
woo, dream sequences~
"You were supposed to save us! Be our hero! Traitor!" Was just some of what the many voices that Wrenna was trying to run away from was yelling at her. They had been chasing her after she had escaped from a web built from red strings, and they were gaining on her fast. She was going to get trampled at this rate. She just had to keep running. But up ahead, there were two people blocking her way...Father...and Soreth...Suddenly Wrenna's sword was in her hand...she just hand to get rid of one and she would be free...The closer she got time seemed to slow down, even the bell in the distance seemed to ring slower and slower as well. It was time to make a decision. Wrenna pulled back her sword and swung towards-

"Ah!"Wrenna gasped, sitting bolt upright and swinging her sword wildly, losing the grip of it mid swing and it ended up going into the wall in front of her. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to figure out what had woken her up since there wasn't anything trying to attack her. then she heard it...A soft knock and Soreth's voice. The memories of yesterday came flooding back, making Wrenna feel even more tired...But she had to get up and face the day. She quickly got up and grabbed her sword before carefully opening the door for Soreth, noticing that thankfully he was alone. She quickly let him in with a sigh and turned back to him. "Morning I guess..." She could only imagine how drastic she looked now from yesterday. Going from heroic looking hero to girl with plain, slept in clothes, dishevelled hair, and a face that obviously said it needed more sleep before it would become decent to look at. At least her looks matched her mood.
it does! don't worry!
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