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Wrenna nodded as well and went back to eating as well. It was interesting to try demon food. There wasn't much that was different, or at least that Soreth had given to her wasn't that different. She wondered if he chose that food since it would be something she would be familiar with or it was what he really normally ate. It really didn't matter in the end. The food was good and edible and Wrenna had always appreciated those qualities in food.

After soreth finished his food and they had both taken care of their dishes, she walked with him to the art room. Once Soreth was ready to watch, Wrenna gently touched the mirror, but no scenery appeared right away. There was so many places she could show him. The royal palace, lake Everdeen, the snowy fields of Avarlas, the Comrition ocean coast...but Wrenna soon realized what the best place to start at would be.

"Let me take you back to the beginning," Wrenna said as a desert town came into view. It was old, a little run down as if it had almost seen more sand storms than it could handle, and quite busy with people moving around in it "This is my hometown Soreth. Riccori, near the Trafri desert. It's where I was raised until the age of 10." She slowly started to show him around the area as best as she could with the mirror.
Wrenna accepted Soreth's answer of not being able to scry everything. Even if he didn't seem the type, his condition and role didn't exactly provide for him a lot of time to spy on her...thouh it was just enough to paint her but Wrenna really didn't care about that anymore."The past few years hmmmm..." Wrenna said, going on with what Soreth had said and asked."That might have been around the time I saved Duke Remington from those harpies..." that was one of the first things that got her the first good chunk of fame in the kingdom. "As for what the human realm is like....well thats a little hard to describe. It's rather big, diverse and I'm not sure how diffrent it is from your realm...Maybe I could show you with your mirror and maybe explain anything you have questions with?" Wrenna suggested.
Wrenna listened carefully as Soreth told his life's story, surprised at some of the things he told her. She wanted to ask him more questions. Like why he didn't think he would make a good sibling, what did he mean about bonds and so on...but she felt they wouldn't really be appropriate. "It sounds like it was rough." Wrenna told him as she took a sip of her own tea. "I um...lost my mother to..." she told him after a moment. She wanted to say something to keep the awkward silence from coming back and also to make up for asking to recount all of that.

"I didn't really know her though...I was too young when she passed. Then it was just dad and me and his...delusions. Well, Desmond kind of raised me a bit too, but I haven't seen him in forever. I grew up in a backwater town in my country and my father kept trying to prove to everyone I was the Hero he kept rambling on about. I did whatever he told me to...all my good deeds were all things my father told me to....well, there was one thing he didn't tell me to do that I did on my own, but that's a different story. There's a few places I want to go back to and people I'd like to go see again..." She left it at that.

"Oh! Sorry if you didn't want to hear all of that...I just thought I should tell you since you told me some things about you...I really don't know how much you already know about me." She added as she remembered that he had scryed her before.
Yup...Wrenna was actually feeling really bad for getting him to go along with the prediction now...This was probably why Desmond had warned her never to give predictions to people she liked...Soreth seemed to really want to believe what she had told him. "The reason you want to believe it is because its broad. Broad is possible. Narrow is less so." Wrenna told him quietly before he started to cough. she winced a little as he recovered, for the first time wondering how bad Soreth really had it. She had seen how he had gotten yesterday and figured that wasn't the worst he had ever gotten...She was a little glad to hear that Soreth was taking it as something to work towards instead of feeling bad about it or getting mad at her for it, which that was good.

"Right." Wrenna nodded as she sat down with him. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Wrenna finally spoke up with, "Why don't you tell me a little more about yourself Soreth...I mean, I don't really know all that much about you, and it might help me fit in more around here." She was genuinely curious about him now though.
Wrenna was...surprised at how bad she felt now. She hadn't expect him to get so into it or really believe that she could do it...she sighed as he went on to say how happy he was that he could be a good ruler. "L...Listen..." Wrenna said, realizing she couldn't let him go on believing that was actual magic. "Soreth...I want you to think back on what all I said...did I give any exact dates? Did I say anything that didn't directly pertain to you, like who you would marry or any especially good or horrible events that may happen to your kingdom. I told you a death you probably expected you would have." Wrenna sighed again.

"What I'm trying to say is...That "fortune" I gave you fake. I just took all the information I knew about you, could see about you, and guessed and formed it into something believable. That wasn't magic, that was BS." Wrenna rubbed her face. "Desmond said...Desmond was the man I was telling you about, he said that you can't see the future, but you can read people. That's basically what he taught me, was how to read people and tell them what he wants to hear. If you put me as a magical consultant or something, they're going to see right through me..."
its fine XD if you want to talk I'm in the doc
Gosh dangit Yami, you're going to make me burst his bubble...
Wrenna nodded and took his palm. "Well, I read the lines in your hand. And there is no real normal thing to find as each person is different. Now let's see..." Wrenna said as she started to study his palm. After a few minutes she started to trace lines in his hands with her pointer finger. "I see a rough life ahead of you. Your body will be your own battle, but you will pull through for many years." She started to trace another line. "You will marry a woman of worth and she will give you all of her heart as you will do the same for her. The two of you will not stop loving each other till the day that you die and will have a small, but wonderful family." She began to trace another line. "You rule will not be easy, not in the beginning, not for awhile. But your hard work and dedication will bring peace and prosperity to your land." There was one last line. "Your life will not be the longest, but the end will be a soft and painless one, passing away in your sleep long after you have retired your rule and passed on the crown." With that Wrenna sat back and looked at Soreth's face to see how he would react.
Wrenna had noticed by now that Soreth was...sort of awkward. Awkward around her, though she wasn't really sure how he normally interacted with people. But she was getting used to it so she didn't really mind or care anymore. "Right...well I'm not really suited for anything other than fighting. I mean I can read, write and do a bit of athritmitic so I'm not sure I would cut it as a scholar...There...is a few things I can do...I um..." This was actually pretty hard to admit as it didn't really fit her persona as a hero, or at least that was what she was told most of her life. "When I was a girl, there was a man in my hometown that was a physic...he taught me some of his tricks. Tarot cards, palm readings, and so on...I spent a lot of time with him before my father started my training and moved us out of that town, so I'm not sure how much I remember of all of that. Not even sure any of those skills could be put to use here." She admitted with a sigh.
Yup, that was indeed what he was going for. It wasn't a bad plan to be sure but it would definitely put her acting skills to the test. "Well I wouldn't really mind boredom." Wrenna was used to it with her father when he wasn't getting her trained, "But you're right. Staying in the room for much longer isn't a great idea...But I'm not sure how well I would work as a servant. It's not that I'm afraid of getting my hands dirty with work, its just I don't really know how to do a servant's job. I've never had to clean or do anything like that so this might be hard to pull off...and I would like to stay close to you as I'm not exactly well-versed in how you demons interact with one another." Wrenna sighed, "Well this is going to be interesting to say the least..." There was so much to consider with all of this now. Not only would she have to figure out how to act with other demons without looking suspicious...And she would have to come up with a backstory for herself...
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