The mentioning of that name, the name of its host, sucked all the anger out of Ontos's face. From anger, the souls within itself collectively shifted their thoughts towards Edward. Forbidden Beasts were normally supposed to share a body with their host, but Ontos was all alone in Edward's body.
The self-proclaimed maker of Forbidden Beasts in these times, a man by the name of Hawk, the man that Edward's father contacted, mentioned a few other Forbidden Beasts that ended up as the sole user of their bodies after their hosts. It must have been a lonely life, thought Ontos. At least Ontos had the many voices in its head to keep itself company.
The way Ontos sank onto the floor seemed like Raphaella had shot a needle into its proverbial puffed-up balloon with her words. It sunk to the floor and curled up in the middle of nowhere.
"W̧e͞'̛re n̴o̶t ̴Ed͟wa͠rd͝." Ontos whispered to itself. Its body trembled, and it tried not to cry.
"We ͟can'̨t ͝be.̀ H͡e's ̛de̶ad."
A single tear rolled down its face, which it scraped off with a finger. The screams, the wailing of the souls within itself calmed down after a few seconds, enough for Ontos to stand up again. It coughed, to clear the throat, and forced a weak smile at Raphaella.
It was only then that Ontos got a grip on the situation beyond an inaccurate name used. Raphaella, and the white-haired strange man in the red jacket were prepared for combat. In each other's direction.
"W̢hoa͠, wh͞ǫa ̀w̢ho̕a!̸ Ca̢l̡ḿ do͜wn̴!͞" shouted Ontos, looking at them with worry and panic etched on its face.