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The blade-wielding contents of the third tank the party had opened (Ulor did not have much else in the way of references for her, and, having been looking another way during most of the latest battle, could not even say what she had struck down) had somehow seen the occasion as an opportunity to rebuke his mending methods. Ulor scowled, or rather half-scowled by contorting his face in a slightly concerning way, so that only the one side of it that was partly turned towards the girl was frowning. For all he was concerned, the spattered makeshift bandage was enough for the elf not to die from bleeding within the hour, and therefore all he needed to do there. Sanitary? For all he knew, this prisoner might have come from warrens churning with maggots and dipping with slime. He was quite certain he had once read of elves that lived in just such a place. Or was it goblins? Regardless-

It is astounding how many mortals see the food matter the wrong way around.

"Food doesn't heal wounds, but drink does?" was all Ulor had the time to reply between the octopus's commentary and the feline calling out from further down the chamber. With a grunt, he rose from his crouch, propping himself up with his staff, and began to hobble towards the throne the fiend had been sitting on. While the prospect of a "tithe" had sparked his curiosity, seeing as these people were likely to toss all sorts of this under such a name, whether they belonged there or not, he could not but stop to throw a glance at the altar and the pillars surrounding it. What he saw was apparently notable enough for him to turn as he walked, approaching to peer at the constructions more closely, scratching and rapping on the stone. The mouth of a god... There was an odd, unnatural tension in the air between the columns. For some odd trick of the magical weave, he could almost picture a thread running from the altar to its twin on the other side of the sewer channel. No, that one was the mouth. This was the hand that brought the meals to it. He could feel that the unholy maw hungered still, calling silently for the life of hundreds to be fed into it. And yet...

No one has been sacrificed here yet.

Not that we can see, at least. There might have been others before.

As satisfied as he could have been with his brief survey, Ulor put an end to the detour and joined the pair near the throne. Bending over the seat, he began to rather unceremoniously rustle through its contents. The gold would certainly be useful, if everyone in this city was as averse to haggling as that one man who sold... What was he trying to buy then? Well, not that it mattered any longer.

There were also scrolls inscribed with what seemed to be arcane symbols. He lifted them one by one, running a finger over the lines of the signs and muttering something that did not appear to belong to any language under the stars. As he set each parchment aside, he briefly turned up his head and called out in hollow tones: "There are an incantation of insight... One of elemental chaos... One of mire- No, of treacherous soil." He doubted anyone else in the group would have much use for the spells, or even understand what he was speaking of, but it was safer to inform them of his findings in the event he should forget them later. Indeed, maybe there already was something the scrolls would be needed for? All the better to announce them properly.

"That might become necessary for one of them" he added, without looking up, while the octopus pointed one of its tentacles at a glinting pearl held in the brawler's paw. Who knew, they might have been capable of selling the things.

Last in the receptacle were two flasks, filled with unusual-looking fluids. One of them, red and glimmering, he recognised as similar to what had been forcibly administered to the unconscious elf. A drop of it on the tongue brought a fleeting, but potent sensation of vigour coursing through his body. Well. Perhaps drink can heal after all. Not wounds, maybe, but... The other was dull and layered like a crystalline tower. Its taste was likewise one of strength, but of a far more focused sort, echoing through hands and feet.

"Life and power held in glass." Those were simpler, likely accessible to the rest, and he had little need of reinforcing his toes. Nonetheless, if none would take them - as he dimly hoped in choosing mystifying words - he would not pass the opportunity of performing some alchemical experiments. Small, of course, and perfectly manageable. As circumstances would allow.

The Concord seems to be balanced and very thought out, accepted since it's complete enough.

I like how different our approaches are. I made a surreal society while you did a more sci-fi one. Will be interesting to see how future potential players approach this.

Anyhow, it will be interesting how the Domain will deal with such peculiar society. Much harder to infiltrate for the humanoid formless, that much is certain. I would expect for the hallucinogenics to spread into the Domain though.

I did go for something that fully embraced the rebuilding theme. Eventually, the Concord might yet evolve into something different, but for the moment it is still very much in the consolidating phase.

Transcendentals could be a good guise for Shapeless infiltrators to take. Some of them are humanoid, though still clearly synthetic, and one acting strangely is nothing out of the norm. The downside is that they are not very influential, and as a cover might only be useful to gather information. Still, it's something that could be interesting to see in action.
I will still need to elaborate more in the society section, but for now this should give a fairly comprehensive overview.

And code tag buttons.
As major worlds are contested, is it common for several habitat-based factions to have a presence on their surfaces, or otherwise some stake in their fate (like with Cutis's historical importance)?

By any means, I shall get to work on a sheet as soon as possible, though progress might be a little slow for a few days yet.
Though the fiend had been blasted back to whatever foul pit it had crept out of and the animated sword, which seemed to be the last of the great chamber's more bloodthirsty inhabitants, put to flight - someone with more of a sense for humour could have taken the opportunity to quip about the half-elf's singing making even witless constructs run for their lives, but such jesters seemed to be in short supply - and finally hammered with less care than a smith would have used, neither Ulor nor the octopus did immediately relax their stances, still as battle-ready as the two could have them. The former looked suspiciously about the vault, almost visibly straining his ear for sounds that could betray any other lurking peril, while the latter swung and rotated over his head, thrusting out its eyes in a slightly unsettling way as it tried to observe almost all directions at once.

It was thus probably the octopus that noticed that the sword had shed blood aplenty despite not being wielded by any hand, since Ulor's stare had become lost in the sewers' water when he turned, roused by a mental nudge. Still massaging the shoulder where the devil had struck him, which, while clearly not grievously, had nonetheless been burned along with the rest of the body earlier that night, he hobbled over to the fallen elf, the flesh-clothed spirit trailing close behind. A curious sight, if the word still held in here, between hellish emissaries and plane-shaking rituals. It was clearly an elf, but not of any sort he had ever seen before. His skin was uncommonly pale, and, when Ulor bent down and pried the lid of one of his eyes open, he saw nothing but a small reflection of himself. It might have been due to being on the brink of death, as Ulor was fairly certain was the case, but one could never know.

Should we leave him? It is unlikely he knows any more than the others we found.

No. This one saw more. Besides, more fleshbodies with us is better than fewer.

We could pry into his memories now without the bother of another-

You have mindhands for grasping, not claws. We will need to improve that. For now, having this one awake will be safer. In all senses.

If you say so.

Ulor crouched next to the elf and began to rummage through whatever unholy foulness had its nest in his backpack. After some moments, he produced from it a rather nondescript, filthy rag. It was unclear of what colour it had been before being reduced to its current state, if any, but it was fairly obvious that this must have happened a long time ago. He motioned with a finger, and the octopus, who had been hovering overhead, let some sort of translucent ichor dribble from its beak onto the strip of cloth. Though all this did was make the rag even dirtier, Ulor seemed to be satisfied, and, clumsily turning the elf over in a way that did not help his comfort, tightly wound and knotted it over the worst cuts. Hopefully, this would suffice to hold most of the bleeding until the freed captive was in better shape, or could be given over to actually competent medical care. Or both.

Noted. Do consider my interest confirmed.

A further question - what is the average polity size? Are most of them limited to a single habitat, or is holding (possibly uncertain) control over a few of them more commonplace?
Tentatively interested. Would this be a complete sandbox, or would there be a background overarching plot to tie things together?
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