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Ilshar Ard’sabekh

Peace talks. So, that was it. Ilshar leaned back in his seat, retracting a few eyes as he considered what the Authority Node had just somewhat circuitously explained. The first thing to come to mind was that this did nothing to dislodge the UCL from Zanovia. Quite the opposite, it gave them room to tighten their grip on their proxies, though probably in a more reduced way than they would have liked. But then the conflict was not going to die out because of this. If the League wanted to keep that hold, they would, as he had thought, need to keep their forces locked to the ground for at least a while…

What did he know about the Intransigence and its goals, really? From the start, he had assumed that it ultimately wanted the same things any such body with a large armed force always did - more space, more influence, more worldly power. From what he’d heard, supposedly it had folded into itself remnants of the Expanse’s own interplanetary Liberation Front, but Ilshar’s knowledge of happenings in the wider galaxy before the end of the war had always been hazy. The one thing he could be sure about was that whatever game his employers were playing, it was a long one.

More pressingly, the strange and irreverent hologram was here to stay. Great. At least the loud human was out of it for the time being.

“Don’t you worry about us, we’ll keep up,” he passed his flexile tongue along the tips of yellowed shardlike teeth, a cluster of eyes fixed on King, “Ilshar. Or Teffn, I’ve gone by that. Seems we’ll be sharing suppression duty while the walking hive strikes the hammer.” He motioned at Echo, before inclining his head to turn most of his eyes at the Authority Node.

“But if it’s time for us to know, what will it strike next?”
The Tales of Baboon

How Baboon Found Rage a Bride

Baboon sat under a tree chewing the jibaga-root and thought of what tricks he could play on the peoples of Sri Rajarata. He had crawled into the caverns and frightened the dwarves with the sounds of earthquake till it tired him; and he had snuck among the rakshasa’s homes and lit small but smoky fires till it galled him; and now he wanted something new. But much as he chewed, he could think of nothing, for he had lived for such a long time and raised so much mischief that it seemed he had done all there was to do. He crunched and licked, and then the thought did come to him that he ought to play a jibe on Rage, or Manyu as he was now called by his youngers, as he had been wont to do long ago. The ancient Rakshasa, see, was mighty restless, for unlike his two siblings who had bred forth between them a great lineage, he yet had no legacy. This was because he could not find a bride for himself that could hope to match his great strength and ferocity, which he did not wish to be diluted in his children. The wisdom of the jibaga-root had told Baboon that this was ripe ground for jest, but what could he do that would be grand enough? He chewed and gnashed down harder to see this.

So intent was the ape on his rumination that he did not hear the soft steps approaching him among the bushes. To be sure, perhaps he would not have even had he been listening, for his ear was a coarse one, but at this time especially he was drawn away into his thoughts and all else was like a dream to him. Thus he was mighty surprised when a great striped body came bounding out from among the trees and straight at him! A ferocious Tiger of tremendous size had crawled up to the unwary plotter, and while he would have been little more than a crusty morsel to her, it must have been that she was famished at that time.

But Baboon was a wily one, and was not surprised for longer than a fly’s wingbeat. He screeched, jumped, and kicked up a great cloud of dust. When the Tiger was done blinking and spitting, he was already swaying on the tree. The fierce beast made to gain purchase on the rough bark with her claws, but the ape leapt to another branch. He made a clever play of it, however, and staggered and hooted perilously, as if he were so weak from age and illness as to be about to tumble defenseless to the ground. Fast disappointed in its hunt, the Tiger thought her quarry was near to falling back straight into her jaws, and followed as he swayed and wobbled down the branch and to another tree that stood close.

Now, Baboon was an old and crafty fellow, and over many years he had hidden all around the wood many traps and strange tricks that he could draw out and surprise his pursuers with if he ever found himself in peril. So it was that when the Tiger heard a beastly wail and saw something dark and shaggy fall out of the tree, she pounced upon it and raked it with her claws; but great was her surprise when she found under them not Baboon’s hide, but a log of wood carved roughly like an ape, covered in pitch and tufts of hair! Her paws stuck to it, and when she furiously tried to bite it, her mouth was stuck also. Hooting triumphantly, Baboon leapt down and bound her with woven vines. He chewed on the jibaga-root, thinking of what uses he could put such a fearsome captive to, and then he grinned, for he had thought of a terribly devious trick indeed.

It was in the fields around the palace of Sri Rajarata that Rage was most often found. As there were no enemies for the kingdom to do battle with, he would amuse himself by sparring with other rakshasa who took up arms; and on days when none were found who were so bold as to fight with him, he would split great logs of wood with his bare fists to maintain his strength as he had done of old. He was busied with this on that day, and when once he turned to take another log from the pile he had set aside, he found Baboon seated on it.

“Friend Rage,” the ape said placatingly, when the rakshasa glared and coiled his fists, “We have not always been on the best of terms, so much is true. But I have thought, are we not both to live in this realm for a long time yet? Should we not end this enmity? I know your heart is not one to be poisoned with bitter grudges. Indeed I come to you with a token of friendship. Hearing that you cannot find a bride of your own stature to bear your lineage, I have taken it upon me to search the whole realm for one who could so match your strength. And so did I found one indeed! She is one such that has lived all her life in the darkest jungle, far from the softness and decadence of civility, and has a temper as hot as the sun’s tongue! When I told her there was a man as fiery and vigorous as her, she agreed to come and meet you, even though she is wild and does not like the way of living here. Come now! She waits, if you would humour my goodwill.”

Rage frowned then, for he knew Baboon for a liar and a scoundrel. Yet nonetheless the ape’s words struck a spark of wonderment in him, and he thought that while this may have been a trick, it would have been foolish to disregard a chance to fulfill his yearning out of hand. So he followed as Baboon hopped to the edge of the palace grounds. There he had erected a small pavilion with sticks and all the fanciful things he could muster and scrape together, from red carpets draped like arrased walls to brazen pots he had stood next to it.

“Her taboo is that no man may see her but the one who would court her,” Baboon explained, deftly climbing on top of the pavilion, “But do not tarry!”

Seizing the colourful curtain that hung at the entrance, Rage pulled it aside. In so doing, however, he drew open the cage that the wily Baboon had concealed within, and the Tiger leapt upon him with a roar! They tumbled to the ground in a fearsome clamour and a storm of dust, with the ape cackling wildly in amusement over them. Blood and fur alike flew out from the struggle, and its rolling and thrashing came close to collapsing the pavilion at length.

At last, however, the ferocious tangle came to a standstill - but if Baboon had expected it to be from the utter defeat of one of the combatants, he was to be disappointed. The both of them lay breathing heavily, Rage’s hands pushing back the Tiger’s clawed paws, but what opposition remained lingered merely in their limbs and not their minds. Rage’s throat rumbled with a growling laugh. The Tiger rumbled as great cats are wont to do, and then licked him on the face.

“What now!” Baboon screeched from his perch, “Where is your fight?! Where is your fury?! You cannot well end it like this!”

Without even sparing a glance, Rage threw a brazen pot at the garrulous ape and knocked him far away into the jungle.

So it was that, to Baboon’s dismay, he truly did find Rage a bride from the darkest jungle, with a temper as fierce and feral as his. Their progeny, who were known as the palankasha, grew to be one of the illustrious lineages of the rakshasa. In memory of their progenitors, they were born with four arms, the head and hind legs of tigers, and a rage in their veins which it took the smallest slight to inflame. Though they were never many in number, great was their strength and ferocity, and thenceforward all other rakshasa held them in great fear and awe.

Ilshar Ard’sabekh

The approach to the dropship put Ilshar at ease. The sight of something so large under an optic cloak was always somewhat offputting, calling to mind an imitation of some Abyssal presence - something that was not supposed to be seen being forced into an approximation of a visible presence - but the smell of metal-melded biomass and, above all, the etheric breeze he could feel from it if he focused were soothing. All that living matter, fated to rot one day. After the hectic tides of danger of several battles, this mass of coagulated certainty was a refreshing sense of firmness, helping still his mind like a tree-stem it could latch onto. He unlatched his helmet and let it dangle from his fingers, air whistling through the grille of his exposed teeth. Great Spiral, whatever he might have done on this planet, it felt good to be finished. His hands interlinked in the sign of the twofold ring in a gesture of thanks.

Onboard the craft, the visible world reasserted itself, getting rid of the jarring sensory mismatch. Ironically, this left Ilshar’s thoughts free to wander to unpleasant places. What the Yrrkradians had been to Enthuur, he had been here. Was this some kind of jest of fate, a turn of the concentric folds in the Nexus’ bottomless gulch? More likely, it was simply on him. To distract himself, he shaped more eyes and tasting orifices as he walked, drinking in the pulse of melded life from all around and idly dwelling on the oddities that lined his passage. Now and again some trooper’s salvaged Dominion gear stung him like a sore spot in the eyes.

The new, or was it, handler the Envenomed came across was a welcome distraction for the time being. He was even ready to bear with it being a cyborg. If nothing else, it had some biomatter around its dead metal, though he suspected all of it was synthetic. That still put the Authority Node above the other newcomer that joined the squad in the debrief room. Not being able to feel anything from that apparent human was ever so slightly disturbing. Even a mechanoid would have smelled of steel and plastic, but this “King”, nothing. Ilshar could’ve thought he was a hologram, but he was clearly solid. He leaned away from the eerie presence in the chair he had perched on, answering his jibe with a hostile growl of “Looks like we’ve got a laughing one here.”

Kleo’s delirious ramblings flew by without shaking him from the wary contemplation of King, but then Rasch voiced what had been looming grimly in the back of his mind.

“It’s never about helping. Not in this business.” Ilshar’s finger traced the rust-coloured spiral pattern on the bared livid, rubbery membranous skin of his forearm. “Whatever our employer’s after isn’t going to align with anyone else’s goal forever.”

He turned his eye-ringed mouth to the Authority Node.

“But I still wouldn’t mind knowing what it is. What’s the Intransigence’s angle on Zanovia? It can’t just be messing with the League for the fun of it.” Why did he do it? There better have been a good reason, for what little that was worth.
Ilshar Ard’sabekh

The Spiral had been unbroken so far. Danger had passed for now. While it occurred to Ilshar that he should have been more relieved about the ‘mech being at least momentarily put out of commission, it was a far immediately better feeling to finally step out from the blasted zone. The eyes that had been watching for insidious shrapnel in the debris underfoot retracted, which went a long way towards lightening the fragmented impressions of his sight.

They was not destined to stay clear for long as Echo’s huge bulk came humming towards him. Being up close to something that size still made him vaguely uneasy, but he was content to brush that aside for the time being as he crossed the distance to meet the unztadtlige halfway. Sure enough, he would have taken whatever made getting off this planet faster when evac finally showed up.

“Appreciated,” Islhar grunted as he clambered onto the warform’s wide back, keeping a hand over the ulvath’s stock in case some new surprise called for it again. A menacing squelching in the flexile joints of the arm that pulled him up cautioned against more such stunts. Nexus’ teeth, it had been a while since he had gotten punctured this bad.

“Word on where we’re getting picked up? I can’t see anything big touching down here.” Even after a swath of the jungle had been torched in the firefight, it did not make much of a landing pad. But then, if the squad kept moving, they might just as likely have been getting further from where they’d be expected to board. Uncertainty was, annoyingly, not a problem that could be shot at.
Ilshar Ard’sabekh

‘Sprinting away’ was easier said than done, as it turned out. The ‘mech might not have had a bead on Ilshar’s position, but as it had already so clearly proved, it did not need one to keep him pinned. Its parting cannon-blast sent the tarrhaidim on a crouching swerve to the side from behind the tree he was using as cover, while the falling missile, as if possessed by a malign will, extended the swathe of ruination almost directly across the path he had been ready to take in his evasive motion. The indiscriminate inferno had still failed to reach him, but that was a small blessing indeed.

As he laboriously picked his way through the charred hell, trying not to gouge his leg open on a protruding piece of shrapnel while he put some distance between himself and where the League pilot thought he was, Ilshar had at least a moment to review the scan data shared by Rasch. This must have been a frontline beast, if that energy shield meant anything - built to stand up to logistically efficient beam guns, less good against an enemy with the local industrial base to supply solid ammunition. In this case, this meant less protection against his gun too, which was a thing to be thankful for.

“Cameras should take priority,” he spoke into the intercom, several eyes split between his HUD, the ground ahead and the menacing evolutions of the walker, now almost to his side, “It's got more teeth than just the cannon. Blind the beast and it's as good as dead.”

Just then, the ‘mech proceeded to prove how much he'd underestimated those teeth. Nexus’ spiral maw, whoever was driving that wasn't above putting the whole damnably expensive mountain of metal on the line!

A narrow instant's consideration told Ilshar it was not all so bad. From where he stood, the walker’s forward-leaning folded form gave him clear sight of both the jutting back antenna and the camera pod on its retracted shoulder. In the moment he had before the massive machine hurtled past him on its way to collision with Echo, he fired a wide burst at its upper side, sweeping from its shoulder to the back, before hurriedly striding on towards the edge of the burned undergrowth and the refuge of still living trees.
Ilshar Ard’sabekh

Almost as suddenly as that, the forest around Ilshar turned into an inferno. What little vengeful fire from the surviving - momentarily - ZRF troops had been directed his way, or at least against those Envenomed other than Echo, went well wide, but the barrage that heralded the arrival of the League walker was another matter entirely. He halted in his tracks as the mechanical giant neatly cut off the squad’s retreat path, crouching low to the ground as thumping autocannon fire shook the earth uncomfortably close by. Extraction seemed out of the question right now, since even without the jamming playing hell with their comms boarding a dropship with this thing loose would have been suicidal, so the walker getting in their way was not so much of a problem. More urgent was finding any way to evade something that clearly and badly outmassed and outgunned them.

Blazing heat washed over him, cannonfire shredding patches of woodland into ashen waste a mere breath away. The Nexus’ spore-breath must have veiled the walker’s lifeless eyes, or else Ilshar’s spirit would already have been on its way to Its many-toothed maw. A miracle was all it could be; few times had he avoided sudden death so narrowly; but miracles would only come to those who fended for themselves. He would not survive if that gun kept on for much longer, Ilshar thought as he tried to steady his aim through the quivering brush, despite the alarming sensations slithering through his inner augmentic web as his battered body fought to dissipate the thermal shock, and the lesser but more concrete annoyance of charred debris pelting over him. That cannon could easily pulp him through a tree trunk, and it was only a matter of fire saturation before a shell caught him. Both exposing himself by trying to rush for better cover and staying put and praying would lead to the same grim end.

Fortunately, the rest of the squad still on their feet were mostly doing better than him.

“Ready to move, if it goes that well. Careful, this thing must have more than just optical.” The Chasm only knew where Rasch was from, but Ilshar couldn’t help but feel a little grateful for the voidhanger’s being able to keep a steady head. “Echo’s right, we can’t hope for better than crippling it. We should make a break for it soon as we can knock out its sensors.”

And that might be too late if he didn’t do his part. A simple look, as far as he dared peek from behind the tree he had taken as cover, confirmed his thoughts. The walker’s only cameras might have been on its shoulder pod, but what passed for the vehicle’s head must have served some purpose, and he was certain enough he had seen at least one antenna protruding from it. The tarrhaidim leaned out a second time, now further and bolder, and fired a burst at the walker’s head before hurriedly stepping backward from the tree. He could not hope to hit an antenna at this range, but if it was part of the ‘mech’s audio-sensor suite or something similar, distracting it with the feedback from some close shots was the best he could currently do while the rest of the Envenomed struck at its vulnerable points.
Nei Monggol

With a roar of straining, grinding engines and a wail of grasping wheels, the fleet clambered up the crescent dune, kicking up a plume of brown dust into the hazy sky. Despite their light frames, the dirtbikes had the hardest time of it, sinking into the grit like an overeager flenser’s knife into meat and laboriously hauling themselves out again in a relentless cycle of bumps. The migou’s buggies, though vastly more massive and burdened by the weight of their hulking occupants, were built to cruise the sands, and rolled over their surface with stupefying ease. Radim would have found the paradox of it amusing, had he not been one of the many being brutally jolted on the saddles of the bikes. As it was, the irritation wormed around his skull like a needle, now and then incautiously prodding the pall of darkness in the back of his mind.

“Devil’s dust, this.” On the bike to his left, Kuzma spat a mouthful of dry dirt, some of it snagging on his wild rust-red beard. “Pass the samogon, some got in my throat.”

“Where’s yours?” Radim did not take his eyes off the crest of the dune ahead of him, leaning forward to avoid being rattled by the next series of bumps. It did little to help. “Your drunk face already gargled it all?”

“Gave it to the lads. If you didn’t hear, these fat lunks-” Kuzma flashed a fig to the closest migou vehicle; one of the brutes on board answered with some unclear but doubtless vulgar sign of theirs, “-have been going around the camp at night, squeezing the goods from our people if they catch ‘em alone. It’d take a barrel to get one the things drunk, so they swiped everything they could from our band.”

“Should’ve stuck close to the volkhv, or us. These apes wouldn’t dare come near.”

“It’s not just the migou who’re afraid of us, you know. People get uneasy. Even samogon doesn’t help that much.”

“Maybe.” The truth was that Radim had seen it, too. Seasoned warriors hesitated a step too far when they approached him. Fresh meat did not even dare look him in the eye. This spread even to those who had never seen him in battle; the village streets he rode through were always eerily empty. The faint vibration of the metal - if metal it was - on his back, always warm through its wraps and his clothes even in the ash winter, had been his only company for a long time, along with the other three and the volkhv. He did not mind.

“Leave some.” Without letting the front wheel swerve, he grabbed the flask from his belt and threw it ahead over the handle, almost casually. It whistled through the air like an arrow catching a spark of Monggol’s white sun, sure to fall until it found itself as if by magic in Kuzma’s hand, stretched just far enough to catch it. The red-bearded warrior opened it with his teeth, drank a single deep swig, and threw it in the same way. Again, Radim did not even look up; the shimmer slipped at the upper edge of his sight just below the lid, and at the last moment his arm shot out, serpentine. He felt the warm metal tap against the palm of his hand as an afterthought. With the same motions, he opened the flask, feeling with some relief that the other warrior had not touched it to his mouth. Kuzma might have been a beggar, but at least he was a honourable one. Hells knew what scum festered in that beard of his, and Radim was not eager to taste its residue.

“You want some too?” He glanced to his right. “Fast, before I finish it all.”

“Got mine,” Kayan laughed, twisting to the side so the sun flashed on the flask at his own belt, likely still untouched. Unlike Radim’s other band-brothers, who came from his same village, the slant-eyed man was an easterner, used to the heat and dust of the steppes even before he had taken the rite of blood. Although Nei Monggol must have been trying even for him, his bravado would not permit him to show it. It surely helped that he did not wear his beard long like an Urshite, but kept it to a small wedge under drooping whiskers in the steppe way. Easier to clean blood out of it, as well, as he boasted every time, but neither Radim nor his compatriots would humiliate themselves by baring their faces like that, even if few appreciated the difference. Some things stayed with a man no matter what became of him.

“What about Gleb back there?”

Kayan turned the other way and shouted something to the last link of their line, which Radim did not hear over the howl of the engines. He did, however, see the distant head of dark hair shake, and could very well picture the grunt that came with that. Never one to speak much, Gleb had barely uttered a dozen words since they had gone through the rite years before.

“He says-” Kayan looked back to him.

“He says kark all,” Radim cut him off with a guffaw. The easterner grinned and sped ahead, dipping over the next dune.

All the better, Radim thought, the more for him. He would need it. The day would still be long.

They pitched camp at nightfall. None among the Urshite horde could tell one dune from another, but Dzhute, the migou warleader, said they were well within striking distance from where the Hymalazian army had encircled Monggol Tertius. Tomorrow, then, they would at last see battle. It was about time. Samogon was all well and good, but only blood could truly wash away this damnable dust.

From the top of the dune where their small brotherhood had raised its tents and lit its fire, Radim could appreciate the immensity of the force that moved to break the southerners’ siege. Though they were united under the long shadow of Kalagann, there was little love between the rider-bands of Ursh and the colossal migou that peopled this desolate land, and so they had set down well apart from each other. The campfires of the Urshites were far more numerous, dotting the plain as far as the undulant dunes would let him see, and this stirred some pride in his chest, though he knew that the Monggol giants were little inferior in sheer weight of flesh.

“You think there’s enough of us?” Kuzma asked between mouthfuls of insipid deathworm-meat. When Radim simply nodded at the multitude of lights, he continued, “They say the king of Hymalazia has a thousand times a hundred thousand warriors.”

“More than that, he sent his champions, the warriors of the storm,” Kayan added in an indifferent tone. Gleb smirked contemptuously.

“Freaks in painted armour. What he doesn’t have is us,” Radim grinned, almost a snarl, and the light of the fire danced on his teeth, “He could fill the desert with more men than there’s grains of dust, and they’d only be chaff to our swords.”

“Right you are, brother!” Kuzma leaned back, laughing, “The four of us will cut through his whole army and topple him from his mountain!”

“That’d be poor thanks for someone who’s given us such a gift,” Kayan would never be left behind in a boast, “The wind at our backs, the enemy’s wails before us, what’s better in life?”

“What do you say, volkhv? Do you see our victory?” Radim looked up at the old man crouched in the shadow of a tent’s mouth. If he had a name, no one knew it; to everyone he had always been the volkhv.

“I see blood, that’s for sure,” the elder’s voice did not match his dry, wrinkled skin and long white beard. It had the rough vigour and turns of speech of a man in the full of his years, something many found as unnerving as the jagged black patterns inked on his face and hands, now contorted by age. He kept his eyes fixed on the bowl in his lap, the circle of the moon bright within it. “Too soon to tell if any will be yours.”

Gleb gave a dismissive grunt. Radim found there was not much to add.

On his way towards Monggol Tertius, Radim had often found himself wondering what a city built in this wasteland could ever be like. Now, he found his silent question answered. Sheer walls of ochre stone rose from the dust plain like the pillars of a storm, angled walls bristling like a line of teeth below dome-capped spires and sinuously aligned bastions. From the distance where he stood, it was hard to discern singular details, much less the fine lines of division between the great stone blocks, and the entire massive appeared to be an impossible monolith carved by a vanished race of titans. Though fanciful, this was not too far from the truth; surely none had the knowledge and means to build something like this any longer.

This echo of bygone glory did nothing to deter the assault that churned at the foot of the enormous walls. The Hymalazian army was like a toxic lake churning restlessly against a cliff, thousands of red-cloaked soldiers and bulky angular vehicles hurling themselves at the enormous city, a myriad metallic mouths vomiting scorching fire and metal against the stubborn millenary stone. Desultory flashes of cannon-fire answered from atop the rampart, but they were clearly outmatched by the besiegers’ numbers. The warriors of the storm were nowhere to be seen, but then it stood to reason that they would be fighting at the very foot of the city, where the battle was most intense.

It would be this that doomed the invaders.

“Here they come,” Kayan pointed. Tearing his focus from the monumental battle and the pitch-like heat of the volkhv’s brew he had drunk that morning, Radim looked to his right. All but inaudible under the cacophony of the siege, the bike-riders’ horde was spilling over the last of the dunes that had kept its approach hidden. They were numerous, like a great stain of glistening oil spreading over the dust. Busy around its tanks and cannons, the Hymalazian rearguard did not notice their approach until they were a third of the way down the slope, and then its ranks came to life in a panicked flurry. Red-garbed warriors levelled their guns at the approaching avalanche of metal, firing some disorderly shots before the horde’s stubber-bikes spoke in a lightning stroke of gunpowder, scything them down to the earth. As they fell silent again, the horde’s vanguard crashed into the besiegers’ scrambling files, screaming riders slashing wildly to all sides from their saddles.

Like a gargantuan, amorphous beast, the invaders’ army shuddered and hesitated, frozen for a few moments’ surprise and indecision before it began to ponderously turn about itself to face the unexpected onslaught. Heavy artillery pieces were abandoned as troops rushed with guns in hand, the foremost firing off hasty shots on the run. Some riders fell from their bikes. The others roared their engines, well distinct now that much of the bombardment had abated, and swerved about, withdrawing up the slope now that the momentum of their charge was spent. It spoke to the Hymalazians’ credit that they did not hurl themselves in blind pursuit as Radim’s countrymen might have done; they arrayed their ranks, consolidating under the shouts of their sergeants, and marched up the dune in good order, the forward files raking the backs of the retreating riders with autogun bursts. Behind them, the waves of red began to stretch into a steadily advancing tide, the beast that was the army stretching out a shapeless limb to grasp at the unwary mites that had stung it.

Then, from over the ridge at the flank of this body of men, the second prong of the attack struck. A sky-choking cloud heralded the feral rush of the migou, tumbling down the dune in their rough buggies and all but throwing themselves from the vehicles at the enemy. A hail of ironshod muscle rained onto the reorganizing Hymalazian troops, plunging their counterattack into confusion. The flank of their pursuit crumbled as it was taking form, hulking monsters tearing a swathe into its midst; the vanguard stopped, wavered, and the riders of the horde turned back upon them. The formation ceased to be.

“Our time,” Radim said, reaching for the handle of his still wrapped sword. He saw pennants of crimson and yellow rushing back towards them from the forefront of the siege, the Hymalazian king’s thunderbird upon them. If his champions were finally approaching, he and his brothers would be there to meet them.

He tore the rags away from his blade, feeling the sting of the circular bone amulets the volkhv had driven into his skin with their recurve spikes. The sword was unlike any other he had ever seen, aside from its three fellows. It had the feel and weight of metal, considerable given its size, but its surface looked like smooth black glass. The blade had a deep, angular curve in the middle, like a strange branch or two symbols of lightning welded together. The handle was of beige bone, or very worn wood, but it was affixed to it so smoothly that they truly seemed to be as one piece.

He dragged the edge across the palm of his hand, and it drew blood with ease despite its odd shape.


The darkness stirred from its rest, creeping over his mind from its hiding place, and with it came the voice. The volkhv had said it belonged to the sword, but Radim was not so sure. The weapon, unusual as it was, looked new, indeed never suffering a notch in the time he had wielded it, but the snarling words that shook his marrow when he wielded it sounded ancient in a way he could not name. Perhaps it was the language, some hoary speech the world had long forgotten, but whose meaning he nonetheless understood in a way far more primal. Perhaps it was the contempt he could feel in them, the disdain of an ageless mountain as the unsure steps of youth braved its paths. Whatever the truth, he was never given time to dwell on it.

Жажду крови…

His body insensible, Radim saw the ground beneath his feet grow further. His loose plates of armour groaned and scraped as the muscles below bulged hideously, huge lumps of flesh grown a ruddy violet pushing them apart in their abnormal growth. A smooth sliding as reforming bones broke through the skin on his back and upper right arm, their tips shearing away into spikes. Fingers on hands and feet alike curled, twisting into blackened claws. Jaws were forced apart by a forest of dagger-like teeth. The neck bobbed, adjusting to the weight of the single horn on the left side of the head. The heat that had been within him since the morning grew to an all-encompassing blaze, one which only one libation could quench.

Жажде нет конца…

The thing that had been Radim bellowed its rage to the sky, joined by the chorus of its brothers, and the battle below froze for a moment at the visceral terror of that sound.

Столько крови, столько плоти…

It crashed among the red-garbed warriors in a leap. All thought of discipline was forgotten as shreds of flesh and metal sprayed under its blows. Its sword was black lightning, gouging through the armoured hide of tanks as easily as through human skin. The vermin that dared call themselves men trampled each other to mush as they scrambled to escape its wrath.

Круши, терзай, рви в клочья…

It picked up a struggling body and snapped off its head with a bite. They were walking carcasses before it, helpless offerings to its thirst. It was invincible.

A scream rang out ahead. This one was different, somehow. The thing raised its vitreous yellow eyes, trying to track the sound. That voice did not sound afraid. It was a scream of-


Something slammed into its chest, and it staggered back, dense black blood spattering its armour. The warrior before it was larger than the others, bound in red and yellow metal. A defiant grin cut across his face, and a cannon worthy of a small war vehicle smoked in his hands. More of the bulky figures crowded its sight now, brandishing huge pieces of metal - guns, swords, hammers. Its wandering eye saw some further back routing a pack of migou, the gutless brutes losing heart before an enemy they could not overwhelm by sheer strength.

Они ничто… Убей, ломай их хребты… Больше крови…

The thing snarled, and its brother of the flaming beard answered at its shoulder. They sprang forward. The warrior with the cannon began to squeeze the trigger again, but he was too slow. A stroke of a black sword severed his body and weapon from shoulder to hip. The horned thing plunged among its new foes with cruel abandon, heedless of the blows that fell onto its hide, cutting, mangling, killing.

A shriek to the side. It looked up, and gaped. Its brother had fallen to one knee, a leg broken by a hammer’s blow. As it watched, another warrior in red and yellow swung his greatsword in a wide arc, and the flame-bearded head toppled from its shoulders. The thing howled, its rage turning bitter.

Мсти… Все они умрут…

The slayer barely had time to finish his exultant cheer before being caught upon a horn and tossed into the air. The thing thrashed furiously, uncaring of what it cut so long as something bled.

Something stung its ear, more aberrant yet than a fearless cry. In the face of its anger, someone was daring to laugh. It spun about, coming to face with yet another storm-warrior. His red and grey beard was like flames over ash, and the laughter on his lips seemed to mock the scars that surrounded it. It lashed out with its sword, but the warrior’s axe was fast in his hands, faster than it expected. Black blood spurted from its wrist as the dark blade fell into the gory dust with a damp thud. Roaring, it clawed with its good hand, but a burst of heavy shells to the side staggered it, and the warrior - no, the champion hewed its leg out from under it, sending it sprawling on its back. The heat was draining from its wound together with its blood.

Radim saw the sun shine upon the axe as it descended on his head with a boastful, theatrical flourish, and then darkness claimed him for the final time.
Ilshar Ard’sabekh

Manageable meant manageable. The more severely wounded members of the Envenomed squad were not on the point of shortly bleeding out quite yet, and Ilshar supposed this was well enough. He still found it difficult to gauge how badly off an organism that was capable of bleeding out at all might be, but experience had taught him that if no large chunks were missing, odds were they could make it with someone to carry them to safety.

“Inject her. I doubt any medical point the League might’ve had here survived our attack, or that extraction is at hand yet.” He stepped back, leaving room for Alice and Kleo to clamber onto the helpfully sloped Warform as the eyes looking upward from his shoulders uneasily followed the cannon’s arcing shots. Something whispered to him that the thing was foul in its virulent mechanized channeling, perhaps even blasphemous. By the Nexus’ will it would not be standing much longer if battle broke out again on the hill.

As it seemed it would.

“So we’re doing that.” Ilshar did not address Rasch, or the squad’s handler, as he idly growled over the comms, so much as himself. The suspicion had been with him for some time, and bitterly enough it did not surprise him to see it confirmed. On Enthuur, the Dominion had at least refrained from bombing their presumptive allies, but the Intransigence had no stake in territory, did it? He wasn’t sure of what its interests were, really - keeping a low-intensity conflict going as long as the UCL’s operations were thwarted, he imagined, or something along those lines. He should not have cared much, either; he had only ever fought for his world, and Zanovia was not it. What happened to the ZRF should have been no business of his. And still, the whole thing tasted like poison in his mouth.

No time for recrimination now, however. CivSec and their allies would not be grateful for any incidental aid. His gun in his hands, Ilshar loped back towards the treeline he had used as cover at the very beginning of the assault on the League’s position, placing the dropship’s wreckage between himself and the lower slope. As luck would have it, the ZRF seemed to mostly still be on that side as well, and would perhaps be the first to take the brunt of the approaching new hostile - if they were not too fast to turn their weapons on the Envenomed, that was.
Ilshar Ard’sabekh

Noise and motion died down, but the tension in the air - and the commwaves - went nowhere. Taking a moment to center yourself with a field meditation technique did wonders, but Ilshar supposed one needed to have a spore of the Nexus to properly find that balance. If you lived for nothing beyond the world under your feet, moments like these were a time to be anxious. With a grunt, he splayed and clenched his fingers, severing the etheric wellspring that allowed the two Chasm-born that had not been shredded by gunfire to maintain their material presence. The serpentine bodies dissolved into strangely writhing clouds of fog that lingered in the charged atmosphere.

He squinted, reducing his eye-organs that faced the prize of all this bloodshed. The infernal machine inspired little confidence in him, and he was glad that Rasch was the one relaying their handler’s commands to its targeting systems. Picking up League small arms was all well and good, but this kind of ordnance was sure to have some diabolical etheric mechanism or worse hidden in its bowels, and he did not want to be too close when it fired. Going to watch over the wounded was as good an excuse as any, though he wondered if the voidhanger didn’t have some other motive to keep him distant. It did not take a savant to see that the Intransigence’s plans for the cannon weren’t going to be to the ZRF’s liking. Typical. No such thing as benefactors in the Rim.

Ilshar trudged back through the ravaged camp, leaning slightly to the right, where his arm had begun to feel heavy with clogged capillaries. He walked around Echo, whose bluntness made him question if unztadtlige really weren’t some kind of synthetic. Halting behind the endoform, he gave the guerrillas a knowing shrug.

“Relief forces go at their own pace. Pray you will not need the likes of us on your world again.” For their sake, he hoped there still was a world left after all was said and done. This wasn’t the War, but one never knew.

The two Envenomed who had weathered the worst were easy to find not too far from the gunship’s crash site. He wasn’t sure what to do with them besides stand watch; what basic first aid training he had did not extend to anything other than fellow tarrhaidim, and the supplies to tend to his own wounds were wholly integrated into his body. Not that they would have helped someone with an endoskeleton or lymphatic vessels that wide.

“Everything under control here?” he addressed Alice, who at least seemed lucid, “Shouldn’t be too long until extraction now, unless our handlers have some other surprise for us.”
Ilshar Ard’sabekh

Flashes of light and concussion followed one another in quick order, so much so that Ilshar had to retract some of his sensory nodules to avoid getting distracted from his frontal view by the overload. He stepped wider to keep his footing through the shock of the gunship’s fall - they really should’ve used the egg-peg, this is how it ends with low-precision missiles - and leaned aside as a piece of Echo came barreling through where he had been standing not long ago. He had trouble not thinking of it as a drone detached from the behemoth’s real body, but then this was not the time for that sort of reflection either. The grazing heat from some stray energy fire punctuated that. Thank the Nexus they didn’t have time to aim.

The comm traffic flared up in frantic bursts. Of course a crash like that was going to make trouble. Ilshar was idly surprised it had taken until now for that reckless human to go down for the count for the time being.

“Acknowledged,” Rasch’s remark made him glance in the direction the rebel fighter’s victorious cry had come from, “Better hope they didn’t hear that last part.”

Near him, Echo’s now scarred huge main body was falling back, but what it called its Endoform still looked sturdier than the whole armour on his back. The best course to press their advance was clear enough in his mind.

“Echo, take point,” he shifted to place himself behind the metallic humanoid and held his hands in a broken circle before his chest, “You keep them looking away from our wounded, I’ll help up save bullets going ahead.”

There was an unpleasant sensation of unravelling in his diminished arm as he called on the Chasm which he pushed down. Body strength was renewable, given a few moments out of harm’s way. Pale-blue fumes of processed qillatu seeped out from his wounds as if to contradict him, and his teeth scraped with strain as fog gathered between his fingers and three undulant shapes breached out from it like from a vertical surface of water. The semi-translucent bodies of the lamprey-mouthed ether worms coiled and scattered around the Endoform before loosely reconverging through the air towards the trench the last CivSec troops had taken refuge in, guided by the impulse of bloodlust the tarrhaidim had impressed on their simple sentience.
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