Avatar of Orion Steiner
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  • Posts: 20 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Orion Steiner 4 yrs ago


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"Do your kids always act like this?" asked Kaarde to Rudy Blackwater. Rudys daughter had just walked away after being so indignant and obviously no care as to be involved in learning the family business. Rudy spoke "I try Mr. Kaarde, I really do try but she has quite the rebellious attitude and I cant get her to listen for the life of me". "Have you tried shock therapy?" laughed Talon Kaarde.

Rudy Blackwater and Talon began to talk buisness hashing an outline for a future meeting as Talons opportunity greatly...No. requireed Blackwaters involvement. Talons charm seemed to be working. "Too bad Blackwaters daughter wasn't privvy to this. She could be easily manipulated" Thought Kaarde.

The serenity of the cafe was violently thrown into chaos when a large recycling truck went through the glass panels and faux rock formations of the cafe. Shards of glass intermixed with large hunks of concrete, rebar, and other shrapnel went flying throughout the cafe. The large truck was still going full bore when it drove through part of the sitting area narrowly missing Rudy's daughter and a uniformed transit driver finally slamming into the washrooms with enough force to crush the cab and crumbl half of the walls. The truck was still in high rev's as if it still wanted to continue but it could not. The automated vehicle usually had an emergency function that automatically cut power when a catastrophic event occurred but for some unknown reason it was still operating in transit speed.

Talon woke up in a daze. The truck had speared right through his meeting and before he was knocked out he had felt the truck throw him to the side after impact. He rolled over onto his side and attempted to use his hands to get up. His right hand couldn't find purchase so he pressed harder with his left easily being able to push himself up onto his knees. He half concussed looked around. People were screaming, dust, debris, and blood smears were everywhere. Half the coffee stand was even taken out by a large chunk of concrete. The sun filtered through a hole in the concrete to pierce Talons eyes. He raised his right hand to block out the sun however no hand came up. He looked down to his right side thinking maybe it was shock and he had broken something. It was shock; but when Talon looked down he started to see part of his white pants with large splothes of a red liquid which led to a pool of blood near his side and from that looked up to find his arm severed above the elbow with a large piece of metal sticking into his side.
Orion realized by her demeanour how confident but perhaps how shy the teal haired woman was. Or maybe she was just blushing. He thought to himself if she only took off that goofy looking hat she wouldn’t look like a scow mechanic, but he forced himself to focus and not be led astray. He’s been burned too many times. Lost too much already to be guided by emotions.

“I’ll offer you the going rate +10%”. Orion said to Ursa. “If you can wait For a week I can add in an extra 20%, Mr.Strokath here is accompanying me and perhaps that can assuage any thoughts of double crosses as you too are acquainted. I need a simple in and out with no questions asked. I would fly myself but I need to address Security while you fly so we don’t have any bad impacts so to speak”. “Now, Cel tells me your good. Would you feel like telling me why your not just some Random jockey with another amazing reputation?”

She looked a little taken aback and was about to reply before another lady appeared out of nowhere with a book in hand. She stammered and was at a loss for words and seemed to be. Focused on the Teal haired pilot.

“Pardon me Ursa” Orion said “I don’t mean any I’ll will, I just need someone to say what they will.....”. Orion paused. He shut off part of his vidcom that was displaying his interceptor and slid a button on his lapel to recall A.C.E. “Can we help you miss?”

An alarm began to sound around the station, it seemed the station had been putting out an emergency alert for some reason. Everyone’s vidcomms began to light up in the club, on the walkways, and in some of the shops. Cino cancelled the alert, the flashing was interfering with his sight picture on the target. It was bad enough the target had moved to a darker locale. He normally watches the front. The bomber jacket wasn’t enough to conceal who he was but enough for a place such as the club he was in. The target had moved after dealing with a bunch of drunk marines but it didn’t matter, he didn’t have much time left. What did bother Cino was the people that suddenly appeared. Celebrimbor he knew was Yakuza From previous contracts but the other two civs he did not know. Cino began his breath control, it was a perfect opportunity for the hit with so much confusion. He had loaded flechette roundS into his Bison Mk.8 autorifle as he was told the target usually wore body armour. It needed to be a clean kill as was specified in the contract. He aimed his hi power electronic scope on the lapel of Orion Steiner gauging the distance. Heart first as this is a message from a loved one. A Slow blur entered the background but he ignored as he fingered the hair trigger and fired.
Orion realized by her demeanour how confident but perhaps how shy the teal haired woman was. Or maybe she was just blushing. He thought to himself if she only took off that goofy looking hat she wouldn’t look like a scow mechanic, but he forced himself to focus and not be led astray. He’s been burned too many times. Lost too much already to be guided by emotions.

“I’ll offer you the going rate +10%”. Orion said to Ursa. “If you can wait For a week I can add in an extra 20%, Mr.Strokath here is accompanying me and perhaps that can assuage any thoughts of double crosses as you too are acquainted. I need a simple in and out with no questions asked. I would fly myself but I need to address Security while you fly so we don’t have any bad impacts so to speak”. “Now, Cel tells me your good. Would you feel like telling me why your not just some Random jockey with another amazing reputation?”

She looked a little taken aback and was about to reply before another lady appeared out of nowhere with a book in hand. She stammered and was at a loss for words and seemed to be. Focused on the Teal haired pilot.

“Pardon me Ursa” Orion said “I don’t mean any I’ll will, I just need someone to say what they will.....”. Orion paused. He shut off part of his vidcom that was displaying his interceptor and slid a button on his lapel to recall A.C.E. “Can we help you miss?”

An alarm began to sound around the station, it seemed the station had been putting out an emergency alert for some reason. Everyone’s vidcomms began to light up in the club, on the walkways, and in some of the shops. Cino cancelled the alert, the flashing was interfering with his sight picture on the target. It was bad enough the target had moved to a darker locale. He normally watches the front. The bomber jacket wasn’t enough to conceal who he was but enough for a place such as the club he was in. The target had moved after dealing with a bunch of drunk marines but it didn’t matter, he didn’t have much time left. What did bother Cino was the people that suddenly appeared. Celebrimbor he knew was Yakuza From previous contracts but the other two civs he did not know. Cino began his breath control, it was a perfect opportunity for the hit with so much confusion. He had loaded flechette roundS into his Bison Mk.8 autorifle as he was told the target usually wore body armour. It needed to be a clean kill as was specified in the contract. He aimed his hi power electronic scope on the lapel of Orion Steiner gauging the distance. Heart first as this is a message from a loved one. A Slow blur entered the background but he ignored as he fingered the hair trigger and fired.
Talon entered the promenade to a bustling cafe. He thought about grabbing a coffee but they didn’t make cappuccino like your supposed to so he thought better and just watched Blackwater staff attending to gardening. It was quite a nice place to sit and watch thought Talon. Still...too much of a commercial setting. He clasped his hands behind his back and watched some of the patrons. It seemed a guy had summed up courage to ask a younger lady out but had chickened out at the last second running to a nearby bathroom. Talon just shook his head. “Gotta have confidence kid”.

From behind A voice boomed. “Mr. Kaarde, to what do I owe this pleasure?”.
Talon turned to see Mr. Blackwater himself, flanked by 4 suited protection agents. Big and hulking, no doubt full of chemicals and cybernetically enhanced as was the norm these days. He definitely looked tired to which Talon would take advantage of.

As he approaches Talon extends his hand “Mr. Blackwater, I appreciate you taking the time to see me, I will make this quick as I know you are a busy man”. Blackwater asks “Quick and Dirty? Or on the level?”. “When have I steered you wrong?” Asked Kaarde. “Never and that’s how I intend it Talon” stated Rudy, ushering Talon to a table with the younger girl. “Have a seat, and let me introduce you to my daughter Ruth. I’m trying to teach her a thing or too before I forget all I know”.

“I’ll never forget so don’t you worry” Talon semi seriously said. “However we will leave that for another time”. Talon grabbed Ruth’s hand to kiss it gently and said “Pleasure to meet you Ms. Blackwater. My name is Talon Kaarde and it’s a pleasure to do business with you!”
"Dispense with your brothers mistake another time. I've been fortunate to obtain an audience with your employer and he has not shown up at the correct time. I see your comm is secure enough to speak without intrusion and was curious if you would be possible to address the situation we find ourselves in." said Orion.

Celebrimbor listened to the unfamiliar voice. The only way this man would have been able to get this number was through Garth or Ursa and Ursa was sitting right next to him. “Seeing as you already have me on the line, I might as well hear you out. But be weary you are interrupting something very important.” He looked over at Ursa, who wasn’t paying a bit of attention since he picked up his com, and winked. “As for my employer as you call it. I currently am in charge.”

"Astrik Strokath is still the waka-gasheri (underboss) is he not?" Orion raised his voice slightly as would be required in this instance. "I would believe that even a Shatei(Soldier) should respect his privacy and guests." Sending a jab through the line to get the response he expected would come. Orion relaxed his voice to sound accomodating "I will forgive your arrogance but I do require you to locate him for me as this matter is of an urgent nature.". He hoped the authority in his voice would convey seniority which is a respected heirarchal trait upon which the yakuza code was founded on. Orion also needed this almost out of desperation so he was pulling all the punches he could to make everything work out. Valora depended on it.

Cel almost snapped. This man had no idea who he was talking to. If Garth was going to give his private line out to just anyone then atleast make them very aware of whom they are talking to. “I’ll repeat myself again. As of right now I am currently in charge so whatever business you have can be directed to me and through me.” A pit of anger started to boil in Celebrimbor. It really frustrated him when people talked to him like this. He was first lieutenant to Astrik and as of right now he was acting waka-gasheri but, this man didn’t know and at this point Cel needed to find out who he was talking to. “Until I know who I’m speaking with, this conversation might as well be over.”

"Easy Celebrimbor. You yakuza sure get touchy in a time of crisis. I wanted to see if I could trust you enough. I know as of 5 minutes ago of Astriks fate. I found out who I was calling through the back channels but I didn't know who else may have been affected by the sudden turn of events." Orion paused. " I'm certain you would have heard of the Revenant by now. That is me." Orion then added his condolences for the loss of his boss "Kono tabi wa goshuushousama de gozaimasu. (Please accept my condolences on this sad occasion.)". As a sign of respect and of a Senpai, Orion stated " Please accept my apologies for the subterfuge but I'm certain that I can better explain myself in person. If you could grace me with your presence all can be understood."

Cel sighed then calmed himself. “I accept your apology and I also give you mine. Yes this that been a trying night for us all.” He spoke. As much as it didn’t surprise him how Astrik died, he still was a good friend. “I have heard of you and I do agree this would be a better conversation to have in person. Where can I meet you? I’m out right now but, if you’re not far then I’m sure we can set something up.” Cel put in vidcom down for a second then turned to Ursa. “I may have to go. I think we need to discuss more about the Italians. You have my number.” Before leaving Celebrimbor bowed to Ursa then kissed her hand, thanking her for having drinks with him. “Okay Revenant. Where are you located?”

There was silence on the end of the line. A waitress then walked up to Cel's table and put down a drink of what Celebrimbor's posion was. Underneath the glass was a paper with writing on it. "Compliments of the gentleman" said the waitress pointing in the direction of the booth in which Orion was sitting in shadow with a dim blue hue from his arm only revealing the barest of features. Celebrimbor looked at the note. It read...

I prefer face to face, please join me once your business has concluded with your friend.
The paper did not have a signature. However it had the heraldry of the 21st Centauri Lancers on it.

Cel glanced over in the direction of the private booth. He picked up the drink having already said his farewells to Ursa, then strolled over. He glanced around the club as he walked over, seeing who all might be around to interrupt or eavesdrop. The only person to stand out in the crowd of drunks was this beautiful pale skinned woman in the corner. He couldn’t tell her features all to well in the light but, he was curious about her. Never seen her before. On a normal day Celebrimbor would walk over and introduce himself as a gentleman but, right now he has business to attend. As he got closer to the booth, Cel could see a man in a bomber jacket sitting alone. He had to be on his guard just in case things didn’t pan out the way he wanted them too. Celebrimbor sat down across from the man and placed his drink on the table. “Revenant I presume?” He said cunningly.

Standing up Orion extended his hand. "Star Colonel Orion Steiner." Cel stood back up to shake Orion’s hand. “First lieutenant Celebrimbor Sasaki. How can I help you Colonel?” The two sat back down and Cel ordered them another round of drinks. Orion began to outline the previous agreement that had been arranged in detail allowing safe passage on one of the Yakuza ships "The Pearl" to the outer rings in exchange for a sizeable haul of Tiritum that the mining colony had unearthed. Unbeknownst to Cel, the mining colonies Head had a tentative deal for weapons with Orion. This was in order to keep his dropship safe and out of the prying eyes of any passing pirates. Everything would go smooth as silk once the ship was off this space station.

"I know you have alot on your shoulders right now Mr. Sasaki but Astrik had planned on joining the voyage to ensure this deal went through. If you choose not to then I would understand." Orion hesitated. "I do have one more request if you would be so accomodating, simply put. I need a pilot. I mean a good pilot. Not one of those hive racers. Someone who knows how to get a ship out in a hurry. I've got my interceptor docked but as soon as I take off I'll be blown out of space. it's not an issue with station security but I do need someone to handle the flying part while i deal with the not getting blown out of the air part if you get my drift".

Cel looked over the plans and listened as Orion spoke. It wouldn’t be an easy job but it could be done. “I’ll go with you. You’ll need to help plus it’s been awhile since I’ve gone off station. I feel I’m getting a little rusty in my skills. As for your pilot situation I think I know who would be a good fit.” Ursa was his first pick out of everyone he knew. Yeah she wasn’t Yakuza but her skills were second to none. “I just hope she hasn’t left yet.” Cel glanced over at the booth he and Ursa were at and she seemed to still be there. Cel pulled the waitress aside and told her to bring Ursa over to him. There was lots to talk about and this might be a little more exciting then those damn Italians.
Orion became sick of waiting after nearly 15 min past the expected time. Even the waitress lamented that she hadnt identified anybody who was looking for Orion. Its bad juju to stay too long especially after that scuffle. The world has prying eyes and all it takes is an inquisitive few to get a little too interested. Orion decided to make the call.

The vidcom for the now deceased Astrik began to ping in his room. This alarmed Garth and the other members of the Yakuza. They all looked at each other wondering if they should answer it or let it ring. Garth would have preferred if Cel was here to make that decision but he assumed it was on Astrik's private line so he clicked the button.

The voice on the other end of the line stated "I hope you have a good reason to keep me waiting Astrik'
Garth paused...
"Astrik?" questioned Orion at the weird pause.
"Who is this?" asked Garth.
Orion typed a code on his vidcom and started a backhack so he could identify the person on the other end of the line. Unbeknownst to Garth, and the sleeping Astrik Orion was able to view Astriks video that is normally used to capture two way vidcalls.
"I dpn't know this guy" thought Orion "but he looks like one of his compadres and I think I wont be meeting Astrik tonight because he sure as hell aint sleeping with a hole in his head"
"Is there another way that I can reach him, its urgent and regarding a meeting we had scheduled?" spoke Orion
Garth replied somewhat stupidly "Yeah he's kinda busy, give Cel a call. He's at some club and can point you in the right direction. His vidcom # is 543678" "Hello?"
"You damn idiot Garth" shouted a Yakuza "Why the hell would you just give out Cel's number without a clue who was asking? He's gonna have your ass for that!"

Orion didn't wait to say goodbye and had just hung up. Less time on those machines is safer anyways nowadays. The fool on the other line gave him something to go on. Maybe this deal could still be salvaged after all. Its not too often that you can get guaranteed safe passage to The outer rings colonies with no questions asked. Even if it's the Yakuza. At least they would keep their word or suffer their own consequences. Orion sent a vidcall request to #543678 half expecting nothing to happen. If that were the case then he would vacate the premises and have to find another way to get offworld and back to his dropship. Maybe this Cel would honour his previous Big Boss' agreement. The big question remains. Will this Cel answer at all?
Excon... No.
Reliant... Not if I can help it.
D9 Ecowurx...Laughable.
Blackwater...Blackwater. Could work. But that Rudy is a tough negotiator. I wonder if...

Talon monitors his vid screen in his stretch skycar. A Modified Black Vertigo of course.

He’s got quite a bit of dirt on him, but I could never use what happened to his wife. That would just make things worse for everybody. He thought.

Incoming Message...Incoming Message...Incoming Message, splayed out across the screen in red.

Talon pressed the screen to activate the message. It was from one of his many sources providing an update on the latest actions from the unions at the Ridell Space Docks.

“Definitely going to get worse before it gets better” muttered Talon to himself. He thought perhaps it would be wise to make some calls to the union heads. Sometimes it pays to be on the side with the muscle after all.

Reggie? Speaking to the driver.
Let’s go to Blackwaters HQ for a moment if the traffics not bad.
Certainly Mr. Kaarde we can do that, traffics not backed up even in this rain.

The Vertigo took off while Talon Kaarde placed a call to Rudy Blackwaters secretary.

“Hello, Mr. Karde” She said.
“Hello Again Sheila I hope you liked those flowers I sent you for your 30th birthday last week?”
“Oh you know It was my 40th but thanks for making me feel Young anyways” she laughed. “What may I do for you Mr. Kaarde? Mr. Blackwater is busy with his daughter this afternoon and his schedule is full for the rest of the day.”
“Oh Sheila I’m already on the way and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind with what I intend to discuss with him.” expressing his Urgency to meet.
“ Well, Mr. Kaarde I’m sure I can squeeze you in. I’ll go ask him if you give me a moment” said Sheila quietly.

Talon waited patiently for her to return and in the meantime noticed a bright flash which seemed like a meteorite outside his window. Odd he thought.

“Mr. Blackwater says that if you give him 30 minutes he will meet you down at the Emerald Garden by the South entrance. It’s a coffee shop where his daughter hangs out so he can finish up for the day once your business is finished.”
“Your a peach” Talon said “I hope you like the wine I picked out for you, it should get there tomorrow”
“Oh you shouldn’t have. I’ll send you a message when Mr. Blackwaters on his way, I hope you have a great day!” She said in excitement.
“I intend to Sheila,I intend to”.

A message from Sheila flashes across Talons Vidcom stating Mr.Blackwater is on his way. There is another burst of light off in the distance as Talon exits the Vertigo. He enters through the south entrance into the promenade and starts walking towards the sign that reads The Emerald Garden fortifying himself for a quick and easy deal.
The crowd of overly aggressive marines looked out of place in the upscale lounge and Oriion felt he should have picked a private booth to meet instead of one with a view of the entrance but he knew he had to watch his back now on Phobos. "The Rulons sure as hell didnt expect the Timberwolf cresting the hill to interrupt their little chemical weapons deal" Orion thought, figuring for sure theyd be sending another hit squad or care package again.

He began to think how he should return the favour when one of the unruly marines bumped into his shoulder knocking Orions Sazerrac to the floor. "Watch it you royal ass" said the marine in a drunken stupor as he laughed and pointed out what happened to his buddies. Hurriedly a young waitress rushed over to take care of the issue while Orion ignored the obvious 2 day leave given to this mouth breather who in his infinite wisdom decided to fill his few fleeting moments with alcohol.

The waitress came over but unfortunately slipped on the wet floor in her hurry. The marines laughed even louder. Seeing the waitress in obvious pain and near tears Orion put down his now empty cocktail glass and reached down to assist her in getting up. "It's OK miss, we will just move to a private booth and you can serve us away from these cowboys. He whispered and calmy helped her up off the floor. If you could point me to the furthest one and come to us when youve had a moment of rest.
I'm in no hurry.
. She smiled acknowledging his kindness "Thank you and I'll get you another Sazerrac sir. as she rushed to the back to hide the tears and embarrasment.

Orion began to turn around when he got caught by a sucker punch to the side of his jaw. The marine had decided to escalate the situation. Orion reeled almost losing his balance and staggered back. The Marine yelled "C'mon you blue blood, I'll wipe the floor with you.. Orion stood ready for his rush but told the marine You've got one chance to relax devil dog; go find another place to waste your leave.. This just infuriated the marine and his buddies who were now gathering behind him. As the marines faces all became flushed with anger Orion understanding the situation slid back his cloak and pressed a button on his lapel.

A huge figure appeared from the shadow of the booth and pushed through the marines to grab the instigator by the shoulder. A.C.E (Automated Cybernetic Enhanced) was a 7 foot robot who looked as big as he was powerful with a large chest armoured in cobalt titanium giving off an almost blueish purple hue in the light. The marine swung his fist around to connect with the would be adversary and smashed it directly on ACE's chest. The sound of his knuckles smashing could be heard over the silence that had developed during the outbreak. The marine screamed out in agony and doubled over in pain as ACE squeezed his shoulder hard enough to bring the marine to his knees.

The other marines stood in awe while the bouncers finally arrived to disperse the fight. Once everything had calmed down and the battered marine had finally relented; Orion said "That's enough ACE, Im sure his days of fingerbanging old sally rottencrotch are over. Release. No Factor stated ACE in a semi robotic tone as he released the marine.

Once the commotion had died down and the drunkards dismissed from the lounge the waitress came over with the drink. "This is on the house tonight and thank you once again, Sir. Don't worry about it Orion said I just hope youre alright.. She stammered "Those were the 8th Fusiliers. They just got back from a huge invasion. Its all over the news if you havent seen. I was kinda worried you were going to get hurt but I see your buddy came in pretty handy tonight. Orion patted ACE, chuckled, and said Yeah he has his benefits except hes not the best with sparring. By the way here is something for your troubles.. Orion hands her a C-Note. Oh my god she says Thank you so much, if there is anything you need just tap the ruby button on the compad and I'll be here as fast as i can.. Orion stopped her just before leaving Before you go there is one thing you can do for me. I'm waiting for a some people that most definitely will stick out like a sore thumb. Can you make sure that they are shown their way here?. Absolutely she said. Oh and dear? Orion said. Yes? the waitress responded. Could you find it in your heart to possibly fit old ACE here in the back?

Name: Talon Karde
Age: 42
Race: Human
Job/title: Commercial Intermediary

Skills: High charisma, Politcally and Industrially Connected, Trader, Martial Artist
Hobbies: Experiencing the finer things in life. Mountain climbing. Studying people.
Likes: Exotics, Pyschology, cybernetic and physical enhancements
Dislikes: People not keeping their word, dishonour

Other: Carries a ceremonial katana and wakazashi and a large calibre pistol on his hip. Is known among the extreme elite as the one person to go to for "any" goods whether in the open or as a secret.

Backstory: After coming up through the underground of old Theonia, Talon Kaarde rose to prominence by masterminding and manipulating influential people, taking and cashing in favours, and playing the traders market with saavy. Once solidified his position was essential to many of those same people he had dealt with. There have been attempts to usurp his power and backlash from political charged enemies but they have only once came close and within an inch of his life. He remains today in his club, Avalon, dealing with the best and worst of Theonia.

Name: Orion Steiner
Age: 28
Race: Human
Home Planet: Valoria- A jungle and oceanic planet with a hot and humid climate with large monsoons every year.
Telepathy- but usually only used sparingly as it depletes energy and may create a permanent bond or temporarily change Orion’s Psyche for a short time.
Slicer- adept at cracking codes, bypassing electronics including hands on repairs.
Big Guns- proficient with large weapons on vehicles or handheld, and proficient while moving and shooting.
Medic-adept at healing basic battlefield wounds
Politician-very good with his words and is able to charm people aristocracy.

Hobbies: Cooking, Listening to orchestral music in Zero G, Wrenching on equipment in the cargo hold. Gambling on the Solaris matches.

Job: Spy/Trader/Political Influencer

Rank: Star Colonel officially, but otherwise no rank.

Likes: Friendly critters, challenging himself, riding his hoverbike.
Dislikes: Rulons, Cold other than that found in space.

Appearance: Brown hair, athletic build but beginning to lift heavy. Tends to wear a bomber jacket with his former squad on it. 21st Centauri Lancers.
Usually has a small slider pack hidden away near a hold out laser pistol.
Reserves his full regalia for important events or meetings.

Other: Uses a smaller fighter/freighter to get around but his hidden drop ship contains a star of battlemechs and equipment for mounting on objects with minimal mods. Large collection of rare and difficult to source weapons. Has a secret source account should he require funds.

Is depressed about being unable to return home, depressed that he has trouble with women and tends to turn to drink to dull his pain. Many of his family and friends have already been tortured or eliminated so he tends to distance himself from becoming too close to others. His depression is kept in check by tending to his pet Dilophosaurus (slick) and robot bodyguard/copilot. ACE (automated computerized entity)

Backstory: Originated from a planet once at war with an alien outer rim race called the Rulons. There is an uneasy truce at the moment. The planet is populated by dinosaur like creatures; the human race use a form of telepathy to create bonds with these animals and mount weapons on them or use them for labour while the Rulons use brute force and nefarious tactics.

The war is not going well for the humans and Orion who is the son of one of the ruling parties was sent out to safety and to stay clear should the inevitable occur. He has used his influence and notoriety when he was a breadwinner in the Solaris matches to begin garnering support and create political trade and assistance when the time is needed for his family. This has led to run ins with disgruntled Rulon agents.
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