Recently finished Fire Emblem: Awakening, and I'm working on all the S supports, but, anyway, I'd like to have an rp set in that universe, yeah? We don't have to follow the main plot to a T, but, It SHOULD be set during the time the outworld gate is open. I'm not picky about what character you pick, or even if you make your own. Just know that I'm going to be a male custom unit.
ah, so, Rules/guidelines/important info. You should certainly take a look at these before you pm me.
-I'm not looking for smut, yeah? So, If you came here expecting that, sorry to disappoint. I'm not saying there CAN'T be such themes, I'm saying that If you drop it on me unreasonably, and keep at it, I'll probably stop replying.
-Mature themes are absolutely fine. Sans one item you should have read above.
-I expect us both to contribute. If you can't pull your weight in ideas, and I run out of steam, the ship's going to stop with the rp, and I'll probably be pretty disappointed.
-I'm probably going to be online A LOT. I don't expect you to post very often, once a day is just fine, but if you leave me hanging for a day or two, I'll contact you, or consider it dead. The latter will probably end up with me not wanting to, or, being unwilling to rp with you again.
-S Support between our characters will only be achieved if we are of different genders. Sorry... I'm just not good with that, and, uncomfortable.
-The Golden Rule: Don't be a douche. We'll get along just fine if you can adhere to that and the above. I'd love to make a friend out of you.
Yeah, so, PM me and we can iron out details. If by chance you see this in a couple hours, I'll probably be asleep... but please shoot me a pm anyway!