Avatar of Overwatch
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Whaddya friggin' think it was!?
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1020 (0.25 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Overwatch 11 yrs ago
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Current Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.
5 yrs ago
Goddamn I wanna shank my past self for putting some dumb stuff in my "old username" fill-in. What the hell was I thinking?


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We have not. I wasn't included in the decision to switch services. I was gone while it happened, and learned of it when I got back.
We switched to comcast from at&t because we were getting a shit deal (and the service wasn't remarkable anyways). So, we went therough the process of removing the wifi tower, and having someone to come down and wire up a new comcast tower. Turns out they had to put in a new internet cable outdoors. Fine. They left without burying the wire. So, come next morning, our neighbor, who was mowing the adjacent empty lot ran over the bright orange wire. Long story short, he didn't inform us, and just left the wire there, all fucked up. We had to wait 3 days for them to fix the wire, and now that they have, they STILL haven't buried the wire. I can tell our future with this service isn't looking that bright.
Anyway, I'd also like to try battling with the vgc team before I trade it off. Anybody who wants to battle, notify me.
Already got your code, kaga. I'll get on to trade now. The Diancie is yours.
Got everybody but sole. His code is't valid.
Kaga said
Then just put a name in? You're supposed to do that, so the system knows what to label them as. The name doesn't have to match the username on their system.Also, Diancie? That came out? When? @_@ And is it still available via mystery gift?

It was released elswhere... I got it before it came out here. It's japanese I think.

Makes sense. thanks.
Yes, I chose register, and then internet. Every time I put in a code, it says it's invalid, or it asks for a name...
Great news, I'm a fucking idiot, because I can't register any codes. I don't know how.
Update: I'm back online for a little while. Pokemon up for trade? I have quite a few of the megas. Mewtwo, gardevoir alakazam, charizard, abomasnow, gyarados, garchomp, heracross, aerodactile, gengar, scizor, absol, blastoise, venusaur, and lucario. I'll trade them away with their stones. (I have the stones for y).

Legends: Sadly, my legends box only holds zygarde and diancie... I think I can get moltres still? but I have to chase him down like, 12 times still...

For some reason, I have like, 6 dittos.

Other randoms: Sliggoo, Golem, (another) gyarados, meowstic female, zoroark (It's name is "not zoroark"...) a smeargle that I planned on loading up with a special moveset, a doublade, a braxien, a vaporeon, and a glaceon.

Another box: zumarill, a lv 100 tyrantrum, a rhyhorn?, an amaura, cranidos, lapras, jinx, sneasel, omanyte, and slugma with magma armor (for breeding)

Ones I want held for me: Torchic with speed boost and blazikenite, charmander, and a fenniken.

The vgc team: Jumpluff, trevanant, rotom mower, heliolisk, and an aerodactyl. They were perfectly bred for their jobs and all come with items. if you add in the missing charizard with charizardinite y (which I'll provide, but isn't made for the team), the team is pretty rad.

I'll get to registering codes.
Depends on the monsters. Most of my megas are 30-70 and ones I Used on my main team are around 80-100. I also have the odd few levels like lv. 1 starters and such. My vgc team was all lv 50 besides the charizard.

this would be a perfect time to mention that I won't be online on my 3ds for a little while. And after that, I'll be off the guild for almost a week. That will be the time that I'll trade.

I'm also not giving everything away to any one person.
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