Update: I'm back online for a little while. Pokemon up for trade? I have quite a few of the megas. Mewtwo, gardevoir alakazam, charizard, abomasnow, gyarados, garchomp, heracross, aerodactile, gengar, scizor, absol, blastoise, venusaur, and lucario. I'll trade them away with their stones. (I have the stones for y).
Legends: Sadly, my legends box only holds zygarde and diancie... I think I can get moltres still? but I have to chase him down like, 12 times still...
For some reason, I have like, 6 dittos.
Other randoms: Sliggoo, Golem, (another) gyarados, meowstic female, zoroark (It's name is "not zoroark"...) a smeargle that I planned on loading up with a special moveset, a doublade, a braxien, a vaporeon, and a glaceon.
Another box: zumarill, a lv 100 tyrantrum, a rhyhorn?, an amaura, cranidos, lapras, jinx, sneasel, omanyte, and slugma with magma armor (for breeding)
Ones I want held for me: Torchic with speed boost and blazikenite, charmander, and a fenniken.
The vgc team: Jumpluff, trevanant, rotom mower, heliolisk, and an aerodactyl. They were perfectly bred for their jobs and all come with items. if you add in the missing charizard with charizardinite y (which I'll provide, but isn't made for the team), the team is pretty rad.
I'll get to registering codes.