"Gah!" Vincent flinched as he had been shot. He had no rebuttal to her comment. He regained his composure, and turned back to the tactician. "That's no excuse. Strong troops are a necessity. How can you hope to take on legends when you have a band of whining children at your command? They need order and strength, or else they'll fall apart in battle. You may not see it now, but you will later. Mark my words." He raised his helmet above his head. " Also. I know you are recruiting troops here. You are too trustful. Eventually half your army will be snakes. Stop being so lax." He said strictly, before pulling his helm down over his head. "Since you decided to let some of them stray off, I'll watch them. You don't need to thank me." He turned swiftly, and sprinted after the girls who ran off for town. If there were a cult ready to attack, they'd be making themselves easy targets.
It didn't take him long to catch up with the two hungry girls that had ran for town. Sadly, they strayed apart midway through, and he couldn't be two people at once. Sapphire seemed more sure of herself, so, Vincent let her wander off. "Be careful." He said, as she wandered off. He remained by Noelle, silent. She wandered around aimlessly before stopping. He knew what that meant. "Lost?" He thought aloud. He sighed, and his hand hit his face/helm. "I suppose you are in luck. Where do you need to go so badly? I know every street in this town." He leaned up against a wall, and reached into a small satchel on his belt, pulling a small chunk of rock candy out, before reaching up to his helm, and pulling down the cloth over his mouth, taking the candy into his mouth. It was good stuff, from a candy shop in town... It was kind of a guilty pleasure of his. If anybody knew he carried around candy to snack on, they probably wouldn't take him as seriously... He pulled his mask up. The pouch was getting kind of empty... He'd have to stop by the shop again. He stood up straight, and folded his arms. It might be wise to look for prospective Blades as he walked with her. Maybe he'd make a stop by his previous employer. "Well, where are we going, kid?"