What to do? Vincent opened his eyes and looked behind him... there was a man on the other side of the tree. He leaned on his sword, and stood, creeping around the tree a little, quietly observing the man... He had been in the crowd nearby when Vincent had found the thief... if he remembered correctly, the man had his hand in his coat as if he were reaching for a weapon. Then it just seemed like someone uneasy with the situation, but now it seemed more suspicious. did he have something against one of the people there? Probably not that woman, or the man in the cloak, as they didn't follow him back to camp. Deductive reasoning led him to believe that it was probably himself that this man was after. Why else would he hang so close to Vincent? The time to act was now. The man certainly looked uneasy, biting at his apple like that.
"Hello. Have you come to join the Blades?" He stepped out from behind the tree, and shoved his sword down,burying it's tip in the dirt and leaving it standing, as he had on the street. This time his blade sunk into the man's coat, pinning him to the ground. He made the motion casually, as if he didn't even mean to do it, and didn't even look down at where he placed the sword. He just leaned on it's handle and looked down at the mage. "Do you have some business here, or someone to see? I'm sure our tactician would gladly induct you into our forces if you wished to join... Or are you already a Blade? I haven't seen you around." He said almost casually.