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whizzball1 said

LegendBegins said
Huh? Why would I destroy anything?

Because you have the ability.
... I guess. Just.. Don't.
LegendBegins said
Sure, why not?

Oh, and, please don't destroy our entire organisation. It was fabled DPAB are allied.
LegendBegins said
Never heard that term. All I know is that there are no other totally realized humans in existence. Some have come close, but not totally there.

I know that too. Looks like we cross interests.
Mind if I take you to The Organisation one day? We would like to collect basic information on you to document the first DPAB.
whizzball1 said
David/Katie is a fully realised human! Humans were meant to be the strongest species in Existence, but they failed to use it!!

I'm aware. That's why I said human, not realised human.

Fully Realise humans are known as Docile Penultimate Awakened Beings to us.
whizzball1 said
Well, Lightning is actually Electricity, which is a flow of really incredibly tiny particles called electrons. This Electricity can be used to create light, heat, motion, and many other things just by causing it to move through a thin metal wire!!

Revolutionary said
I'm pretty sure everything is an over-exaggeration. And you're a mercenary? The last mercenary I met killed one of my friends...

An over-exaggeration? Yoma were literally put on earth to extinguish humankind by the devil himself. They're hellspawn.
Let's put it this way. If I increase my Yoki by 0.1%, I'll be 100 times more powerful than any human. A Yoma is 100%, therefore they're 1,000,000 times more powerful than any human. Not only that, when a Yoma is in battle, they overgrow. Meaning they are 10 times more powerful than usual.

I won't kill a human, I'll be killed.
From here on, I'll reference my Yoma power as Yoki.
whizzball1 said
Did you feel something coursing through your body??

*Shakes head*
My armour deflected it.
Revolutionary said
So are you saying you don't think I can fight, or that I can only fight them with certain equipment?

I'm saying Yoma are the natural predator of humankind. Anything you could possibly throw at them, even magic, is useless. They know you better than you.
*Cracks neck*
I'm half Yoma, and so I know them better than they do. I'm a predator predator.
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