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    1. Para 11 yrs ago


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Mammalia said
-Ruby- We always come out of nowhere!!

souleaterfan320 said
do you giys think i went a bit too far having alucard facing an abyssal one? im not sure but i feel that i did..

Not at all, but the personalities of them are literally the worst perceivable. When they turn into an abyssal one, they lose everything good inside them. Just remember that if you fight one again.
*Drags myself up and sits against my sword again*
Either I passed out, or you all came out of nowhere.
Both, perhaps.

*White Silver King Isley of the North appears before me, and I freeze in fear*
Isley: Kneel.
*Kneels before him*
Isley: Your friend and I had a sparring match earlier.
Isley: Do not worry, I didn't kill him.
-Th-Thank you..
*Isley grabs me and holds me in the air by my throat*
Isley: I am your ruler, address me so.
-*Choking* Y-yes.. my king..
*Isley drops me, causing me to land on my stomach. He places his foot on my back*
Isley: I would like for you to tell him of the Curitain's Rite.
-You.. You mustn't, my king..
Isley: Tell me not what I must not do. I decide my own path, and a whelp like you cannot prevent it. How are you second in the Claymores?
-I... I killed the first. Therefore technically I am first. But I left The Organisation, my king.
Isley: Is that so? Then I implore you to join us, Para. Become The Silver Eyed Witch Para of the East.
Isley: I will give you time to think over this. Until then, carry out my orders or you'll be killed.
-I feel a sense of hypocrisy. If I were to become an Abyssal One, I'd be far more powerful than you.
*Isley presses down on me, fracturing a rib*
Isley: But you're NOT an Abyssal One. Follow my orders, and think about my offer. Farewell.
*Isley disappears, as if into the air itself. I roll onto my back*
*My eyes flash orange as I become obviously uncomfortable, then they burn a deeper orange than ever as I fall to my knees and cry, covering my mouth*
Etcetera said
I don't go out of my way to try unemployable things.

It's an experience to be had.
Etcetera said
Uh, no thank you.

Alright then.
Etcetera said
What happened?

I threw up. Wanna taste some?
Etcetera said
I've tried all sorts of things.*Laughs lightly*There's much worse out there.

Like Yoma blood. Once made the mistake of licking one of my open wounds.
Etcetera said
*Takes a small drink*It's good!

*Raises an eyebrow*
First time I've heard that. Ever.
*sips it again*
This is a tar-based liquid containing a thick gloop of all the vitamins and minerals you need, and the amino acids needed for repair. Since I'm half Yoma, I don't need to eat. So I fill the gap with this every few months. Everyone thinks it tastes terrible, and so do I. I'm used to it though.
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