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souleaterfan320 said
*looks at you* aww, you took the fun out of it, but hes dead, thats what matters. what next, my love?*still in previous tone*

*Eats the head and laughs*
I wonder...
*Turns to you*
Let's go to Kimmal. There's lots of food there.
(Double post)
souleaterfan320 said
*stops, reappearing just behind you*what next, my love? *i say in the previous tone*

*Ignores you and stands facing Isley. I return to human form*
Isley: Have you come to surrender?
-No, I've come for this.
*Grabs Isley by the throat and lifts him*
Isley: Fool, I would never fall for this. You're obviously preparing a hidden atta-
*Rips Isley's head from his body and throws it to the ground*
-Sleep tight, my King.
souleaterfan320 said
oh, well then.*enters my second form**evil,dark, twisted voice* lets end this quickly.http://pictures.4ever.eu/cartoons/dark-arts/monster-145308*disapears, and isley is hit from random bullets and slices that would normally be untraceble*

*Slowly walks to Isley*
-Alucard. Stop.
souleaterfan320 said
i see...* does something similar but with my dimension traveling ability,while firing my gun rapidly to make it as if there were three of me shooting at once, then hits from the completely oppisite side with my sword*

*The blow hits Isley in the side, but he expected your attack to be a misdirection. It causes no damage. But since he focused on the sword blow, three of your bullets hit him. One in the stomach and two in the chest*
Isley: Gah! You continue to display your strategy to me. I learn everything I see, fools!
*Isley disperses and appears in front of me, and grabs me by the throat. His finger is pressed against my eye*
Isley: Let's see how you see with one eye.
*I "poof" into smoke. Isley looks down to see a sword in his stomach*
Isley: Clever.
souleaterfan320 said
im not sad, you merely pissed me off.*enters the previous form from the last fight*you see these dead bodies and blood around you? they slowly drain your energy.* unsheathes my dimension cutter, it being in a new form* now you will taste my full power.*dissapears, reappearing and dissapearing rapidly around you as i cut you so fast that the blur from the blade is barely noticible*

*Isley laughs as the bodies and blood disappear, and your attacks cause no damage. He blasts Alucard in the eyes with pure pain and pushes him across the room with a poke from one finger on his chest*
-Alucard. Stop being an idiot with your direct attacks. Misdirection is the only thing that will even scratch him, so a majority of your power is pointless.
Isley: You should listen to the wretch. She has good ideas.
-A wretch I may be, but I'm no Yom...
Isley: What seperates you from I, Para? Good will? That'll be gone soon enough.
-... Perhaps you speak the truth. But truth won't stay my sword. Alucard, you know what to do.
*I sprint at immense speed and dart side to side, causing multiple visions of me to appear around me. The visions continue to run at Isely while I jump into the air and slice his face*
Isley: Pity you missed. *The wound doesn't heal*
souleaterfan320 said
*stares at isley* well hello there shit stain. ready to die?

Isley: Sad I stole your girlfriends' heart? *Chuckles lowly*
*I walk slowly to Isley*
Isley: Ah, my new bride. How goes it?
*Slices across Isley's chest faster than light, causing it to split open before healing*
Isley: I didn't even see your blade move. Impressive.
souleaterfan320 said
* sprints after you, catching up with ease*your forgeting a key thing about me, i am a tier four being, i can kill him whenever i want, it would just take me a while to do so.

*My neck cranes to look at you*
Tiers are irrelevant in the Abyssal Domain.
*Dives into the floor, causing a spout of blackness to consume me. You are teleported to me*
Isley: Well then, what do we have here? A rebellion already?
-Shut your face. You know I'm more powerful than you now.
Isley: True. But I'll always be more experienced.
souleaterfan320 said
*lips heal* agreed. he will not get away with his life this time.* my eyes glow a bright blood red, and i grin*. i cant wait to watch him die.

It will not be easy. But we will kill him.
*A visible change happens in my eyes as I look over you*
Though I doubt you'll be of much assistance. Follow me if you must.
*Sprints off into the distance*
souleaterfan320 said
so you still care... he didnt take everything,... i will kill him, and i will help you. i vowed to, i promise. i never break a promise.

We kill Isley. Then we kill all the regular Yoma.
*Pulls you toward me, and my lips brush yours, making them bleed*
All of them.
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